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Based on Star Wars created by George Lucas

And Dragon Ball created by Akira Toriyama



Not so long ago in a galaxy not so far away…









It is a period of civil war for the alliance Blah blah blah yada yada yada

The big galactic empire doin` bad stuff yak yak yak who reads this any way, built big planet killer

Thingy … rebel spy guy stole a technical read out type thing of the mega

Planet killer… now princess Bra is on her way to planet Deneva to deliver The plans to be scanned and yak yak yak and so on and so on and Blah restore peace to the galaxy…




If you can read this you don’t need glasses



(Princess Bra’s ship being shot at by Imperial ship)(Robots resembling Krillin and Goku walking)(Explosion)

C-krillin-0: Did you here that?

R2-goku: (beep bleep beep)

C-krillin-0: they’ve shut down the main reactor, will be destroyed for sure. (banging)

R2-goku (muffled): I CAN’T BREATHE IN THIS DAMN COSTUM!!!!!

C-krillin-0: shut up. (alarm)

Ship’s Captain over intercom: WE HAVE BEEN BORED I REPET WE HAVE BEEN BORED!!!(Imperial troops boarding rebel ship)(Rebel troops and Imperial troops shooting each other)(Rebels run of)(Darth Vegeta enters the room)

Darth Vegeta (deep voice): where are those plans you intersepted? (holding rebel troop by neck) (macanacal breathing)

Male Rebel troop: we intersepted no transmtion this is a consoler ship, were’re on a diplomadic mishion.(strugeling to breath)

Darth Vegeta: If this is a consoler ship is the ambassador?(breaks rebel troop’s neck) commander tare this ship apart bring me the crew and passengers I want them alive!

Male Rebel troop: I’m not really hurt ya know I’m just acting.

Darth Vegeta (normal voice): oh, shut up.

[Else where]

C-krillin-0: R2-goku? Where are you?

Princess Bra: (putting disc in R2-goku, runs off)

C-krillin-0: (enters room) there you are.

R2-goku: (beep beep bee beep)

C-krillin-0: wha?

Goku (muffled): stay in character moron.

[Else where]

Princess Bra: (hiding behind wall)

Male Imperial Troop: look, over their, get her!

[Else where]

C-krillin-0: (R2-goku rolls off) where are you going?

R2-goku: (beep bleep bee beep)

C-krillin-0: mission? What mission?

R2-goku: (opens door to escape pod) (beep)

Male Imperial troops (from behind): Look their, BLASTEM`!!!

Rebel troop (from behind): Take cover!

C-krillin-0: ALL RIGHT ALL RIGHT! Ya stupid…(Both get in escape pod)(pod launches)

[Imperial ship]

Male Imperial officer: look there’s an escape pod.

Male Officer #2: don’t shoot, there’s no life form.

[Rebel ship]

(Rebel troops walking down hall with Imperial troops pointing guns at them)

Princess Bra: Dad what the hell are you doing?

Darth Vegeta: shut up, stay in character (deep voice) don’t act so surprised you weren’t on a diplomatic mission, transmissions were beemed to this ship by rebel spies what have you done with those planes?!

Princess Bra: what in hell are you talking about? I’m a member of the Imperial senate.

Darth Vegeta: you are part of the rebel alliance and a traitor, TAKE HER AWAY!(Imperial troops take Bra away)(Normal voice) god I love my job!

Commander: lord Vegeta we could not find the plans for the Planet Killer Thing…an escape pod was launch, no life forms were abroad.

Drath Vegeta (deep voice): she must have put the plans in the pod, send some one to find it see to in personably commander, there’ll be no one to stop us this time!

Commander: Pffft! Yeah, “No one”.

[Mean while on planet Regula]

(R2-goku and C-krillin-0 screaming) (Escape pod crashes)

R2-goku (muffled): holy *hit dude.

C-krillin-0: I tolled you we should’ve put more then 5 bucks worth of gas in!

