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Pay Back Time!

Pan was walking to capsule corp. to see her best friend Bra. She rang the doorbelland Bra opened the door."Hey Pan! Come on in!""Hey, so what do you wanna do today?" Pan asked. "I dunno.....say, did you here about wrestlemania, the rain of Pain starting next week?" Bra asked walking upstairs to her room. "Oh ya! I wish i could go, but the tickets are all sold out.....Hey! When did you start liking wresteling?" Pan said surprised. Bra gigled "Never! It's just that Brain's gonna be there...." sighed Bra "...But I couldn't get any tickets either....." Pan nodded knowingly.

Brain was a popular guy in their school. Pan opened Bra's bedroom door and Bra floated in still thinking of Brain. The door shut behind them. Pan plopped onto her bed, when the door suddenly opened. "Heeeey there ladiiies!" came the voice. Bra sighed, it was her brother Trunks. "what do you want she said flipping through a magazine. "Weeeell....take a look at this squirt.." he replied and took out two tickets to no other then...........Wrestlemania!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Both Bra and Pan gasped and scurried over to Trunks. "How did you get them?" said Pan. "Oh....I have my ways......"grinned Trunks waving the tickets in their faces. Bra tried to grab them, but he pulled away. "Uh Uh!" said Trunks waving a finger. "Ya see....There's only TWO tickets here, one for me , and one for.......the lucky lady" Trunks replied grinning from ear to ear.

"Which one of us, is goona get the other one?" asked Pan batting her eyelashes. "Yes dear sweet brother, who's it going to be?" said Bra. Trunks chuckled , "Well, I haven't decieded yet, whoever's going to prove they uh, deservs to be the one with the extra ticket...gets it" He answered. Pan and Bra exchanged looks. "....And, i'm getting terribly thirsty...." he said. "I'll get you some lemonade!" Bra piped up and ran down to the kitchen. "Here! aren't you tired?" Pan exclaimed pulling over a chair for him to sit on. Chuckling, Trunks sat down. "This is gonna be, Great!"

So for a week, Pan and Bra were Trunks's slaves.......
"Oh girls!!!!!!! I need a blanket! I'm getting so ever cold!" Shouted Trunks sitting in a chair drinking a cup of lemonade and watching T.V. "I'll get it!!!!"Both Pan and Bra Yelled and took off upstairs to get a blanket. They both grabbed the same blanket out of the closet. "Let go!!!" Pan screamed and started pulling. "I Had it!" Bra said pulling on it too. Suddenlly, the blanket ripped. "Look at what you did!" Said Bra "What I did? You did it!"Pan retorted. "Hey! What's all the noise?" said Trunks who just walked in.

"It's all Pan's fault!" Bra yelled pointing a finger accusingly. "You did it, and you know it! I dserve to get that ticket!" Pan yelled ready to power up. "Ticket!? Oh...I see! Didn't I tell you guys? I'm taking Tiffany Hart to wrestlemania! Can you believe Tiffany Hart likes wrestling???" said Tunks. "What!? You said that you'll give the ticket to us if we-" said Bra who was interrupted by Trunks. "But it's this really Hot girl! Sorry, maybe next time! And where's that blanket?" He said walking down the stairs. "I can't believe it! He totally used us!" Bra exclaimed banging her fist on the wall. "Don't worry Bra....I have a plan!" grinned Pan evily.

The night of Wrestlemania......
Trunks was driving in his car to wrestlemania, with his date, a pretty blonde....Tiffany Hart."I can't wait! I love wrestleing!" she squeled excieted. Trunks smiled and adjusted the review mirror. Suddenly something yellow caught his eye. It was a little yellow note paper taped onto it. He grabbed it and it read, "You will pay!" Trunks snickered and crumbled up the piece of paper. "Amatures..." He mummbled. Suddenly there were siren noises.

A cop pulled up beside him and went over to Trunks. Trunks rolled down the window. "Is there something wrong officer?" He asked. "Let me see your license." The cop replied. Trunks took out his wallet and pulled out a yellow piece of paper it said, "It gets worse" He looked through his wallet again....hisdrivers license was gone. "uh....officer, there's some kind of..of, mistake!" Trunks stammared. Suddenly, there was banging. It was coming at the back of the car, in the trunk. "Open it!! Now!" The officer ordered. Trunks got out of the car, walked to the back of the car and opended it.

There was Pan and Bra, gagged and all tied up. "What the.." said Trunks. The officer, who was totally surprised yelled to Tiffany, "Get out!! Get out of the car, NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


For Now!