Welcome to the Raven's Mars Base

Due to the fact that the Raven's Captain was called to service as the need for the Raven's Anti-Borg research the Raven has been forced to create a base on a section on Mars. This base is where the Raven is docked when not on a mission set forth by MFI of Zone 2. You arrive at the Raven's Mars base docking port. A Raven support member hands you a map pad. It shows different areas of the base that are not off-limits to you. You are welcome to check out any of these buildings. You exit the docking port and hail the first cab. The driver asks, "Where to Mac?" You look at the Pad and see this list.

Raven Base Permitted Areas

Command and Control
Sciences and Research
Security Offices
Operations Building
Beam Aboard the Raven Ship
(Click on the building you want to go to.)

Email: captain@ussraven.com