R2-goku (muffled): shut up you--…what the hell happened to you? Some one forgot to build ya a nose?

C-krillin-0: you worthless-- what the hell is that? (large land craft approaches)(Olong walks out)Who are you?

Olong: (pulls out gun)(shoots R2-goku and C-krillin-0)


Imperial troop: some one was in the pod.

Troop #2: look sir, droids.

[Else where Later on]

(Large land craft approaches small farm, Adult Gohan walks out of farm)


Trunks: COMING!

Olong: (speaking alien language)

Gohan: uh-huh…(looks at C-krillin-0)You, what are you programmed to do?

C-krillin-0: I am C-krillin-0 I have been programmed with over 300 million forms of communication.

Gohan: …works for me, I’ll take em`, and that one (points to R2-goku) HEY TRUNKS!!! Take these droids and clean them.

Trunks: ah, do I have to?

Gohan: yes.

Trunks: oh! Come on, your not even my real uncle.

Gohan: Shut up and get to work!

[5 minutes later]

Trunks: so how’d you get this mark? (Points to mark on C-krillin-0)

C-krillin-0: I was shot by an Imperial troop.

Trunks: WHAT?! You guys are with the rebel alliance?!

C-krillin-0: that’s correct sir.

Trunks: (starts scraping dust off R2-goku) say uh, what’s this do-hickey? (Loud beep)

R2-goku: (projects holographic image of princess Bra)

Holographic image of princess Bra: Help me Kame wan Senen PLEASE! (Repeating)

Trunks: who the hell is that?

R2-goku (muffled): oh $#!%, I mean (beep bee beep whistle)(message repeats)

Trunks: Kame wan Senen?

C-krillin-0: do you know who he’s talking about?

Trunks: I don’t know any one named Kame wan Senen but I know a guy named Roshi wan Senen he’s an old pervert, you should see his porno stash…(message repeats) I think I should listen to the whole message.

R2-goku: (whistle beep)

C-krillin-0: he say the bolt thingy that the Olong put in him messed up the message thing.

Trunks: ok (pulls bolt thingy off of R2-goku)(message turns off) HEY!

R2-goku: (muffled laughing) SUCKER!


Trunks: we don’t have a dog.

Gohan (in other room): none the less GET OVER HERE AND EAT YOUR DAMN FOOD!!!

Trunks: Coming! Ya jack ass.

[Later on]

Trunks: hey where’s R2-goku?

C-krillin-0: um… funny thing about that… that bolt thing you took of em`… with out it he ran of.

Trunks: aw nuts… we can’t leave to look for him now bunch alien monster things would kill us… damn robot

[Next day in the middle of a desert]

Trunks: (driving land-craft) there he is, on scanner.(land-craft stops in front of R2-goku)

R2-goku: (beep beep tweet whistle)

C-krillin-0: nice goin` ya stupid little…(distant roar)

Trunks: what was that…huh? WHAT THE!?-- (Big monster thing jumps out of no where, Punches trunks)

C-krillin-0: (falls down)

R2-goku: (rolls in to cave)

Monster thing: (snarling) (Old man approaches)(monster thing runs of)

Old Man: Hey you! You in the cave! I can take ya, don’t think I can’t! (kicking air)(falls down)OH!

R2-goku: (sigh) (rolls out)

Trunks: (wakes up) huh? Roshi?… Roshi wan Senen?

Old Man: Huh? Trunks? What are you doin` here?…oh! you want more of those “adult books” eh? All right.

Trunks: no I came here because of this driod, it has a message for Kame wan Senen do you know him?

Roshi: yeah I know em`…he’s me…I think… but I don’t remember owning a droid…we better go inside before more monsters show up.

[2 minutes later] if you are reading this you don’t need glasses

Trunks: my father didn’t fight in the war, he was a navigator on a Romulan frigate.

Roshi: that’s what your uncle told you… he’s not even you real uncle…I was once a Ki-warrior.

Trunks: a what?

