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> Visual Humor > Double Take









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Welcome to Double Take! Since the title is a bit more creative than "Messed Up Pics" I'll explain. It's fun to take images and mess with them in image softwear. However, what good does it do if you can't show them to the whole wide world? Not a bit of good, so on with the creativity!


What?!?! What Mr. Popo really does when Kami's dead or something. By Wendy

New Senshi Meet the newest Sailor Scouts! By Wendy

Orange Poupon Very strange, but I like. By Saiyan Gina

Homemade Gohan Very strange, very VERY strange. By Saiyan Gina

Excuse me, ma'm... What Krillin does in his spare time... By Chip



Some material on this site may be considered offensive. You have been warned.

This site last updated 7-Dec-03.