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Goku's First Book


Trunks was sitting down in the couch watching a nice long episode of DragonballZ, until he heard another television in the other room, blaring loudly. Before he could see what it was, Goku burst into the room with his usual moronic smile

"I just read a whole novel!", he yelled.

Trunks stuck a finger in his ear and cleaned out the wax. "Uh, what did you say?", he asked.

"Uh....I forgot, what did I say?"

"Kakarot!!What are you doing in my house??!! I'm trying to watch Tele- I mean DragonballZ!!",Vegeta yelled from the other room.

"Oh yeah! Now I remember, I read a novel! It was really hard an fancy too", he responded.

"Really Kakarot, well tell us about the book you claim you read before I feel the need to kick your retarted behind off of my property!"

"Well Vegeta since you asked so nicely, I guess I'll tell you!"

"Wow father, I never you could be so mean...would your tongue explode if you said something nice for a change?"

"Shut up you purple-haired freak! Have you ever considered that maybe that blased woman named you trunks, because that's all they found in that head of yours?? You had better shut your childish self up before I kick you out with this rotten excuse for a Saiyin!", exploded Vegeta

A tear rolled down Trunks' cheek. "Well at least I don't spend my whole afternoon watching Teletubies!"

"Wait! Doesn't anyone want to hear about the novel I read?"

"No" replied Vegeta.

"Okay", said Goku, "then here it goes!It was about the habits of these newly discoveres animals!It had lots of red and blue, and it rhymed too!"

"Wow", responded Trunks, "that sounds prety complicated!"

"Yep" Goku said proudly.

"Oh Vegeta! I'm home", yelled a voice that used to bring fear to the galaxy, but now just made everyone laugh.

"Freiza?!" Everyone yelled in confusion.

"Wow", said Goku, elbowing Vegeta, "I didn't know that FREIZA was you wife!"

"No way Kakorot! Take that back!"

"Don't be emabressed, Vegeta, I always expected you had a secret cru-" Goku was cut off becaus Vegeta knocked him out cold.

"I'll blow up the earth now!", Freiza squeled in a giggly voice.

Trunks was too busy glaring at his father to listen to Freiza.

"That's the last time dad, you're goin' down!!"

Trunks and Vegeta started clashing in the house, which was also being shown on the episode of DragonballZ still playing on the T.V. Goku pulled his head up and watced Freiza fly up, preparing to blow up the Earth.

He looked to his left to see a cameraman with a bunch of the FUNimation staff filming the whole thing!

"Who are you guys", Goku asked.

"Uh-oh, busted", the FUNimation director said. The staff quickly ran out.


Before Trunks delivered the final blow, he looked down at Goku. "Hey, Goku!" ,he hollored from the newly formed moonroof in the house Trunks and the now battered Vegeta had formed, what was the book you read!"

"1 Fish 2 Fish Red Fish Blue Fish", he replied while sipping tea with a member of the FUNimation staff"

"WHAT!", Vegeta and Trunks yelled in unision.

Then Vegeta looked at the FUNimation director."So this is why I couldn't cuss through the whole fanfic!",he yelled. He then Ki-blasted the director, and smiled.

"I'm sure Freiza will be happy" Goku said, still sipping tea.

Vegeta and Trunks looked up.


And planet Earth was gone!

-----------------THE END??!!---------------------------