Roshi: well it kinda` like a telepathic guy, and shinny…and then it’s creamy and da, uh…any way, your father wanted you to have this when you were old enough…you father’s…laser…sword…thing…

Trunks: how’d my father die?

Roshi: a young apparatus of mine named Darth Vegeta who was a pupil of mine until he turned to evil, he bettered and murdered your father…For hundreds of years the Ki protected the galaxy, they’re still alive but where they are now they’ll wish they were dead… now you said you had a message for me?

Trunks: I found it while cleaning this droid.

R2-goku: (projects holographic image of princess Bra)


Holographic image of Bra: General Senen you need to deliver the plans in this R2 unite to Deneva, this information is vital to the survival of the rebel alliance, please HELP ME KAME WAN SENEN PLEASE!!!!!

Roshi: …you must learn the way of the Ki if you are to come with me to Deneva.

Trunks: I can’t go to Deneva, I’ve got work to do.

Roshi: that’s your uncle talking, even tough he’s not you real uncle.

Trunks: … I can take you to a near by city maybe you can get a ship there.

Roshi: and maybe some more porn magazines.

[Mean while on the Imperial Planet Killer thing]

(Admirals conference room)

(Vegeta and several men sitting at a table)

Commander Tou pie pie: until this battle station is on line we are venerable the rebel alliance is to well equipped.

Admiral Myuu: Dangerous to you star fleet General, not to the battle station.

Darth Vegeta: don’t be too proud of this technological terror you’ve constructed, the ability to destroy a planet is insignificant next to the power of the Force-- (normal voice) I mean the Ki, whatever the hell that means.

Governor Raditz: nice goin` idiot, now we’re gonna get sued.

General Tou pie pie: none the less…your stupid religion has not gotten us any closer to finding the reb--(struggling to breathe)

Darth Vegeta (deep voice): I find your lack of faith Disturbing.

Governor Raditz: that’s enough, Vegeta release him.

Vegeta: as you wish.

Tou pie pie: (gasping)

Raditz: this bickering is pointless, Vegeta will provide us with the location of the rebel base by the time this station is on line (soft chuckle) they will suffer a fate worse then death (insane laughing)

Tou pie pie: you’ve been inhaling next to snow-borders again, haven’t you?

[Back on Regula]

(At the ruins of Olong large land craft)

Trunks: what happened here?

Roshi: Imperial troops did this.

Trunks: what makes you so sure.

Roshi: look their, moron a dead troop.

Trunks: why would empyreal troops wantna` kill Olongs?(looks at R2-goku and C-krillin-0)if they traced the androids here then they’d find out who they sold them to and…(gets in to land speeder, drives off)

Roshi: WAIT!

Trunks: (arrives at destroyed farm, Gohan lying dead)(gasp!)(sigh) (Roshi and droids arrive) I’m gonna` miss that bastard… even though he once got drunk and tried to impale me threw the head with a chair… and that time he started firing off rounds from his blaster at me… I want to go with you and learn the way of the Ki, whatever the hell that means

[Mean while on the planet killer] if you are reading this you have no life

Darth Vegeta: Now Princess Bra we will discuss the location of the rebel base. (pulls out bottle of Vodka, pours it down Bra’s throat)

[Later on Regula at a near by city]

Roshi: Mass Icey you’ll never find a more retched hive of scum and villainy… accept maybe L.A.

(all driving thew city, Imperial troop stops them)

Imperial troop: how long have you had these droids?

Trunks: um…uh…

Roshi: are you sure that you can see in in that helmet?

Troop: what?

Roshi: if you’ll look closely you’ll see that these aren’t droids, they’re Robots.(waves hand)

Troop: oh yeah! Well were lookin` for droids so go on.

Trunks: There’s no difference.

Roshi: shut up boy. (Roshi Trunks, R2-goku and C-krillin-0 enter bar full of aliens)

Alien: (holding cell phone) E.T. phone home.

Alien#2 (deep voice): If you go to Za’ha’doom you will die.


R2-goku (muffled): I’m hungry can I get some food?

