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Chapter 2

Unexpected Guests

Goku and Gohan prepared to leave to try and find the rest of the Z gang, suddenly there was a knock at the door. Gohan answered it and there stood a tall, dark haired, well endowed, young lady in a skimpy black leather bikini.

"Hey kid, do you have any idea where we are and where that storm came from?" She asked.

Then an all around smaller young lady ran up. "Nahga! What have I told you about knocking on strange people's doors?"

"Oh lighten up, Lina" Nahga replied with a laugh that broke several of Chi-Chi's dishes and caused Goku and Gohan to cover their ears.

"Who are you anyway?" Goku asked.

"Well, I'm the great Nahga and..."

"That's Nahga, she's a pain in the butt and she follows me around for some reason, I'm Lina Inverse"

"Aww, you don't mean that do you, Lina?"

"Of course" Lina replied.

"I'm Son Goku, this is my son Gohan and my wife Chi-Chi" Goku said.

"Nice to meet you, now where the HFIL are we?"

"Here of course!" Goku said with a stupid grin.

"Wait a sec, why am I talking like this? I can't even say *BEEP*! Grrrr, of course!" Lina raised her arms "Censor Smash!"

There was a slight earthquake.

"There, now how the hell did we get here?"

"I don't know." Gohan said. "But maybe some of our friends might know, I bet they all went to Master Roshi's with all this strange stuff going on. You two can fly, right?"

"Of course" Lina said. "Free winds!"

As the four of them took off, Chi-Chi stood at the door yelling "Gohan! You forgot your study books!"

"Is she usually like that, kid?" Nahga asked.

"No, usually worse" Gohan replied with a grin.


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