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A Day in the life of a SaiyaHairball

Jan. 1. I got a diary for Christmas so I thought I better start it now. I'm Lily, 6 months old, and obviously the cutest kitten of the family. Hehe. I'm sure the smallest. I'm calico and love The Great Saiyaman. If you don't know who he is, he's my favorite comic book/TV show super hero. That's where I get my nickname, the Great SaiyaHairball. Oh! It's 5:00 already! TV time! I'll write in this later!

(Several pages later)

Jan 8. 2:00 am Cat (She's my owner) and her friend Wendy are still hard at work. They run a funny news station, KITTY. I'm bored though. I know! I'll play with my Great Saiyaman action figure for a while.

Jan 8. 2:30 am. Meanie! Cat banned me from the computer room and grounded me for life. I don't get it, all I did was leap onto the camera while playing. I didn't really mean to break it. Oh well, I know what I'll do! Hehe.

Jan 8. 2:35 am Cat grounded me for life again. All I did was go to the bathroom on her beanbag. Served her right getting mad at me for jumping on the camera. Oh well. I'm going to sleep for a while.

Jan 8. 12:00 noon Woke up Wendy and Cat by bouncing on their faces. Hehe, that got 'em up quick! Oops, better run. They don't look happy.

Jan 8. 1:00 Helped Cat and Wendy undecorate the Christmas tree in Cat's room. Later we'll undecorate the one in the sunroom. I'm so helpful! That's that Cat says anyway, but she rolls her eyes before she says it. And she says it really strange. Oh well!

Jan 8. 3:00 That was so much fun! I rolled all around in the pine needles then took off full speed all over the house! Then when Cat was mopping the floor I was helpful again. I turned over the bucket of water for her!

Jan 8. 3:30 Now I'm bored. Two and a half hours till my TV show comes on and nothing to do. I'll flip back over my older entries and see if I can get any ideas.

Jan 8. 3:35 I almost forgot. When that guy, Vegeta came over for an interview for Cat's show he stepped on my tail! And he made fun of my SaiyaHairball costume. I know what I'll do! Cat still has a packet of itching powder under her bed from years ago. Hehe.

Jan 8. 4:00 I slipped out to that mean guy's house and dumped the powder in all his underwear. This'll be so much fun to see!

Jan 8: 4:55 An angry knock at the door. Success! He looked soooo mad. Hehe, he won't step on my tail again anytime soon. Cat grounded me for life again. This makes three times today! Oh well, time for my TV show to come on!

Jan 8: 7:00 What a great day! I'm really glad I keep this diary. All cool people keep logs or diaries. Even that captain dude on that funny shows keeps a "Captain's Log" Some people even get them published. Uncool people never keep diaries. That ugly annoying guy in that movie never kept one. You know him, I think his name was something like "Messa Car Car Jinks" or something like that. Oh well, I'm going to take a long catnap. 'Til tomorrow, diary!