C-krillin-0: androids don’t eat stupid.

R2-goku (muffled): but we’re just acting, we’re not really robots.

Trunks: androids.

R2-goku: whatever. but I’m still hungry…

Alien#5: Hey! You!

Trunks: Huh?

Alien#5: We don’t take kindly to Hue-mans around hear.

Trunks: I’m Saiyan.

Alien#5: Well we don’t take kindly to Saiyanz either, you think you’re so hot with your tail!

Trunks: I don’t have a tail, it was cut off when I was younger.

Alien#5: We don’t take kindly to tail-less Saiyanz!

Alien#3: Hey bud there’s a beautiful woman over there. (Points to woman siting at table)

Alien#5: Hey! We don’t take kindly to beautiful women around here!

Trunks: …moron.

Bar Tender: hey! We don’t serve there kind here!

Trunk: what?

Bar Tender: your droids, we don’t want them here.

Roshi: there not droids they’re uh…from…Canada.

Bar Tender: oh, in that case, come on in!

Roshi: this guy says he knows a pilot that’ll take us to Deneva. (Trunks, Roshi sit down at table with to men)

Man: I’m Goten Solo Captain of the…Capsule Corpspider ship…thing…from DBGT, and this is Jeice.

Jeice (James Doohan’s voice): hello.

Goten: so you guys are looking for passage to the Denevin system.

Roshi: yeah.

Goten: what’s the cargo?

Roshi: only passengers, myself, the boy, two droids,… and no questions.

Goten: what is it ya want to avoid some sort of local trouble?

Roshi: now what did I just say?

Goten: none the less, this is going to cost ya extra-- 17,000.

Trunks: WHAT?!! Why yo--

Roshi: shut up Trunks. Will you take a check?

Goten: sure.

Roshi: (pulls out checkbook) ok how do you spell your last name?

Goten: S-O-L-O

Roshi: ok here ya go… sucker.(hands check to Goten)

Goten: all right, we leave in 10 minutes, docking bay 4 (Trunks and Roshi leave) all right! This could really save my butt Scotty, get the ship ready.

Jeice: aye sir.(walks off)

Alien#6: (speaking alien language)

Goten: yes Burter I was going to see your boss, tell Freezer I’ve got his money.

Burter: (alien language)

Goten: Yak yak yak yak yak. (pulls out gun, shoots Burter)

[Back on the Planet Killer]

Darth Vegeta (normal voice): HOW THE HELL CAN SHE DRINK THAT MUCH KLINGON VODKA AND NOT GET DRUNK!?! (If you can read this you don’t need glasses)

Governor Raditz: well she did pass out.

Darth Vegeta: well I thought she’d get drunk and tell us where the rebel base is.

Raditz: you shouldn’t have use Klingon Vodka.

Vegeta: yeah well…

Raditz: perhaps she’d respond to a different form of persuasion, set cores for Deneva.

Male Officer: yes sir.

[Later on at Spider ship from GT]

Cold the Hut (alien language): <Solo, I know you’re in their Solo!>

Goten: right here Cold.

Cold: <I’m a vary busy man, so I’ll get to the point, give me my money or die.>

Goten: ok, here, I deposited a check.

Cold the Hut: <ok, see ya later.>

[5 minutes later]

Trunks: what a piece of crap, ya call that a ship?

Goten: no, I call that a public rest room, that is my ship. (points to ship)

Trunks: none the less, it’s still a piece of crap.

Goten: shut up and get in. (all get in ship)

Imperial troop (from behind): THIRE THEY ARE BLAST EM`!!!(troops start shooting ship)


Jeice: yes sir! (Ship launches)

[Back on the Planet Killer]

Officer: we’re in orbit Deneva

Governor Raditz: bring in Bra.

Princess Bra: Governor Raditz, I thought I’d find you holding Vegeta’s leash.

Raditz: how charming…tell me do Princes, do you watch STAR TREK?

Bra: yeah, so?

