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> Written Humor > Funny stories









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Got a funny story? Submit it!


Princess Vegeta

The Day The Eternal Dragon Got Bored

A Day at the Beach

A Trip to Walmart

T'was The Night Before Christmas, Vegeta Style

A Day in the Life of a SaiyaHairball

Trouble with Catnip Taking place right after A Day in the Life of a SaiyaHairball


I'm a little...

Versions: Freeza - Raditz - Nappa - Buu - Cell - Goten - Goku

Flight of the Z-fighters

Anti-Cupids! * NEW* !
Bulma's getting married! To Goku that's wonderful news, until he finds out who the lucky man is! For the safety of the future, can he and Piccolo break up the happy couple?

Steve Golebiewski's

Frieza Beans:

Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5



Goku's First Book

The Saiyan Poetry Reading

A bad DBZ!

The screwed story of DBZ


SSJ 4 Goku

Bad Guys Return

Who Done It?

Camping Trip Day 1 (They're coming, they're coming, alright? Sheesh.)


Misc Authors

The Chibi Z Fighters' Day at School by SSJBulma

Vegeta and the Gang go to Vegas by SSJBulma

A FUNimation Nightmare by Saiyan Gina

Taking to the Lanes by Leda Chan

Wake up Call by Sugarangel

Pay Back Time by Lily Flower

Cinderella - DBZ style by Lily Flower

Vegeta's Bad Hair Day by Videl

Parent Teacher's Conference by Videl

Vegeta and the Teletubbies by

A Halloween Scare by Empress Sun

Unnamed (a Star Wars/DBZ crossover) by Johik Gotor

Vegeta and the Parent Therapy Session by Laura



Some material on this site may be considered offensive. You have been warned.

This site last updated 7-Dec-03.