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> Visual Humor > Fan Art, Page One









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A very nice drawing of the Prince of Saiyans in action. Drawn by: SSJ Vegeta

Doesn't Vegeta look oh so happy? Drawn by:Nicole

A calm and wary Piccolo stands guard. Drawn by Aleksey Kashtelyan

Cat: "Hey! It's me! Aren't I the cutest?" Drawn by: Wendy

All dressed up like in the MB Fic. Chaos is a baby saiyan, isn't she adorable? Drawn by: Cat

Watch out Frieza! You're about to lose your ankles! Drawn by Alaer Kino

Leda-chan drew this pic of me and Cat just hanging out and looking cute as usual. Thanks Leda-chan we love it ^_^ Drawn by Leda-chan

This is a kawaii pic of me dressed up in this demon costume and holding little marionete puppets of Cat and DB. Drawn by: Wendy

Awww, doesn't Dende look cute in his little kitty costume! Drawn by Wendy

This is a piccy of a oriental style dragon (Shenlong if you wish to say) holding a dragon ball with its tail. Drawn by: Wendy

Goes with the fic "Trouble For Piccolo". Wonder what the Namek warrior would look like after he got out from the spring? Drawn by Wendy

Gohan doesn't seem to happy in this pic. Wonder why? Drawn by Shadow

With his hotrod and his stylin clothes (bleh, yeah right) Gohan is ready to prowl the streets. Drawn by Wendy

A very nice pic of Goku in color by SSJ Kokoro

Goku stands proud while Shenlong and Prolunga float behind him back-to-back. Drawn by: SSJ Kokoro

Cat: "Aren't I cute?" Drawn by: Leda-chan

This is a pic of Leda-chan on Krillin's shoulders holding a bowling ball from her fanfic, "Taking to the Lanes". Drawn by Leda-chan

Wendy: "It's me! A little self character pic I did of my little saiyan/vampiric self." Drawn by: Wendy

All of the Z-gang is standing at attention behind the boy of the future. Drawn by: SSJ Kokoro

The handsome prince of Saiyans and a cute as a button Jeice face off without any shirts! Drawn by: Leda-chan


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This site last updated 7-Dec-03.