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Cinderella - DBZ style

A Play

Gohan(narrater): In a land far far away, there lived a girl named mean Cinderella. She lived with her eviel stepmother and two ugly step sisters.....

Bra: I am not ugly!

Gohan:*ahem* So, Cinderella lived with her eviel stepmother and step sisters. They made her do all the chores at home. But, Mar-Cinderella, was a kind pretty girl that loved and cared for everything.

Marron: *sweeps the floor humming* My, what a beautiful day today! *stops sweeping for awhile and gazes out the window*

Pan: uh, is it my turn now? Ok, *ahem* Get back to work, ya lazy dumb blonde!! Was that good?

Bra: Yup! Ok, um, you get to work or I'll tell!

Marron: Alright, alright, i'm sweeping! *mutters* ungrateful brats!

Videl: *walks in* What going on in here?

Pan: Mar- I mean Cinderella ain't doing her chores!

Videl: Now, M-Cinderella, You lazy dumb blonde! Now you're gonna have to do the dishes, mop the floor, vacum, dust, do the laundry, take out the garbage, mow the lawn, wash, make the beds, cook dinner, AND feed the cat!

Pan: and you say it like that's a bad thing!

Marron: But i did all of that...twice!

Bra: Guess you'll have to do it all again!

*laughing, the 3 leave*

Marron: *sighs, and gets to work*

Gohan: Meanwhile, in the kingdom, there lived King Vegeta, Queen Bulma, and there son Prince Trunks. They are discussing matters.....

Bulma: Son, You must marry someone! Your father and I won't be around much longer and besides....I want grandchildren!!

Vegeta: *Is eating a drumstick*

Trunks: But mother, i haven't found that special someone yet! I wanna marry for love, like you and father did!

Vegeta and Bulma: *Snorts*

Vegeta: *waves his drumstick around and points it at Trunks* Bah! Forget that lovey dovey stuff! We marry others according to their power levels! And you better produce a son, or else! He better be strong to ya know! No grandson of mine, is gonna turn out to be a sissy human wannabe!

Trunks: Then why did you marry mon if she was so weak....

Vegeta: *smirks* I can't tell you that, them younger ones could be reading this story! This is supposed to be PG ya know!

Trunks: *shudders*

Bulma: Vegeta! *blushes* And anywayz, what's wrong with having a girls!?

Vegeta: *chuckles* Quick to change the subject, heh woman? And a grand daughter! Really! He's not gonna have a daughter! Not MY son!

Bulma: You sexist!

Vegeta: *looks down and notices he finished eating his drumstick* Hey! Get me some more drumsticks!!!!!!!!

*Yamcha appears holding a plate of drumsticks*

Vegeta: Ha Ha! Oh cool! Yamcha's my slave! *gigglez*

Yamcha: shut up

Bulma: *snaps her fingers* I got it! We'll have a ball and invite all the ladies in the land! There's got to be at least one girl Trunks would want to marry!

Trunks: *sighs* Sure why not

Gohan: So the invitations were sent and one made it's way to Cinderella's home.....

Door: Knock Knock

Marron: *opens the door*

Krillin: Good moring miss! Here you go! *gives the invintation and leaves*

Marron: *reads it outloud* You are invited to a ball to meet the prince tommorrow night! Oh my gosh!!!!!!!!!!!

Pan: *snatches the letter out of her hand and reads it*

Pan and Videl: OH MY GOSH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Videl: Bra dear, aren't you excited to meet the prince!?

Bra: um...not really.....considering that he IS my brother........

Marron: I can't wait to go!

everybody:..................Ha Ha Ha Ha!

Gohan: So all day and night, Cinderella slaved and sewed to make dresses for her two step sisters. On the night of the ball, they left without a thankyou or a goodbye

Marron: *starts cryng*

*Suddenly, Piccolo appears wearing a pink tutu a crown and a wand*

Piccolo: Hi! I'm Your Fairy God Namek! Everybody has one!

