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Chapter Three


"Okay." Piccolo said. "Here's the plan. You go get some porn, some flowers, a prostitute, a Pikachu, a cell phone, a slab of beer, twenty Zenni in unmarked bills and a dinosaur egg and meet me at The Blue Palm!"


"Porn, beer, Pikachu... Hey! I don't know where to get all this stuff!" Goku yelled at the disappearing Namek. "Piccolo! Piccolo!"





Yumcha led Bulma through the shiny glass doors into the dining hall of the exclusive restaurant, The Blue Palm. They walked past the quietly chatting dinners to a table for two overlooking the softly glittering lights of West City bay. The lighting was low and romantic, and the table was lit by an elegant candelabra.


"Wow. This is so romantic." Bulma sighed, her eyes drifting from the lights of the bay to meet Yumcha's eyes.


"Only the best for you, babe." Yumcha smiled. "Of course, we don't have to be in a place like this for me to enjoy your company."


"You little charmer." Bulma giggled.


"I speak only the truth." Yumcha grinned.


Women at other tables glared jealously at the happy couple as they continued to talk on.





"Hmmm. Not good." Piccolo observed through his binoculars. "They're getting closer."


Goku appeared, dragging a sack and wheezing heavily.


"Here. Some porn, some flowers, a prostitute, a Pikachu, a cell phone, a slab of beer, twenty Zenni in unmarked bills and a dinosaur egg. Just like you ordered." He dumped the sack.


Piccolo looked up. "Good. You did better than Kennan."


"I think it was Kel."


"Whatever." Piccolo waved his hand and gave Goku the binoculars. "Look at them."


"This isn't good!" Goku gasped. "Bulma dyed her hair black! And it's much longer!"


"Huh?" Piccolo looked. "Gah! Next table over, gumball!"


"Oh. Okay, I see them." Goku turned back to Piccolo. "Gumball?"


"Shaddap." Piccolo growled. "We're going to bring in the heavy artillery! It's going to take more than I realised to split up this couple."


"Right. What's first?" Goku asked.


"Gimmie the twenty Zenni and the prostitute." Piccolo ordered.


"Piccolo! If you're that desparate--" Goku scolded.


"Not me you frypan! I'm a Namek!" Piccolo snapped.


Goku just shook his head, opened his sack and pulled out Charlene and a wad of Zenni.


"We have a job for you." Piccolo hissed to the hooker.


"Really?" Charlene eyed off her 'clients'. "Actually, if you want a threesome..."


"Gah! No way! I'm happily married." Goku pouted.


"Then I'll give you a discount." Charlene winked.


"ChiChi's going to kill me." Goku whined. "Just tell her what she needs to do so I don't get into any trouble. After all, it's Yumcha and Bulma who need to split up, not me and ChiChi."


"Alright. And Goku, I'll need to get you to do something while plan B is in action." Piccolo took a breath. "Okay miss, I was wondering if you could...."





Goku opened up the second drawer down and began ruffling through.


"What am I doing here again?" He whispered to himself, pulling out the Tweety boxers again.


Finding a pair of boxers he thought were adequate, he was about to shut the drawer again when something caught his eye.


'A diary?' He picked it up. 'I wouldn't. I'm not that low.'


He thought about putting it back.


'I bet Piccolo would love to read it though!' He chuckled, pocketing the small book.


Just then, the door slammed open and the light was flicked on.


"KAKAROT!!" Vegeta exclaimed in shock.


"Vegeta!!" Goku yelled back, panicked, and jumped out the window.




"Whew! That was close." Goku breathed. "Wait, what am I flying for?"


He Instant Transmissioned back to Piccolo.





Yumcha poured Bulma a glass of champagne. The sunny-yellow liquid bubbled cheerfully in her glass. The taste was of apricots and berries, and the oak flavour gave it a wisened taste. It was sweet, not too dry, and the aftertaste tickled the tastebuds.


Can you believe I learnt this much about wine before I could legally drink?


Anyway, as I was saying, the vintage of the wine was an excellent year from the finest of French wineries, and had been matured in old English she-oaks to bring out the full potential of the grapes. The makers--


"ON WITH IT!" Bulma snapped.


Well sorry! Just imparting some knowledge.


So the champagne was good. Neither Bulma nor Yumcha were wine connoisseurs, so they didn't really appreciate this fine bouquet to the fullest. But they liked it.


"How long have we known each other?" Yumcha asked thoughtfully as he took a sip of his champagne. "Since Goku was eleven? That would make it sixteen years then, wouldn't it?"


"Yeah. I remember, I was going to wish for a boyfriend." Bulma giggled.


"And I was going to wish away my fear of women." Yumcha grinned. "I guess I didn't need the dragon for that."


The two chuckled happily to each other.


"Yumcha!" A young female voice called out.


The two turned. A curvy, red-haired, sexy young woman wearing a very revealing and tight black dress was standing by the door and waving to the now blushing Yumcha.


"Hi there!" She blew him a kiss, before being seated by a waiter at the other side of the restaurant.


"Weird." Yumcha muttered, turning back to Bulma. "I wonder who... she... was?"


He trailed off, weakening under Bulma's glare.


"What?" He asked meakly.





"Good going Charlene!" Piccolo cheered, grinning evilly. "This plan may work yet!"


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