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Chapter 2


Goku had sent Gohan to his room to do more studying, earning a few stares.


"What are we going to do?" He whispered to Piccolo in a hushed voice. "Bulma isn't supposed to get married to Yumcha! She's supposed to get together with Vegeta! You didn't say anything, did you?"


"No, of course not!" Piccolo whispered back, angrily. "I'm not an idiot. Besides, not only have I been around here the whole time, but I don't talk to either of them anyway!"


"So what are we going to do?" Goku repeated his earlier question.


"We need to get Bulma to fall for Vegeta."


"But she's with Yumcha!"


"Then we'll need to break them up!" Piccolo growled.


"I couldn't do that! They're happy... and getting married!" Goku whined. "And they're my friends! I couldn't do it, even if it is for the future!"


"Hmm." Piccolo could see Goku had a point - the Saiyan wouldn't be able to do it.


"I know! Think of it this way: getting married is a mistake, because they wont be happy." Piccolo offered.


Goku sat and thought for a while. His face scrunched up, and he kept scratching his head.


"Okay, it'll work for now. What's the plan?" He asked.


Piccolo grinned.





"Remind me, why are we foraging through Vegeta's underwear?" Goku asked Piccolo, holding up a pair of Tweety-covered blue boxers.


"Shhh! Not so loud!" The Namek turned. "The same reason we went through Bulma's underwear!"


"We're looking for a bra?"


"No!" Piccolo growled, and lowered his voice. "We need boxers."


"Oh, yeah!" Goku grinned, and then frowned. "Why?"


"If we put the boxers in Bulma's room, Yumcha will think she's cheating on him." Piccolo explained. "He'll call off the wedding."


"Good plan." Goku nodded. "What's the bra for?"


"It goes in Yumcha's apartment. Bulma will think it's another woman's bra." Piccolo grinned. "Plus, suspicions will be confirmed with some answering machine messages..."


"Answering machine... Oh! I remember this bit." Goku lifted out a pair of boxers from Vegeta's drawer. "How about these?"


Piccolo's grin spread.







"Ready to go yet Bulma?" Yumcha called to his fiancée through the bathroom door.


"Not quite." She yelled back.


Yumcha sat down on the bed, waiting for his bride-to-be. He sighed, knowing she could walk out dressed worse than the Paper-bag Princess and she'd look as stunning as ever. Of course, she didn't need clothes to look amazing...


He laid back on the bed, happy hentai thoughts filling his mind. And there she was in the middle of it, a blue-haired goddess, nearly his forever...


His hand touched something silky under her cotton pillow. Curious, he sat up and grabbed the item.


'Boxers?' He thought. 'They must be mine.' He chuckled. 'But wait, since when did I have boxers with "KING SIZE LUVA" written on them?'


His mind raced, just as Bulma stepped out of the bathroom.


"Tadda!" She giggled, turning a circle so Yumcha could see her small black number. "What do you think?"


Yumcha frowned at her. "Bulma, have you been cheating on me?"


"Cheating?" Bulma repeated. "Why would you think that?"


"I found these under you pillow." Yumcha waved the boxers accusingly.


"Those? I've seen those before--" Bulma stopped. "Oh, man!"


"So you admit it?" Yumcha demanded.


"No, those are Vegeta's! They must have gotten mixed up in the laundry." Bulma explained, wondering how they got to her pillow.


"Oh, alright then. I'm sorry." Yumcha apologised, wondering how they got to her pillow.


"I'll just drop them by the laundry to get sorted again." She said, grabbing her bag.


"Shall we away?" Yumcha asked, holding out his arm.


"We shall!" Bulma giggled, taking his arm.


The marched together down the stairs, arm in arm. Mrs Briefs stood at the bottom, admiring the beautiful couple and how happy they looked together. Vegeta took one look, snorted, and walked off to attack the kitchen.


"Oh, you two look marvellous." Mrs Briefs sighed as they reached the bottom.


"Thanks, Mom." Bulma smiled. "Oh, and before I forget and take them to the restaurant, Vegeta's boxers got mixed with my stuff."


Mrs Briefs giggled at the underwear. "I didn't know he wore these."


"Oh, and one more thing, dear." Mrs Briefs called to her daughter as she headed for the door. "Do you know a Taichi? Only he's been calling, asking for something he calls your 'erotic coition'."


Bulma turned bright red, and Yumcha glared bloody daggers at her.


Vegeta's laughs could be heard from the kitchen.


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