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The Chibi Z Fighters' Dat at School

The Z Fighters' Day at School, the Chibi Z Fighters that is

Rated: PG By: SSJ Bulma

The usual disclaimers. Dragon Ball Z isn't owned by me (don't I wish I owned dragon Ball Z :P) Dragon Ball Z is owned by Akira Toriyama and Bird Studios. These characters are borrowed without permission. I'm not making any money, so there is no reason to sue me, is there? (Note:the teacher in this story is the teacher from cow and chicken) This story is a little cross over of Dragon Ball Z and Sailor Moon. With some cameo's.

During school one day, Chibi Vegeta was trying to ignore the faces Chibi Goku was making at him. "Stop that" Chibi Vegeta hissed at Chibi Goku as quietly as he could.

"But," Chibi Goku whined, "I'm so hungry" pointing to his empty lunch box.

Chibi Vegeta saw Chibi Goku eyeing his lunch box. Pulling his lunchbox behind his back, Chibi Vegeta held up his hand and was going to blasthim when there was a loud slam!

Chibi Vegeta and Chibi Goku looked towards the front of the classroom.

"Shut your pie holes!" The teacher crowed out as she slammed a yardstick on her desk. All the kids in the class became quite as she started to take roll call:

"Cow?" "Here" "Chicken?" "Here" "Matt Stutabaker?" "Here" "Ivana Tinkle?" "Here" "Son Goku?" silence. "Son Goku?" kids in the class pointed towards the ceiling.

The teacher looked up to see Chibi Goku and Chibi Vegeta fighting over Chibi Vegeta's lunch box.

"Give that back!" Chibi Vegeta growled in his kid voice. "But I'm hungry" Chibi Goku didn't finish because the teacher had a hold of them.

"I said" The teacher said "SHUT YOUR PIE HOLES!"

Chibi Goku sighed "Ok", while Chibi Vegeta just snorted.

The teacher walked back to the front of the room with a sign on her back that said "Bite me" the class giggled to themselves.

"Is Myra Buttreeks here?" The class started to break in to fits of giggles. The teacher marked her absent. "Who ever is not here, raise your hand"

A few minutes later...

"Ok class, now its time to do your book report presentation" The teacher announced, making the class groan.

From the hallway, a cry was heard, followed by another.

"Hey, that hurt!" said the blond girl who came crashing into the classroom.

"Your late, Usagi" The teacher said with a sudden lisp.

"But teacher" Chibi Usagi protested "No buts!" The teacher said, "Stand in front of the class and give your book report with your partner!"

Chibi Usagi sighed, then dropped her bag, and walked to the front of the room.

Chibi Usagi, who was 7 years old like everyone else in the classroom, cleared her throat and waited for her partner to show up.

She finally spotted her partner. Asleep face down on his desk. She knew that it would be nearly impossible to wake him up, but she did have away of waking him up. But before she could wake him up, she noticed Chibi Vegeta's empty lunch box.

"Pssst Vegeta" Chibi Usagi whispered. Chibi Vegeta turned his attention to Usagi. She pointed him to his empty lunch box.

Chibi Vegeta saw his empty lunch box and tried to get up, but found out that his tail was wrapped and tied around his chair.

Chibi Usagi whispered the word food in Chibi Goku's ear. His headj olted up and he jumped out of his seat.

She grabbed his hand, and rushed to the front of the room.

Chibi Usagi held up a book. "Today, our book report is on a book that is a favorite of mine. The beautiful suited soldier Sailor Moon" said ChibiUsagi.

"She's stupid" Chibi Goku taunted. "She is not" Chibi Usagi arguedback "is too" "is not" back and forth they went.

"That's it!" Chibi Usagi yelled, "Now I'm steamed!" she took out her compact, held it up in the air, and yelled "Eternal Moon Power MakeUp!" Just as she yelled that, Chibi Goku grabbed her arm.

"Let go" Chibi Usagi said, trying to get him off, but Chibi Goku had atight grip on her arm.

A bright light filled the room, and when the light died down, therestood two figures. The class looked on and then burst out laughing.

Eternal Sailor Moon (Chibi Usagi) stood there. On her right, stoodthere someone else in a fuku.

Chibi Goku stood there in the same fuku as Eternal Sailor Moon. Chibi Goku looked down, and blanched. He looked up to see everyone laughing at him. He tried to pull the skirt down, but it wouldn't budge. He triedto rip it, and it wouldn't.

Eternal Sailor Moon pulled out her Eternal Moon Tial. Then blurted out "Hey, it's a mini me!" Chibi Usagi threw back her head, and howled with laughter. She pointed her Eternal Moon Tial at Chibi Goku.

"Starlight Honeymoon Therapy Kieee!" someone had grabbed her Eternal moon Tial from her. "Hey give that back!" ESM yelled at Chibi Yamcha. Chibi Yamcha just stuck out his tongue. "Here Piccolo, catch!" Chibi Yamcha hurled ESM Tial towards Chibi Piccolo.

Chibi Piccolo caught the Tial. He examined the Tial. Raising it, he was about to break it in half when Chibi Vegeta grabbed it.

