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Chapter Two

Vegeta was training in the grav room while Trunks and Vege played outside. He glanced at a clock and realized it was getting dark outside. He finished his millionth chin-up and then left the room and headed outside to bring in the kids.

He stepped out the door and looked around for them. They were no where in sight and he was just about to take off looking for them when they ran around the house corner full speed with Vege chasing Trunks. Trunks crashed right into Vegeta's legs with Vege skidding to a stop right behind him. Vegeta glared down at them.

"What do you think you're doing?"

Trunks opened his mouth "Well..."

Before he could finish, Vege launched herself at Vegeta and lightly punched him yelling "Tag! you're It!"

Then she took off running.

Trunks also took off in the other direction. Vegeta growled, but smiled to himself and ran after Vege, letting her stay ahead for a good while before catching her.

"Alright little brat, time to come inside."

She pouted a little, breathing hard. "Do we haveta go inside?"

"Yes, and you both need a bath, badly, try not to get too much mud on the carpets, you know. Bulma hates that."

Both Vege and Trunks were filthy from playing so long.

Vege grinned. "Race ya to the bathroom, Trunks!"

She took off, Trunks right behind her. Vegeta followed a little more slowly. When he got to the bathroom they were both yelling.

"I got here first!"

"No, I did!"

"Did not!"

"Did too!"

"Enough!" Vegeta yelled, filling up the bathtub. "Stop fighting and get in the tub!"

Vege stuck her tongue out at Trunks, but went ahead and stripped, hopping into the bathtub with a big splash. Trunks followed her example, getting water everywhere. Vegeta grabbed the soap and started washing, getting soaked as they started their usual splash war. When he finished and send them out to get there PJs on he wasn't sure what had gotten wetter, them, the bathroom, or himself.

He changed into dry clothes then went into their bedroom. Both were sitting up in bed looking at him expectantly.

"What is it, brats?"

"We wanna story!" Vege said, bouncing up and down and waving her tail.

"Yeah, story!" Trunks said.

Vegeta glared a moment, but they kept looking at him with big eyes so he sighed and sat down on Vege's bed.

"What do you want to hear about?"

Vege grinned "When Uncle Kakarot was a little kid, when he was looking for the dragonballs."

Trunks nodded "Yeah, please tell us, Goku was really really funny"

He looked over at Vege "Pat pat!"

They both started rolling around on the bed, laughing hard. Vegeta smiled and waited for them to settle down, then he began...

"Uncle Kakarot had been traveling with Bulma for a while when they came to this village being terrorized by a shapeshifting monster..."

Bulma came home a while later, a little surprised to find that Vegeta wasn't in the grav room. She saw lights on in the kids' bedroom so she tiptoed over and peeked in. Vegeta was still talking and Trunks was asleep and Vege was half asleep, giggling now and then at what Goku was doing in the story. Bulma smiled and went to bed.


To Chapter Three