Marron: *stops crying* Oh fairy god namek, are you going to grant my to go to the ball?

Piccolo: No, I'm here with this tutu just for kicks, of course I'm here to grant your wish! Dumb blonde.....

Marron: I wish everyone would quit calling me that......

Piccolo: Ok, so I'll do the hocus pocus thing now......*waves his wand and a limo and a chauffeur appears*

Marron: A limo and a chauffeur!? I thought a coach and some horses were supposed to appear.......

Piccolo: Hun, this is the 2Oth century, the year 2001!

Marron: Oh...right! Now what should I wear? *looks down at her rags*

Piccolo: Hmmmmm....Ok I got it! *waves the wand*

Marron: *looks down* Oh my......

Piccolo: Oh my as in bad or oh my as in good?

Marron: Good! Really Good! *is wearing a blue dress. Ok ok, I'm not good a describing stuff so you're gonna have to use your imagination!*

Piccolo: And the finishing touch.....*waves the wand again and a pair of glass slippers appears on Marron's feet*

Marron: They're beautiful! But...uh...they're a bit too big. About 3 sizes too big....

Piccolo: Sorry, but I hafta make sure the story turns out all right!

Marron: Oh..oh well! Thank you fairy God Namek! *hugz*

Piccolo: Hey, hey hey! Watch it! *adjusts his crown* And remember, by the stroke of midnight, you'll turn back to the person you were before!

Marron: I'll remember! Thanks again! *goes into the limo and rides off to the palace*

At the ball........

Trunks: *talking to a sleazy brunette* So the guy says, i dunno, but I wouln't buy that cow if I were you!

sleazy brunette: Ha Ha Ha Ha!

Trunks: *smirks*

*suddenly Marron walks in*

Crowd of people: ...............

Goten: *Nudging Trunks* Trunks, it's your que!

Trunks: Wha? Uh, oh yeah, ok. *walks towards Marron* May I have this dance?

Marron: *blushes* Yes.....

Pan: Who is she?

Videl: I don't know.....

Gohan: After their many dances, they deciede to take a walk outside...

Trunks: My, what a beautiful night tonight

Marron: Yes, it is

*Clock strikes 12:00*

Clock: Bong! Bong! Bong! Bong! Bong!

Marron: Oh no! I must Go!

Trunks: Wait! I don't even know your name!

*runs away leaving a slipper behind* Trunks: *picks up the slipper, and turns to Krillin who was right beside him* Go through out the land and find her! If she can fit this slipper, she is fit for me! I will marry her!

Krillin: ok

Gohan: So Krillin flew around the land in search of the mysterios girl, when he finally reached Cinderella's home....

Pan: *puts her foot in the slipper, it was too big* Dammit....

Bra: *tries on the slipper too but it's also too big* Damn, she has big feet!

Marron: excuse me... could I try?

Krillin: *shrugs* sure

Marron: *puts her foot in..too big*

Krillin: Too was close..only 3 sizes too big...oh well! Have a nice day!

Marron: No! It was mine, it's just that my fairy god namek mad them too big!

everybody:............Ha Ha Ha Ha!

Krillin: Look kid, do you know how many times I've heard that!? If I had a quarter everytime someone said that, I'd be a rich man! Puhleeze! Who ever heard of a fairy god Namek? A fairy god that's something else... but a Namek?

Marron: But I can prove it! *takes out the other glass slipper*

Krillin: Jumping jahosaphich! You're the one!

Then blah blah blah, Trunks marries "Cinderella", Vegeta got a strong grandson AND grandaughter,and all the drumsticks he desired, Bra and Pan married eventually, and everyone lived happily ever after!

The End

Author's note

Thank you to all the people who emailed me to tell me to write another story! I didn't mean to be, mean either! Blonde people are not dumb! And Marron doesn't have much of a part in DBZ and Gt, so I made her Cinderella and cuz I luv her! So email and hate mail comments or suggestions to: Thankyou!