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Why did you come to the links page? Don't you like Dragon Humor Z?

This is a collection of links, to the best DBZ pages ever made, bar one (this one).

THEY WORK NOW!! I checked them all.

Anime Web Turnpike


The Saiyan Psycho Just starting out, but choc-a-bloc full of multimedia!

DBZ Humor:

Temple O' Trunks The BEST overall page out there

If I Ever Become a Dragonball Z Character... Very VERY funny

Dragon Ball Z Goes Hollywood Very funny. I swear, some you have to go back and watch the movie scene... Just incase...

Pork 'n Senzu Beans Spam's page is excellent. Wish she updated, tho

The MTSing of... Dragonball-Z! By one of Cat's fav authors

King Kai's Planet I like this site. It is funny and origional. Look for Wendy's jokes on the jokes page.

The Piccolo Project The humor is a must but it's full of other great stuff too. Check it out, the web needs more great Piccolo pages.

Dragon Ball Wazoo Another site dedicated to just humor! Lots of "Fun Fun" humor everywhere. I love this site.

Aisle 66 Full of humour, all shelved for your convenience

Senzu Garden A small site, but very funny so far. So check it out.

The Black Cat on Dr. Brief's Shoulder Kawaii!!! and funny too, go see.

DBZ Insanity A funny site full of insane stuff. Worth seeing, believe me.


Other DBZ Links:

Dragonworld Z The complete Anime must-see site.

DBZ Uncersored Find out what all you've been missing. An inspiration for many a top 10 list, Worst FUNimation Lines comes to mind. **

Daizenshuu EX Formerly known as VegettoEX's Home Page. A truly great site. **

The Ultimate DBZ Information Site! I completly agree with the name. **



Some material on this site may be considered offensive. You have been warned.

This site last updated 7-Dec-03.