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Parent Teacher Conference

Vegeta: Of all the things you ask, it had to be THIS!!

Bulma: Common Veggie! I have to be at a Capsule corporation meeting at the same time and it's important. We're talking about Trunk's education here!

Vegeta: Oh! And my well being as Prince of THE SAIYA-JINS is not as important!!


Vegeta: Forget it WOMEN!! And don't call me Veggie!

Bulma: Common Veggie, pleeeeeeease! Do this for me babycakes!

Vegeta: Oh alright, I'll take the little brat!

Bulma: He's not a brat! He's Trunks!

Vegeta: Whatever...

Later at school...

Trunks: You know Dad, you reeeeeally don't have to do this

Vegeta: Because of your insolence I the Prince of Saiya-jins have to take you to this...this...meeting

Trunks: I the Prince of Saiya-jins blah blah blah...

Vegeta: I didn't quite hear you, YOU MIND SAYING THAT AGAIN!?

Trunks: Uhm...I was just saying...uhm, how stupid I am, yeah that's it

Vegeta: Ergh...

Teacher: Hi! I'm Trunks' teacher, Miss Boucher! Please to meet you

Vegeta: Great, I'm surrounded by foolish humans full of...of...what do you call it?

Trunks: Compassion Dad?

Vegeta: Was I talking to YOU!? As if things couldn't get any worse...

Goku: Heeeey! Vegeta! How's it going!?

Vegeta: Great, just friggin' great! Not only do I have to deal with insane humans, now Kakarot is here!

Trunks: Hi Goku, where's Goten?

Goku: Hey Trunks! He's over there!

Goten: Hi Trunks! What are you doing here!?

Trunks: Same reason why you are here!

Vegeta: SO Kakarot, what brings you here? Other then to annoy me...

Goku: Well, Chi Chi got the letter and was pretty upset that Goten is not up to par with his academics. I told her it was no big deal but she got pissed and said to me "WHY DON'T YOU TAKE HIM AND SEE HOW IT FEELS TO BE AN UNCARING PARENT!" So, I did!

Goten: Whew!

Trunks: Lucky son of a...

Goku: Now I'm loking for his teacher, what's her name...

Vegeta: Miss Boucher...

Goku: Yeah that's it! Vegeta you're...

Vegeta: Enough Kakarot, we have work to do

During the meeting...

Miss Boucher: As you see, Goten and Trunks have been clowning around in class instead of participating in class

Goku: What's wrong with having a little fun, eh?

Miss Boucher: Well Mr. Goku, they tend to do things that isn't appropriate!

Vegeta: LIKE WHAT?

Miss Boucher: Well Mr Vegeta, they tend to throw paper, flirt and harass girls, pass out notes, and talk out all during class. For example, Trunks did a report on his father, I assume it's you

Vegeta: Oh Lord!

Miss Boucher: He was talking about how you were saying that you were the Prince of the Saiya-jins, and how Saiya-jins are over stupid humans!

Vegeta: Well what's wrong with explaining the importance of a Saiya-jin!?

Miss Boucher: Well, sir, you need to get out more and experiance life! That's my suggestion...

Vegeta: Yeah, and I send you out to another Dimesion, that's MY SUGGESTION!

Miss Boucher: In Goten's case he tends to scream out Kayoken during class

Goku: Oh that! You mean, KAIOKEN!!!! Oops... *destroys teacher on accident*

Goten and Trunks: COOL!

Vegeta: Excellent Kakarot, you sent this insane human to another dimension!

Goku: Uhm, gee, thanks Vegeta! Now I'll never hear the end of Chi Chi's mouth about this

Trunks: At least you didn't have to ask her about our grades oh great Prince of...

Vegeta: SHUT UP BOY! Unless you want to feel the wrath of a TRUE SAIYA-JIN!!

Goten: At least they didn't find out about the fake fire alarm we pulled

Trunks: SHHHH!!!! What they don't know won't hurt 'em!

The End