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Vegeta was sleeping peacefully, his mouth was twisted into a smirk with a little drool in the corner. In his dream he had just finally beaten Kakarrot and was about to finish him off when...

"Vegeta!" Bulma shook his shoulder. "Wake up, Vegeta!" He snarled something and shoved his head under the pillow. "Fine then, be that way" Vegeta heard her walking away and grinned to himself, thinking she had given up. Then he tensed in sudden fear. She wouldn't......

"Kids, go wake up daddy, then you can go to the beach." Vegeta struggled to sit up but even with his saiyjin speed he wasn't fast enough. Two little purple haired blurs tackled him.

"Otousan! You promised! You said we could go to the beach!" Vegeta stood up, trying to shake off the two little anklebitters.

"Alright alright! Let go, we'll go to the beach!" He got them detached eventually. "Alright brats, go get your swimsuits on." He went to the closet. "Bulma, where did you hide the swimsuits?"

"In the drawer, where they always are" He mumbled something, probably dirty, and dug out a speedo. Meanwhile Bulma was helping the kids dress. Trunks was wearing a blue pair of, what else, trunks. Bra had on a cute little pink swimsuit with a bow on the front. Vegeta also put on a Big Johnson t-shirt, he did admit the humans had some very funny ideas of humor. Plus he didn't want to tempt the author gods that females might get terminal nosebleeds too. Once Bulma had made sure they weren't forgetting anything important, sunscreen, towels, etc. she popped out a capsule car and went off for a shopping trip. Vegeta glared at the two kids.

"Behave, or we can come right back home, understand?" "Of course, Outousan." Trunks said, eyes wide with innocence. Bra nodded. "Why don't I believe you" Vegeta grumbled to himself. "Alright, in the car" Trunks and Bra immediately started arguing over who got in the front seat. Vegeta settled it by saying they both had to stay in the back seat. They were quiet for about 5 minutes, then it started

"Trunks is making faces at me!"

"Am not!"

"Are too!"

"Well you won't keep your toys on your side"

"You keep poking me!"

"Outousan! Make her be quiet!"

"You're the one who needs to be quiet!"

"HUSH! BOTH OF YOU!" Vegeta snarled. "One more argumentative word out of either of you and I'm turning this car around!" This time the quiet lasted about 10 minutes. Then:

"Outousan, how much longer?" Trunk's said, squirming. "I gotta pee" Vegeta looked back "Didn't you remember to go right before we left?"

"I did! But I gotta pee again."

"Can't you hold it?"

"No!" Trunks was squirming frantically.

"Ok, we're almost to a gas station, just hold it until then, if you don't Bulma's gonna be mad" Trunks nodded, biting his lip. Vegeta pulled into a gas station, Trunks shot out of the car, heading full saiyjin speed to the bathroom. Vegeta noticed that Bra was being unusually quiet. "What is it, brat?"

"I feel carsick" She said, looking sorta green. Vegeta suddenly thought of what Bulma would do to him if he brought the new car back with vomit stains. He quickly got out of the car, opening the door and picking her up to set her on the ground. He wasn't quite fast enough.

"Sorry" she whispered as Vegeta stripped off his shirt. "So much for that shirt, at least it wasn't the car. No more sweets before traveling, brat"

She grinned a little "Gottcha" Then Trunks came back, looking relieved. Then he sniffed "What's that smell? And what happened to your shirt, Outousan?"

"Nothing, get in the car, brat" As they started off, Vegeta sent a quick prayer to Kami-Samma that no more disasters would happen between there and the beach.


To Chapter Two