Raditz: you know when the beem and go kweeEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeyyyyyyyyyyooooooommmmmmmmmm, when they do that ya know what’s happening right? They’re being broke down to atoms and move threw space and then they come back together.

Bra: huh?

Raditz: what we have built is a transporter beam powerful enough to transport an entire planet across an un-measurable distance.

Bra: so?

Raditz: so, we will now demonstrate the power of our weapon on your home planet of Deneva.

Bra: you’d destroy my planet just to get me to talk!?

Raditz: Have you been listening? “Planet Killer” is just a name, we’re not going to blow it up, no we’re going to do something far worse… this weapon is a giant transporter, that will beam your planet out of our galaxy and send it to the FUNimation galaxy!

Bra: (gasp!)

Raditz: that’s right, there they will be slaves to censors, V-chips and the dreaded bad voice acting (insane laughing) the same place we sent all the Ki! (insane laughing)

Bra: you monster! You’re not human!

Raditz: we may not be in the Dragon Ball universe, but I’m still a Saiyan…OK that’s corny.

Bra: any way, I almost wish they were gonna die! but the FUNimation galaxy! YOU’RE SICK!!!

Raditz: I grow tired of asking, so this will be the last time; where is the rebel base!?

Bra: (looking at Deneva on computer)…Bajor IV…

Raditz: you see Vegeta she can be cooperative…you may fire when ready.

Bra: WHAT!!!?

Raditz (singing): Sucker sucker ha ha fooled you ha ha!…(Normal) ok I’m finished. (planet killer fires ray at Deneva, Deneva disappears)

[Back on the spider ship] if you are reading this you have no life.

Roshi: … I just felt a disturbance.

Trunks: like as if millions of people cried out in pain and then were silenced.

Roshi: no I just bout this new TV and the Denevin network just went dead… oh, I’m gonna miss STAR TREK.

Goten: Well I lost those Imperial troops for ya.

C-krillijn-0: (looking at Jeice) you know, I don’t recognize your race.

Jeice: I’m a Scottolain from planet Bad-Accent.

C-krillin-0: where is that planet?

Jeice: it’s in the FUNimation galaxy.

Trunks: WHAT!!!, the FUNimation galaxy?!

Goten: He’s not with the V-chips… he’s the only person to ever escape their them…(computer beeping) we’re coming up on Deneva.

Trunks: where is it?

Goten: hey Scotty, is this the right position?

Jeice: the computer says “yes”.

Trunks: then where’s the planet?… is that it? (points to object on screen)

Goten: I think that’s a small moon.

Jeice: but Deneva has no moon.

Roshi: that’s no moon… it’s a space station..

Goten: it’s too big to be a space station…(rumbling) aw crap! We’re caught in tractor beem!

R2-goku (muffled): I’ll take that sucker out (R2-D2 costume opens) Kaaaahh-Maaaaayyy-Haaaaaaahhhhh!-Maaaaaaayyy!-HHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!

C-krillin-0: ahem! (everyone looking at R2-goku)

Goku: what? what?… WHAT!!?…Oh right, sorry (gets back in costume)

(Ship enters Plant Killer’s docking bay)

[Raditz’s office] the person that wrote this has no life

Raditz: (playing with STAR WARS action figures) (imitating Darth Vader) you should not have come back old man, when you left I was but the learner now I am the master. (imitating Obi-wan-Kenobi) Only a master of evil Darth (hitting both action figures against etch other) (imitating light saber noises) (imitating Vader) Bang bang! You’re dead now. (imitating Obi-wan) AAHHH! (imitating Luke Skywalker) NNOOO! Bang bang! I shoot you (imitating Vader) no you missed, bang! you’re dead now (door opens) (normal voice) AAHHH! YOU SAW NOTHING GOT IT!!!!

Commander Tou Pie Pie: (standing in doorway) yes sir, I didn’t see you playing with your dolls Again. We have captured a ship entering the Denevin star system.

Raditz: …well… search it!

