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Vegeta and the Teletubbies

Goku: Hmmm I have all seven dragonballs what should I do? Hmmm no one to wish back to life I guess I can have a little fun with this. ::summons dragon::

Shenlong: You have awaken me you get two wishes.

Goku: Woo Hoo Lets see for my first wish I would like PIE!

Shenlong: ::sweatdrop:: Ok...Your wish will be granted.

A pie appears in front of Goku and he eats it with one bite.

Goku: Wow I have one more wish lets see. ::smiles devilshly:: I wish that Vegeta would have to spend one day as a cast member on the Teletubbies.

Shenlong: Your wish shall be granted.

Vegeta: ::suddendly transported to a happy sunny field:: What the Hell?

Goku: ::Runs home a flips on his T.V.::

Vegeta: What the helli is going on here.

LaLa: LaLa!

Vegeta: God No! What kind of sick joke is this.

Teletubbie Narrator: Lala it looks like you have a new friend.

Vegeta: Hell no I am not this big yellow baka's new friend.

Teletubbie Narrator: LaLa why don't you give your new friend a hug.

Vegeta: No!

Lala: ::Hugs Vegeta:: LaLa!

Vegeta: ::punches LaLa:: Stupid piece of-

Teletubbie Narrator: Now Now Vegeta don't say those kind of words in front of LaLa you'll hurt her feelings.

Vegeta: I don't give a f***

Teletubbie Narrator: Vegeta! Don't use that kind of language.

LaLa: ::Hits Vegeta and waves her finger scolding him:: LaLa!

TinkyWinky: TinkyWinky!

Vegeta: What the hell there are more of these things?!

Po: Po!

Dipsy: Dipsy!

Teletubbie Narrator: Look Dipsy a bunny do you like the bunny.

Dipsy: ::claps hands:: Bunny! Bunny!

Teletubbie Narrator: Do you like the Bunny Vegeta? Give the bunny a hug!

Vegeta: ::Blasts the bunny::

Po: Uh Oh!

Teletubbie Narrator: Where did the bunny go Po?

Po: ::Picks up dead mangled bunny:: Bunny go bye bye.

Vegeta: ::Blast Bunny agian this time there is nothing left of the bunny::

Po: ::cries::

TinkyWinky: ::slaps Vegeta with his purse::

Vegeta: ::Blows up TinkyWinkys purse:: Consider that a favor you homosexual.

TinkWinky: Big Hug

Vegeta: I don't think so get the f*** away from me!

Teletubbie Narrator: I think Vegeta needs a hug from everyone because he's using sad language.

::All the Teletubbies hug Vegeta::

Vegeta: That's you Narrator Punk I'm going to kick your a** as soon as I get out of her if you tell these freaks to hug me one more time.

Teletubbie Narrator: Lets play a game!

All excpet Vegeta: A Game! A Game!

Vegeta: I'm not playing a stupid game!

::Sitting in Duck Duck Goose Circle. TinkyWinky is the tagger::

TinkyWinky: Duck Duck Duck Goose. ::Says Goose on Vegeta::

Vegeta: ::Instead of chasing TinkyWinky around the circle he blasts him to bits::

Teletubbie Narrator: ::In shock because TinkyWinky is now dead:: Uh..don't worry everyone TinkyWinky is just sleeping.

Vegeta: ::under his breath:: only three more to go.

::Vegeta and Po are on the set for the next scene alone::

Teletubbie Narrator: Po and Vegeta are going on a trip and they are going to drive in a car.

Vegeta: ::Driving the car which suddenly breaks down. In sacastic Po like voice :: Uh Oh!


Vegeta: dumb a** ::Runs over Po and repeadly backs up and runs over him agian. Now Po is dead.::

Teletubbie Narrator: Aww now Po went to sleep too!

Vegeta: ::sighs:: only two more.

LaLa: ::taps Vegeta constantly:: Tag! Tag!

Vegeta: ::Pushes LaLa off the cliff:: Tag!

Teletubbie Narrator: Uh gee looks like LaLa went to sleep too!

Vegeta: Yeah permanetly.

Dipsy: Tea Party!

Vegeta: No fu**** way. ::Blows up Dipsy::

Teletubbie Narrator: That's it for our show today.

Vegeta: ::laughs menecingly and runs out of the studio::

The End!