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Chapter 3

A Few More Guests

They made it to the tiny island. As they went inside Kame House they saw everyone was there and more.

Yamcha had two girls, one with pointy ears and a tail, clinging to him and glaring at each other.

Bulma was flirting with a tall warrior.

Vegeta was glaring at a small creature clinging to him leg and going "Pika!"

Krillin was talking to three kids, explaining that Chao-tzu and Puar weren't "pokemon."

Puar was talking with two other cats, one black one white, both with cresent moons on their foreheads.

Master Roshi and Oolong were drooling over five girls in sailor outfits.

Tien was talking with another girl that looked like a warrior.

And Piccolo was talking to a man with pointed years and a little light hovering behind him.

Yamcha looked over.

"H-hey Goku, I-I'm gonna go see if there's any more visators, k?" He stammered, shaking off Rasha and Fam then bolting out the door.

Rasha went over and started clinging to Goku while Fam raced over and started prying Pikachu off of Vegeta.

"Aww, how cute! Will you be my friend, little fellow? I'm Wiggen so I like having lots an lots of animal friends and spirit friends and people friends and... Ooo is that a spirit?!"


Fam grabbed up Pikachu and raced off to where Link and Nabi were. Oolong and Master Roshi turned away from the Sailor Scouts long enough to get a good look at Nahga.

Master Roshi's nose started to bleed as as Oolong poked him and whispered "You don't need to ask to see that chick's panties, that's all she's wearing!"

Gohan looked around. "Does anyone here know how all these people got here?"

Fam looked up from petting Pikachu. "Ihrie! Do you think it could have anything to do with that nice Mr. Dragon we saw right before we got here?"

"I bet that's it, it's the Eternal Dragon's fault!" Krillin yelled.

"Hey, no problem. We just gather up the dragonballs and wish everything back to normal." Bulam said, taking her eyes off Migel's muscles for a moment.

"Probably won't be that easy" Lina said "We were all brought here, and I bet our enemies were too. I don't know about the rest of you, but Nahga and I have fought some real hellspawn."

Everyone nodded.

Then Ihrie spoke up. "Do you get the feeling that is is all some big set up game? All of us meeting here, and everything so calm outside. We're being given time to figure out all out assits ("and what assets some of us have" whispered Master Roshi) and plan out attack"

"So we need to find out what talents everyone has so we know what we're fighting with, and everyone's worst enemies so we know what we're up against." Gohan said.


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