Tou Pie Pie: Yes sir…

Radiz: …why are you still here?

Tou Pie Pie: the princes… we search Bajor IV… there was nothing there.

Raditz: What!?

Tou Pie Pie: nothing, we literally combed the desert.

Raditz: literally?

Tou Pie Pie: well, admiral Myuu tolled us to “comb the desert”, and general Nappa, being the moron that he is, tolled his men to get big combs and “comb the desert.”

Raditz: remind me to have him shot.

Tou Pie Pie: yes sir, and the princess?

Raditz: shoot her to.

Tou Pie Pie: yes sir.

Raditz: while you’re at it I never did like Captain Giynu… or general Bardock or commander Ten, what’s with that eye?

Tou Pie Pie: uh-huh (writhing) anyone else?

Raditz: listen, I’ll give you a list by the end of the day.

Tou Pie Pie: aye sir.

[mean while] if you can read this you don’t need glasses

R2-goku: (beep Blip whistle)

C-krillin-0: we’ve fond the tractor ammeter that’s holding the ship here.

Roshi: I’ll shut of the tractor ammeter.

Goten: ok (Roshi leaves)

R2-goku: (beep whistle tweet blip beep)

Goten: what’s with him?

C-krillin-0: he says that he’s found princess Bra.

Goten: who the hell would name their kid after under pants?

Trunks: the princess? we gotta` save her.

Goten: why?

Trunks: she’s the one in the message the droids belong to her.

Goten: yeah yeah yeah, look you do what ya want, I’m gonna stay here and watch TV. (turns TV on)

TV:so if you see this Andorian remember: he’s bites and he targets young Vulcans around the age of 115…coming up next, our weekly movie. tonight features, Star Trek five…hundred. And stay tune after the movie for the 10:00 news… 11:30 in quadrant 34 “K” alpha…

Trunks: if ya come I’ll give you this shiny watch.

Goten: I told you, I’m not go--… oh, that is shiny…oohhh. (looking at watch)

Trunks: Come on!

C-krillin-0: hey!… Can I come?

Trunks: …no.

C-krillin-0: ah nuts (Trunks, Goten and Jeice leave room)

[mean while]

Roshi: (walks up to computer, deactivates tractor beem)

[mean while]

(Trunks, Jeice and Goten enter brig)

Imperial officer: hey, who the hell are you?

Trunks: um…duh, uh… we’re a…uh, here to… install your new cable, cable.

Officer: about damn time. Will we get H.B.O.?

Goten: uh, sure why not?

Trunks: Will have to access to wires in the cellblock.

Officer: witch one?

Trunks: um…

Goten: witch cellblock is the princess in?

Officer: C-4-7-9-alfha, cell “D” 6.

Trunks: thanks. (all three walk of)

Officer: sure… hey wait a minute, STOPEM`!!!

Goten: ah, Sh--( Imperial troop shooting at Trunks, Goten and Jeice)

Jeice: Crap crap crap!

Trunks: There’s the princess, Crap! It’s guarded.

Guard: (humming Dan Dan AKA opening theme to DBGT) (Trunks puts hand on guard’s neck) what the hell are you doing?

Trunks: The Vulcan neck pinch?

Guard: nah, stupid your way too high, ya gotta do it here, where the shoulder meets the neck.(pointing to neck)

Trunks: like this? (moves hand down)

Guard: Yeah! That’s it! (Falls down)(Trunks opens cell)

Princess Bra: who the hell are you?

Trunks: my name is Trunks Vegetable-walker, I’m here with your R2 robot thing.

Bra: ok lets get the hell out of here, but first one question: who the hell would name their kid after boxer shorts?

Trunks: well who the hell would name their kid after a woman’s underwear?

Bra: shut up.(both exit cell)

Goten: Hey those are BIG!

Bra: Jackass

Imperial troop: they have the princess! (shooting)

Trunks: oh man! we are so screwed! (shooting)

Bra: well why don’t you just go down the garbage shoot?

