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A bad DBZ!

Gohan is walking home through the forest, humming a
lively tune, when all of the sudden a big BOOOM! rocks
the forest.

Gohan runs to the crashed capsule to find Krillin in a
green dress, an unconsious Piccolo, Vegeta strapped
tightly in jeans, Tien in Chiautzu's clothing, and
Yajirobe eating marbles!

"Good God!", yelled Gohan, "What happened?!"

"Yajirobe!Your'e a moron!", yelled Vegeta

"What's going on?",Gohan asked again

"Who wants to know?"mumbled Vegeta.

"I'll tell you what happened",said Tien.

"I was walking from the drycleaners with Chiautzu's
dirty laundry, when I saw Piccolo whatcing some
strange play..."

"This play is so boring", said Piccolo, "I only came
here for the free water!"

Piccolo turned around and started towards the door.

"You can't go!",yelled the midgit that played the
little girl.

"You still have to see me perform!"

Piccolo easily blew the head off of the midgit who
blocked his way.

"Oh no!", yelled the director.

"We need a stand-in for the little kid!"

"You can use me",said Krillin, overhearing the

"Oh, alright", said the director.

"HA", yelled Krillin,"did you actually think I'll play
some short midgit?! I just wasn't allowed to eat
vegetables as a kid!"

"Who you calling short!",yelled all of the other

They all started beating extremely hard on Krillin and

"AHHH!!!",Piccolo and Krillin yelled as they ran, with
the midgits hot on their tail.

Krillin and Piccolo quicly jumped up to the top of a
high building, where they were safe.

Unfortunately, down below, the midgits mistaked Tien
for Krillin, and beat him up, stealing everything but
his underwear, and Chaiutzu's clothing.

"I'm so embaressed!",yelled Tien.

So, having no other choice, Tien put on Chaiutzu's
clothing.It fit him horribly...

"I think we're safe", said Krillin.

"Yeah, safe from the ultimate embaressment"

"Hey! There they are!", yelled the leader of the
midgit army, who had just entered through the stairs.

"Run!", yelled Krillin.

Krillin and Piccolo jumped down from the roof, and ran
as fast as they could.

On the way down the alley that the twosome were
running through to escape the maniacal midgits, they
ran into Tien.

"Run!",Krillin exclaimed.

Knowing the destructive nature of the little army,
Tien ran along with Piccolo and Krillin.

Up ahead was a pipe, which Tien and Piccolo jumped
easily. Unfortunately(Or maybe not!)Krillin tripped
over it because of his incredibly short legs.

"Owie!",yelled Krillin.

The midgits engulfed Krillin, and stuffed him in a
green dress.

"Looks like your playing the part of the little girl
after all", one midgit snickered.

Krillin ran faster than ever before, and caught up to
Tien and Piccolo, who didn't even notice he had been

"Let's duck inside that Sears store up ahead!", Tien

Krillin, Piccolo, and Tien quickly zoomed into Sears
and ducked into a fitting room stall, with the midgits
zooming right past.

"I think we're safe, for now", said Piccolo.

"You had better have a good reason for being in
here",growled a voice.

The three terrified characters whirled around to find
Vegeta with no shirt on, wearing a way-too-tight pair
of jeans.

"What's YOUR reason for being here?", asked Krillin.

Vegeta glowed bright red.

"Hey! I found 'em!", taddled a midgit who happened to
peek in.

"Oh no!", yelled Vegeta,"those guys beat me up
before, we have to get outta here!"

"Let's just fly", mumbled Piccolo.

"No way! Those guys got jet capsules!",yelled Tien.

The Z-fighters had no time to ask Vegeta how he got
involved with the midgits, because they were getting
ready to burst in through the door! The frightened
warriors ran through the wall, to find Yajirobe eating
a hot-dog next to his capsule-jet.

"Let's go!",yelled Tien, dragging Yajirobe into the

"Drive!",yelled Vegeta, for only Yajirobe knew how.

Yajirobe was upset that his hot-dog was trampled, but
he took off, and they were flying over the woods.

"Hey!",yelled Yajirobe,"I'll eat my marbles!"

"Don't you keep Senzu beans in there?", asked Krillin.

"Yeah, but marbles taste much better"

Yajirobe looked at Krillin.

"What's with the dress?"

"Watch the wheel!", yelled Piccolo.

Yajirobe was so busy eating marbles, that he took his
eyes off the sky, and the jet started to spiral
towards the ground.

"AHHHHHHH",everyone yelled.

Piccolo hit his head hard on a beam, knocking him



"And that's what happened",concluded Tien

Piccolo then woke up, joining in on insulting
Yajirobe, who was still finishing the marbles.

"At least there gone!",said Gohan.

"Hey!I found 'em again",yelled the midgit.

"RUN!", everyone except Gohan yelled.

They all ran and ran to the Son house, to find
Chi-Chi, waiting at the door.

"What are you all running from?", she asked.

"MIDGITS!",everyone yelled.


Chi-Chi looked into the woods.


And once again, the whole crowd took off running.

----------------------THE END!!??--------------------