And Chibi Goku grabbed the Tial from Chibi Vegeta, and was about to do the same thing that Chibi Usagi did, but the smell of food stopped him. He looked over to the middle of the class. There was a small fire, with a cow and chicken roasting. Goku dropped the Tial, and ran to the food.

Chibi Yamcha grabbed the Tial and ran off with Chibi Piccolo, throwingit back and forth between them while ESM chased after them, demanding her Tial.

Chibi Krillin ran after Chibi Yamcha and Chibi Piccolo. "Come backhere shorty! I want my Tial, and I want it now!" ESM yelled when she finaly caught up with Chibi Krillin. "Now where is my Tial shorty?" "Who you calling me shorty? Your as tall as me" Chibi Krillin said, pointingthat out.

"That doesn't matter, I just want my Tial back." ESM said.

"I don't have your Tial or what ever it is, they have it" Chibi Krillinsaid pointing to Chibi Yamcha and Chibi Piccolo. "Come on" ESM growled in her kids voice. "Hey! Aren't you going to let me go?" Chibi Krillina sked,

"No, why would I do that? You're the chip I'm going to use to get my Tial back" She dragged him after Chibi Yamcha and Chibi Piccolo.

She finally got tired of dragging Chibi Krillin around and just dumped him in a garbage can. She chased after Chibi Piccolo and Chibi Yamcha what seemed like hours. Finally she stopped to catch her breath.

Suddenly a little boy, not a year older than her appeared. "Have no fear! Gohan is here!" Chibi Gohan said. ESM just face vaulted, fell andtwitched.

She quickly jumped back up, and yelled "Hey mini me! Come here" She ran and got Chibi Goku. Just looking at him in a skirt made her laughhard.

Chibi Vegeta stalked up behind her and grabbed her from behind. "Hey let go! Don't you know who I am?" Chibi Usagi cried out, and began to cry her famous cry. Chibi Vegeta let her go.

ESM remembered something that she should have remembered a long time ago. "Eternal Moon Tial Return!" the Tial disappeared from ChibiYamcha and Chibi Piccolo's hand.

"Hah hah, now its my turn." ESM said with a small smirk. "Starlight Honeymoon Therapy Kiss!" She yelled, blasting the attack towards Chibi Yamcha and Chibi Piccolo. They dodged the attack. She fired attackafter attack, but they dodged them. She stopped, closed her eyes. She opened them, and looked into the face of Chibi Tien and a Chibi Chouzu. She screamed, and backed up away from Chibi Tien and Chibi Chouzu. "Oh,its only you Tien and Chouzu, I thought it was a monster" Chibi Usagi said, giving them her winning smile, which made them smile.

ESM though of something and whispered something in Chibi Goku's ears. He perked up, and watched her how to take the Tial out of the spacepocket.

She nodded, and he nodded. "Starlight" "Starlight" "Honeymoon" "Goku" "Therapy" "Revenge" and before they could finish the attacks they heard

"Dad? Is that you? Bwahahaha!" Chibi Gohan laughed out. "Wait till mom hears about you wearing a skirt"

"Hey you!" a voice rang out through the air. Everyone stopped, and looked towards the person. Chibi Gohan looked back and forth, then back atthe figure. "Who me?" Chibi Gohan said, pointing to himself. The figure nodded. "Come here cutie!" The figure, who reveled its self as Chibi-Usa.

Chibi-Usa chased after Chibi Gohan all over the place.

But a few minutes, the sun started to go down. Then there was a loudsound, and smoke.

"Finally, back to our original forms" They all said. In place of Chibi Vegeta was Vegeta, Chibi Yamcha was Yamcha, Chibi Piccolo was Piccolo, Chibi Krillin was Krillin. In the place of ESM Chibi Usagi was ESM Usagi. Chibi Gohan back to teenage Gohan, and Chibi-Usa went to back to her original form of the age of 13. Everyone looked at Goku who had changed from Chibi form. He was now back in his original form, and clothes, no skirt for him, no way nohow. But Usagi was disappointed that there wasn't a mini me anymore.

"Did that bother you?" said a voice behind them asked. They all turned around to a red guy with no pants. "It shouldn't have been bad as a child for a year, right? Those dragon balls worked didn't it?" The red guy asked. The red guy chuckled, and said "I'm a bad boy, a really bad boy."

"Your going to be a dead boy, a really dead boy once I get my hands on you!" ESM yelled, starting after the red man with no pants. "Notbefore me!" Vegeta yelled, followed by Goku, Yamcha, Piccolo, Gohan and Chibi- Usa. And in the distance you can hear people yell "Starlight Honeymoon Therapy Kiss" "Moon Gorgeous meditation" "Kamehameha!" "Kikoho!" "Kamehameha!" "Makankosappo!" "Masenko!" and "BIG BANG ATTACK!" a huge explosion was heard from miles away, and the light was so bright, it could be seen from Mars.

"I'm a bad boy, a really bad boy" the red man with no pants gasped out before he died. Everyone cheered, letting King Kai to take care of the red man with no pants.

The end

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