Jeice: good idea.

Goten: no it’s not.

Trunks: yes it is.

Goten: all right! ya stupid… (all 4 enter garbage shoot)

Trunks: aw! God that smell!

Goten: well I’m use to those kinds of smells, the ride here was 2 hours and I had to sit next to you (laughing)

Computer: warning garbage masher active.

Goten: hey just a minute, why aren’t the walls coming in to crush us?

Computer: garbage masher out of order.

Jeice: even in the future nothing works.

Trunks: eh, can’t complain.

[mean while]

Roshi: (walking down hall, runs in to Darth Vegeta)

Darth Vegeta (deep voice): so Senen, we meet again. (mechanical breathing)

Roshi: yeah well your a…nerd.

Darth Vegeta (normal voice): what?

Roshi: lets just skip this and fight.

Vegeta (deep voice): as you wish. (pulls out laser sword)

Roshi: (pulls out laser sword)(Both fighting)

[else where]

Goten: all right there’s the ship, I hope the old man took the tractor beam off line.

C-krillin-0: there you are, sir, I’ve been looking all over for you.

Bra: R2!

R2-goku (muffled): I told ya they were big.

C-krillin-0: all right you win, they’re big.

Bra: why dose every one keep saying that?

Trunks: look! (points to Vegeta and Roshi fighting)

Roshi: (hitting Vegeta on head with laser sword)

Vegeta (normal voice): OW! Hey quit it!, aw hell with it (pulls out gun, shoots Roshi in leg)

Roshi: OW! uh-oh.

Vegeta (deep voice): (laughing) Vegeta to transporter room, lock on to Roshi and beam him to the FUNimation galaxy.

Transporter chief over radio: aye sir.

Vegeta: (insane laughing)

Roshi: crap! (vanishes)

Vegeta: (insane laughing)(normal voice) sucker! See you in another Dimension!

Trunks: NNNOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!

Goten: Get in the ship kid!(all get in ship)(ship launches)

Jeice: Captain, there’re 8 Imperial fighters closing fast!

Goten: all right, HEY KID! Get to the gunner tower.

Trunks: all right… here they come.

Bra: OH-NO! we’re going to die! and I’m still a v--


Man#2: do to cut backs we can not afford this space battle… and we’re all so paying the actor like 5 bucks, I hate cut backs, we’re sorry. Damn Toriyama.


Goten: great shot kid!

Trunks: did ya see the size of the explosion?!

Jeice: princess, I think you should put your close back on and get off me, we aren’t going to die.

[Back on the Planet Killer]

Tou Pie Pie: why is this taking so long?

Raditz: so you’re sure the homing beacon is on the ship?

Vegeta (deep voice): yes, in a few minutes we will have the location of the rebel base…(clock ticking…)

Tou Pie Pie: …(humming Cha-La AKA theme from DBZ )…

Raditz: …(sigh)…(clock ticking…)…

Vegeta (normal voice): …how long is this suppose to take?…(clock ticking…)…(ticking continues…)…(sigh)

Officer: (enters room) SIR!

Tou Pie Pie: (humming ends) What?! Can’t you see that we’re very busy!?…

Officer: sorry sir, but the Spider Ship is getting close to Veridian III, we think the rebel base might be there.

Tou Pie Pie: OHH! And that gives you the right to interrupt our conversation!?

Raditz: shut up Pie, Set cores, top speed.

[back on the Spider Ship]

Jeice: Captain, we’re coming up on Veridian III.

Goten: take us in.(ship lands)(All exit ship)

Man: I’m general Yamcha, thank you for saving the princess.

Goten: ya ya ya, so uh, when do I get paid?

Yamcha: here ya go (hands Goten check)…sucker.

[2 minutes later]

R2-goku: (beep blip Beep)

Yamcha: now we’ve scanned the data in the R2 unit and we’ve come up with this attack plan, (computer turns on) you will be

Piloting small stunt fighters you will have to come to this trench and fly down it until you come to this port, you must fire 2 photon torpedoes and, the torpedoes will cause an up-surge in the station’s power and activate the transporter system and send that sucker to the FUNimation galaxy…what’s left of it any way.

