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Chapter Two

Amazingly enough, nothing else did happen on the way. When they got there, however, it was a different story.

"Otousan! Trunks stepped on my sandcastle!"

"It was in the way!"

"Was not!"

"Was too!"

Vegeta started looking for an escape route. As he glanced around, he suddenly thought of a plan. There, farther down the beach, was Chi Chi sunning with Videl and Goten playing nearby.

"Hmph, looks like we're not the only ones taking a beach trip" Vegeta muttered, making sure to be just loud enough for Trunks and Bra to overhear.

"Hmm? What do you mean, outousan?" Vegeta snorted "Just that it looks like Goten's here too"

*WHOOM* Trunks ran down the beach to greet his friend, Bra running after him yelling "Wait for me!"

Vegeta smirked to himself. Good, it worked, now to find a place to relax where the two kid-distructo's won't find me that easily. He looked around. Perfect! A little ways away there was an area of the beach with a tall fence around it and a sign that read "Nude Beach, No One Under 18" Vegeta smirked and headed to it.

Thankfully it was empty, nothing was more hideous than an overweight old human, and they all seemed to delight in wearing even less than him.

He stripped off his speedo and sprawled out on a warm towel.

(*Note, here the author gods pause to drool and think VERY impure thoughts)

The sun beat down warmly on his compact, muscular body, the ocean provided a soothing background roar, muffling the noises of kids shrieking and pretty much everything else. He was almost relaxed enough to doze off when he suddenly felt other high kis around him. He froze, hoping the highest ki he felt didn't belong to who he thought it did.

"Hiya Vegeta!" Oh Kami NO! Vegeta leaped to his feet, battle reflexes causing him to protect his more valuable parts. Goku was standing, like he always did, proudly, facing Vegeta. And bare to the world. Heh, he's more saiyjin than he thinks Vegeta thought before he could viciously repress the thought. Wait, where are the other kis? Vegeta glanced behind Goku to see Gohan, in the same state as his father, trying to convince Piccolo to come out of the undressing room. Gohan was being very unfair.

"Oh, is brave Mr. Piccolo, the one who killed Raditz, the one who could beat Frieza's second form, who was once the almighty Demon King, afraid to bare it all in front of a few saiyjins, two of which you've known most of your life?"

Piccolo snarled, blushing " Kid, have you ever once even seen me with my shoes off? You think I'm taking it all off in a public place?"

Goku turned around and laughed "He's got you there, Gohan"

Meanwhile Vegeta took advantage of Goku's momentary distraction to wrap a towel around his waist, grab his speedos, and blast out of there.

(*Author gods pause again to think of the possible fanmanga and start drooling again*)

Out of sight, he changed back into his speedos, then went to find Trunks and Bra. It was a struggle that made defeating Frieza look like a cakewalk, but he got them away from the Son family and into the car, and headed back home. By this time, Vegeta remembered that he had forgotten to apply sunscreen.

Trunks never knew how close he was to death when he asked the tired, cranky, sandy, sunburnt Vegeta "That was real fun! Can we go back tomorrow?"

The End

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