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A Trip to WalMart

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Piccolo prepaired himself for the inpending challenge. Gohan had assured him that I wouldn't be as bad as he thought. Normally Piccolo trusted his friend, but now he wasn't so sure. He was even considering turning around and running away when a tug on his pantsleg stopped him.

"Don't worry, Mr. Piccolo, it won't be nearly as bad as you think. Now lets hurry, everyone's going to be be waiting on us."

Piccolo let himself be dragged into the huge building called Wal*Mart.

He glared around, expecting strange looks from everyone. To his surprise, no one seemed to notice him. Gohan saw his puzzled look and laughed.

"Told you! This is Wal*Mart, you're not the strangest person who's ever been here, and there will probably be more."

They met up with the Son family and the Briefs family. Goku was eyeing the Halloween candy, Chi-Chi was wanting to get more school supplies. Bulma was trying to get Baby Trunks to sit still in the shopping cart, Vegeta just looked bored and grouchy, and Trunks was talking to two young ladies. Gohan joined up with his family as Chi-Chi dragged Goku off to the school supplies. Piccolo shrugged and left to follow Gohan. It always ammused him to wach the reaction he got from Chi-Chi for following her "baby" around. Plus Baby Trunks had started screaming and it hurt his ears.

Miria Trunks sighed, watching his mother trying to quiet his younger self . She wasn't having much luck.

"Mind if I try?" one of the girls asked. Bulma nodded and handed Baby Trunks to her.

Trunks tried to rememeber which of the two she was. She bounced Baby Trunks a little to get his attention then topped him with an odd sounding yowl of her own. Surprised out of crying, Baby Trunks staired wide eyed at her. She mimicked his expression , making soft little sounds. Now Trunks remmebered which one she was, Cat.

And it seemed Cat's kitten expressions and mews had done the trick. Baby Trunks started giggling and waving his chubby little arms and legs. Cat handed him back to a grateful Bulma. "Thank you, are you free to baby sit some nights?" Cat smiled "Sure, we both are." Wendy wrote down their phone numbers and handed them to her.

Trunks remembered they had said they weren't twins, not even sisters. They just happened to look almost exactly alike. Cat turned to him after catching Wendy's eye for a moment. "We've got an idea"

"What would that be?" Trunks asked.

"You'll see, follow us" He nodded and they took off, making sure he was following.

They finally stoped in an empty toy isle. "We challenge you to a spar, with swords. Us against you."

Trunks nodded slowly. He wasn't sure why they wanted to challenge him, he could sence a very low ki reading from both of them. They also didn't look like they were hiding it.

He started to draw his sword but they stopped him. "No no, not that sword" they said. He frowned in confusion. They grabbed toy swords off the wall, Wendy tossed him one. Then they attacked.

He was surprised by their speed, and the little sword was hard to use. He was having trouble when Cat backed off, letting Wendy take him alone.

He lost sight of her until he heard a yell "Neko-Blast!" He started to turn but he was too slow. A big inflated rubber ball hit him on the back. Taking advantage of his distraction, Wendy poked him lightly in the stomach with her sword. "You're dead" She said with a grin.

Meanwhile Cat had taken a proud stance and was smirking in a familar way. "Never turn your back on a cat" She said arrogently. Trunks couldn't help it, she sounded just like his dad when he was in an arrogent mood, and the smirk was perfect. He started laughing. Wendy was laughing too and Cat's smirk threttened to change to a grin.

Suddenly Trunks stopped laughing as he felt a familar ki flare up. His father's ki. The prince of saiyans was already in a bad mood from being made to go shopping. Now he was being mocked.

"How dare you, you idiotic weak pitiful excuse for a human!" He snarled, starting to stalk over to her. He continued the verbal attack and Cat seemed to wilt, her eyes filling with tears. p "Tousan! Stop!" Trunks yelled. Vegeta didn't even hear him. Trunks could feel was Vegeta was too mad to. Cat's ki was skyrocketing. Her eyes had changed from their origional green o the same color green as a Super Saiyan's eyes. Finally Vegeta stood over her (he was a few inches taller and she wasn't standing at her full height.) "and you can't even stand up for yourself can you, baka?" He smirked cruely.

"Stop it! " Cat yelled, punching him right on the nose as her ki peaked well above anthing Trunks had ever felt before. Vegeta's head slammed back and he went flying back through the wall, landing in the garden center. Wendy went over and hugged Cat tight, murmering for her to calm down. Cat got control of herself after a moment, whiping her eyes. By this time the rest of the warriors had raced over, feeling the huge ki and hearing the explosion.

"What happened?!" Goku yelled. Cat swallowed hard, looking embaresed.

"I'm so sorry, I know I shouldn't let it upset me, but he was saying mean things and I sorta got mad and punched him." Everyone but Trunks face-vaulted.

Suddenly Cat said "Uh-oh" and raced for the garden center. everyone followed. They found her crouched down beside the unconsciense Vegeta, carefully propping his head up so he wouldn't choak on the blood from the nosebleed she had given him. Then she stuffed some kleenex up his nose to stop the bleeding. Trunks nudged Wendy

She have to do that often? Wendy nodded "Yeah, she always takes cleanup duty whenever one of us gets mad."

Cat finished then looked around "He'll be fine, I didn't even break his nose. He'll probably be mad when he wakes up though." Goku nodded "Yeah, and once he gets over his hurt pride he'll porobably try to track you down for a sparring partner"

Wendy laughed "Cat probably wouldn't mind that much. And if he thought Cat was bad he hasn't taken on WendyCat yet"

Everyone stared blankly at them. "WendyCat? I'm confused" Goku said. "You're always confused" Cat said with a grin. "Remember, If you ever need us, Bulma has our number" Wendy added.

There was a groan as Vegeta started to come to. "That's our cue to leave, bye bye" they said, then dissapeared. Goku's jaw dropped. "Wow, they can do Instantanious Movement too!" Trunks smiled, he doubted they had seen the last of that pair.

The End.... For now