Trunks: ok lets go all ready before he starts talking again!

Goten: I’d help, but I’ve got this thing…

[10 minuets later]

(ships launching)

[back at the planet killer]

Computer: rebel base in range in 15 minuets.

(rebel ships firing at planet killer)(explosions) if you are reading this you have no life.

Rebel pilot: sir I’m detecting Imperial fighters.(empyreal fighters firing at rebel fighters)AAAAHHHHH!!!


Darth Vegeta (Deep voice): ready my fighter.

Officer: sir?

Vegeta: just do it!! (Enters ship, launches)


(Rebel pilot screaming, explosions and stuff)

(too lazy to write the rest)

Trunks: I’m starting my attack run. (Flying down trench, Lasers firing, Approaching port, Vegeta’s fighter following Trunk’s fighter)

Vegeta: I have you now! (laser firing) what!?(Spider Ship approaches)(laser hits Vegeta’s ship, sends it flying)

Goten: sucker! All right kid blow the damn thing all ready!!!

Roshi’s voice: use the Ki trunks…trust me…JUST DO IT YA STUPID KID!!!!

Trunks: (closes eyes, fires torpedoes)

Planet killer’s computer: warring power up-surge.

Raditz: Crap! Lets get outa` here!

Tou Pie Pie: Sir I think--

Raditz: Pie, ya gotta help me! I don’t know how to make decisions! I’m a politician!!!

Tou pie pie: There’s the escape pod, We’re almost there!(explosion) (fade to black) Sir, wake up.

Raditz: where are we?

Tou Pie Pie: I don’t know, I think we made it to the escape pod.

Raditz: what if we didn’t?

Sean Schemmel’s voice: Hi I’m English Goku, welcome to the FUNimation galaxy!


[Back in other galaxy]

(Goten and Trunks getting metals put around their necks)

R2-goku (muffled): can I take this off costume now?






Written by: Captain Johik Gotor


For those of you that haven’t seen Star Wars and couldn’t figure out who’s who.


Trunks Vegetable-walker: Luke Skywalker


Princess Bra: Princess Leia


Captain Goten Solo: Captain Han Solo


Darth Vegeta: Darth Vader


Jeice (Scotty): Chewbacca (Chewy)


Governor Raditz: Governor Tarkin


Kame-wan-Senen: Obi-wan-Kenobi


R2-goku: R2-D2


C-krillin-0: C3P-0


General Yamcha: General Raikin


Cold the Hut: Jabba the Hut


Burter: Greedo


Oolong: Jawa


Gohan Lars: Owen Lars


Commander Tou Pie Pie: no one really


Admiral Myuu: Admiral Thrawn


Akira Toriyama: George Lucas


Deneva: Alderaan


Regula: Tatooine


If you can’t read this you do need glasses

The person that wrote this has no life

For those that haven’t seen Star Wars…

Episode IV

Star Wars, do, do, do. Clean the Droid

Leia: help me Obi-Wan.

Luke: I should save Leia.

Darth Vader: I have you now Obi-Wan!

Obi-Wan: AH! I’m a ghost, use the force, Luke.

Luke: I can’t! …Ok

Big explosion

No more Death Star!

Episode V

Where it’s cold!

Luke: look, the Empire.

Rebels: Run away!

Yoda: you’re a Jedi like your dad

Luke: cool.

Darth Vader: I am your father.

Luke: my hand!

Episode VI

Hey, look at Leia’s Bikini

Luke: oh-no! It’s Jabba!

More explosions

Luke: look, little bears.


Vader: come to the dark side.

Luke: no

Vader: yes

Luke: no

Vader: yes

Luke: I can’t kill you dad.

Vader; I’ll do it. AH!

Luke: Leia, you’re my sister.

Leia: pig, I love you Han.

Han: Thanks

The End