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Princess Vegeta

Vegeta was training in the gravity room when the com on the wall beeped. He pushed the button

"Yeah, what is it, brat?"

Vegeta was home alone with Trunks, who he was supposed to be babysitting, but he was still a little young for the high grav training Vegeta was doing.

"You've got a phone call, dad" Trunks said.

"Hmph" Vegeta said, coming out of the grav room and over to the phone. "Yeah, what is it?"

It was Dr. Briefs. "Vegeta, you're needed at the labs"

"Fine, I'll be right there"

He hung up.

"Come on brat" Vegeta grabbed Trunks and started out the door.

"Aww, dad, that was my favorite TV show" Trunks said as he was set down and then took off after his dad.

They landed at the Capsul Labs and Dr. Briefs was there to meet them.

"Thank goodness you're here, I've got a... project that I'm having trouble with. Will you take Will you take it for me?"

"Fine, I'll take it" Vegeta said, hoping Dr. Briefs would hurry so he could get back to training.

Dr Briefs led them inside the labs and to a room under heavy security. Dr. Briefs entered a password and the door opened. The room was bare except for a pile of blankets on the floor with a baby asleep on top of it. A saiyjin baby to judge by the tail.

Vegeta took a step back in surprise. "This is your 'project'?! Where did you get him?"

Dr. Briefs smiled a little shakily. "It's a she, and she came from you, Vegeta. We took a cell sample, changed the Y chromosome to X, and here she is. I can't keep her here any longer, she's starting to scare the staff and she just keeps getting stronger. I tried giving her to Goku, but Chi-Chi forbid it."

At first Vegeta was thinking no way, then he thought she was a lot like him, a full blooded saiyjin.

"Yeah, I'll take her"

"Thank you!" Dr. Briefs said with a relieved smile.

As Vegeta picked her up she started to wake up and Dr. Briefs backed away pretty quickly. She seemed very groggy though.

"What's wrong with her?" Vegeta asked.

"We've had to keep her sedated after she broke someone's hand when she was mad." Vegeta muttered something about weak humans Vegeta stalked out, carrying the little baby with Trunks following at his heels asking questions.

"Do you think mom will like her? Is she gonna look like you? What are you going to name her?"

Vegeta looked back at him as he took off flying. "What Bulma thinks doesn't matter. Her name is Vegeta since she's the next full blooded saiyjin in my family."

Trunks made a face "But Vegeta is a boy's name--"

"Shut up, brat!"

They landed and went inside. Bulma was still at work so Vegeta set Princess Vegeta down on the couch while he went looking through the closets for Trunks' baby stuff. Trunks sat on the couch with her talking to her. She probably didn't notice anything of what was going on, still very groggy. Trunks still enjoyed talking to her, she couldn't tell him to shut up or be too busy to listen.

"So dad's gonna call you Vegeta? I still think that's a boy's name. I'll call you Vege for short, that sorta sounds like a girl's name."

Vegeta finally found and drug out all the baby stuff, dressed Vege in one of Trunks' old PJs and put her in the crib to sleep off the sedatives. Bulma came home later and was very upset that Vegeta had taken Vege in without even asking her.

They ended the fight with Bulma yelling "Fine, you wanted her, you can keep her, but I'm not gonna do a thing with her, lets see how far you get trying to be a real father!"

"Fine, I'm the prince of saiyjins, I can do a better job of raising her than any human!"

He was thinking, how hard could one little baby be? He regretted his hasty words later as Vege got older. At one year she was about the same as a three or four year old human girl, only very small. She appeared to have definitely gotten Vegeta's height. She was always hyper and could go from sweet innocent little girl to evil demon child in moments for seemingly no reason. She ignored Bulma and most other adults, she adored older brother Trunks and his friend Goten, and absolutely loved her daddy, usually listening to only him when she behaved at all.


To Chapter Two