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Waking Up

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Bulma woke up to Vegeta snoring loudly in her ear she climbed out of bed and slowly went downstairs to get coffee. She heard Trunk's alarm clock go off, and then a large blast from upstairs. She ran upstairs to find out exactly what had happened. There was Trunks sound asleep with a busted up alarm clock. "God damn it.-pause- Trunks, time to get up dear, time for school."
"Trunks, honey, I said its time to get up now, you don't want to be late for school, do you."
Still nothing...
Bulma ran down stairs and got a picture of water with lots of ice(hehehe)
She sprinted back upstairs, and mercifully dumped it all over him.
Now, picture this, Trunks shot out of bed, faster than Bulma has ever seen any teenager move, and landed on his butt.
"That's what I thought," Bulma said evilly
"Damn it Mom, why the hell did ya' do that, do you how unbelievably uncomfortable ice cubes are when they land in your boxers, and after they malt, do ya' know what that looks like? Why can't you jus wake me up peacefully. "Trunks said glaring harshly at his mother.
" Oh, jeez, I don't know. I guess I'm one of those mothers that likes to torture her sons."
She turned around to look across the hall at Vegeta still sleeping. Then turned back to Trunks, finding him asleep up against a wall.
"I GIVE UP!!!"
The Son household...
"GOKU, GOHAN, GOTEN, TIME FOR BREAKFAST!!" ChiChi yelled sharply at the three boys.
The three of them all shot up out of bed and went tossing and tumbling down the stairs.
" I never knew Goku could bend that way."
ChiChi said with a puzzled look on her face.
The boys finally reached the table, all with hopeful faces on waiting for breakfast.
ChiChi set her gorme' breakfast down, and the majority of it was gone before she had time to set the last plate of toast down on the table.
"Well, that was good," Gohan said as he rushed out the door " Bye Dad, bye Mom, Bye Goten!"
"Bye!!" They all shouted in unison.
"I hafta go too, Bye!" Goten said as he rushed out of the door.
Goku helped ChiChi with the dishes and then took off to go find Vegeta.
------------------------------------------------------------------To be Continued..............

Next- Will Bulma ever get Trunks up in time for school? and what about Goku, Vegeta's still asleep, WHAT WILL HE DO???? Find out next on "Waking up."

This is the second part of Waking Up(duh).I hope y'all liked my first part. Maybe one day I'll be as good as Evercool. NE Wayz, on to the second part...

Briefs Household.........
Bulma got a brilliant idea.
"Trunks, if you don't get up, I'll either: 1) Won't let you talk on the phone for a month, or until you learn to get along with your alarm clock, 2) No TV,
3) Or, you.. you.. can't see Goten for as long as I desire!!"
With that, Trunks bounced up, and shot downstairs, and out the door.
"Dammit, he's gonna be late again,-humph-"
Bulma stomped across the hall to Vegeta.
"VEGETA, GET YOUR SORRY ASS UP RIGHT NOW!!!!!!" and she shoved him on the floor being fed up with Trunks and in a pissy mood.
Vegeta got up off the floor and looked around, dazed and confused.
"What the hell did ya' do that for, woman?"
"Shut the f--- up, and stay the hell out of my way!"
Bulma said furiously and stomped downstairs.
Vegeta yelled down to her.
Vegeta took of downstairs and quickly blew by her, to make sure he didn't get hit by the furious woman. He sky rocketed outside to his gravity room.
------------------------------------------------------------------Goku was peacefully flying over to Vegeta's house. He landed in front of the door, and remembered what ChiChi had said to him long ago about not walking into a house, but to knock on the door first. So he did.
Now Bulma answered the door, Goku expected her polite little hello, or Vegeta's 'what do you want?'
But instead" WHY THE HELL ARE YOU HERE?" Bulma shouted angrily at him.
"I'm guessing Vegeta's in the gravity room, uh, Bye!"
Goku took off to the gravity room only to find Vegeta firing a ki blast at a picture of Goku on a punching bag.
"Jeez, I feel wanted here," Goku said and flew back home.
The End... Or is it??

Aftermath- Bulma finally calmed down, and Trunks learned how to get along with his alarm clock, even though he was unsure of himself. ChiChi never did have much trouble getting her husband and boys up.If y'all think I need another chap

Part 3 of Check Up………
Enjoy if possible…..

"Now for the last part of the check up." The doctor said.
He turned around and was holding a long, sharp needle in his hands.
You can guess what Goku did. Yup, he sky rocketed to the ceiling and grasped the lamp that was hanging wearily on the ceiling. The doctor set the needle carelessly down onto a chair sticking up. Once Goku got a good grasp on the lamp, it went hurdling down to the floor along with the rest of the ceiling, with Goku still hanging onto it for his life. He landed straight on the needle.
"AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" He howled at the top of his lungs.
He pulled the needle out of him, and threw it mercifully to the ground. Then he made a little power ball and destroyed the deadly needle, not to mention all of the other needles in the room. ChiChi stood up out of the rubble with dust all over her. She looked like a ghost.
ChiChi shot Goku a hideous look.
"Wow! If looks could kill!" He said hoping to god that he wouldn't get smacked too hard.
But instead, ChiChi gust gave him a pitiful look.
"Do you know how much its gonna cost us to fix their roof?" ChiChi said chuckling a little bit.
Goku just looked down in shame.
The doctor stood up, right before the rest of the building tumbled to the ground. Goku grabbed ChiChi and flew away as quick as possible. She noted that he was grinning slightly most of the way home.
"Are you proud of yourself Son Goku?" ChiChi asked him sarcastically.
He just looked at her and smiled his goofy little smile.

They landed at home and walked in. Goten and Gohan were back at home. Videl was there too. Gohan and Videl had made dinner for everyone surprisingly. ChiChi helped Videl set the table. ChiChi called everyone into the kitchen and thanked Videl for cooking. Goku sat down with everyone but yipped when he sat down. He flew back up to his feet.
"Yes dear?" she said.
"Can I take my dinner um….. to go?" he said sheepishly.
"Why?" she said questionably.
He honestly didn't think that she could have forgotten, so he just shot her a look of pain and pointed to where the needle had struck him.
"Oh, okay" she said, piling food into an oversized picnic basket and handing it to him.
He quietly walked out of the house and went and leaned up against the trunk of a tree in the late summer shade.
Back inside Goten questioned his mother why his father had left so quietly, as she sat down.
"Lets just say, that your father has had a bad day at the doctors office," ChiChi said smirking.
Everyone knew what she meant.
"Hey Mom, why is Dad so afraid of needles anyways?" Gohan questioned.
"You'd have to ask him that one Gohan." ChiChi said, picking up all of the dishes and starting to wash them with Videl helping her.
Gohan went into the living room and turned on the news right as Goku walked back inside the house.

"Tonight on the News, top story…… the main doctors office of Satan City was left in ruins, after a paranoid man had a simple check up done. The documents of who caused this catastrophe were not found at all in the rubble, and everyone in the building was knocked out and lost any memory of the man or woman. If anyone has any information on this person, please contact the wanted line at 555-6643 as soon as possible. Thank you."
The noise of the TV faded into the background, as everyone looked at Goku as he slinked upstairs to his room, quickly followed by ChiChi to comfort him. Goten went up to his room, and Gohan flew Videl home. ChiChi and Goku quickly fell asleep upstairs, and the house was quiet once again.

The End.

Tell me what you think of it and rate it please. Thank You……