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Gohan: You were always a loser, Cell! Take this!!!!!!! Nyah!!!!!!!!!



The two warriors fire their Ki blasts. The blasts collide, creating an enormous explosion...



Gohan: No, I got caught in the explosion! I'm dying......*ack*



Cell: Oh no! I can't feel my legs! Oh wait... there they are, over on that rock..... AAHHH! The pain! I'm dying of blood loss! Curse you Gohan. Spend eternity in HFIL!!! Oh, everything's going dark! Who turned out the lights? *Ack, ack!* Go get help, Lassie! Tell Timmy I won't be comming home for Christmas! *cough, cough* Buu, you can have all my CDs. Dabura, my clothes. *Ack!* Well, at least I went down fighting! I may be dying, but I'll be back! You can't stop me so easily, I'll be waiting for you! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha--

Gohan: Oh, shut up and die already!!!!

Cell: Oops, sorry........*ack*!

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