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Chapter 4


Goku sighed, watching Piccolo as he poked around Yumcha's apartment. The Namek had been digging around the less-than-spotless living/dining room, occasionally grabbing something from the bag and hiding it.


"By the way, what were you doing to Bulma's car?" He asked, hoping for conversation.


"Plan C. I was sabotaging it." Piccolo chuckled. "What type of porn did you get?"


"I wasn't sure what you wanted, so I got a bit of everything he had."


Piccolo's eyes widened and he opened up the sack. Sure enough, there were videos and magazines, hardcore and the softer style, straight and gay, and any other type of porn you could think of.


"Where did you go?" He gaped.


"Uh, I wasn't sure where you buy this stuff, so I asked Master Roshi. He said it was only a small portion of what he had, if I wanted more." Goku scratched his head.


Piccolo shook his head, grabbed Roshi's stock with an extended arm, and shoved it under Yumcha's bed, sofa, and TV.


"How do you know Bulma will see this?" Goku asked.


"Would you go at it with your parents in the house?" Piccolo questioned. "Besides, I'm better at electronic bugging than Batman. I heard their plans when they were leaving."


Piccolo stood up and closed the sack.


"Where are Vegeta’s underpants?" He asked.


"Here." Goku pulled the silk boxers out of his back pocket and threw them to Piccolo. "What are they for?"


"We're switching from rifles to cannons, my friend. Another woman's bra may make Bulma suspicious, but another man's underwear..." Piccolo smirked.


"You're definitely a sly fox." Goku commented. "Oh, and I found something at the back of Vegeta's underwear drawer you might be interested in."


Goku held up the small, black book.


"A diary?" Piccolo's smirk grew. "Perfect!"


Piccolo stuffed Vegeta's boxers behind a cushion on the sofa.


"Let's go, plan C must be happening as we speak!"


Piccolo laughed evilly, locking Yumcha's door as he left.





"Well, I guess the evening wasn't too bad." Bulma sighed as she and Yumcha walked out to her car. "At least the food was good."


The couple had long reached the decision that the redhead was the girlfriend or wife of one of Yumcha's team mates, and Yumcha had just forgotten her.


"Besides," he had argued, "why would I want her? I've got you!"


Bulma had given in; once Yumcha pointed out that he had forgiven her for having Vegeta's underpants on her bed.


"What's that?" Yumcha pointed to an object stuffed under the windscreen wipers of Bulma's car.


Bulma picked it up. "It's a bunch of flowers! Long stem roses."


She looked at the card. "To my dearest Bulma, I'll never forget the time we first met and you let me peek up your skirt and see you bathe. From, Anonymous Admirer?"


"What the HELL?" Yumcha burst.





Piccolo snorted. "Where'd you think up that?" He chuckled.


"Well, you said to write about what happened when we first met." Goku defended. "And she did lift her skirt for me! And the whole bath thing. Did I do wrong?"


"No, that was perfect." Piccolo laughed.





"Something suspicious is going on here." Bulma mused, getting into the driver's seat.


"You would say that." Yumcha grumbled, sliding into the passenger seat.


"What was that?" Bulma demanded.


"Well, you have to look at the evidence! Underwear under your pillow that's supposedly Vegeta's, except he doesn't wear those ones. Plus, you've been getting some pretty intimate phone calls from other men. And now the flowers!" Yumcha yelled.


"Oh? And what about that floozy in the restaurant? Hmm?" Bulma glowered.




"What's that supposed to mean?" Bulma yelled.


"I didn't say anything." Yumcha said.




"What? But if you didn't say anything..." Bulma frowned.


"...then there's something else in the car with us..." Yumcha finished.




The two turned wide-eyed to the back seat. Sitting in the middle, rubbing its nose and looking back puppy-dog eyed, was a--




Bulma and Yumcha screamed.





Piccolo laughed as he watched the couple flee the car and get chased around the parking lot by the small, yellow rodent.


"I don't see what's so funny." Goku pouted. "That thing is pretty scary."


"No it's not. You just have to know how to handle a Pikachu, that's all." Piccolo chuckled. "I'd say that worked well."


"There's still one problem." Goku said. "How do we know Bulma will get together with Vegeta and not some other guy?"


"Bulma will do it to spite Yumcha. That's the kind of chick she is." Piccolo grinned evilly. "Plus, I've been doing some reading."


Opening Vegeta's diary to a random page, Piccolo read aloud, "Why does that stupid Onna have to wiggle her butt like that whenever she's fixing the Gravity machine? It's painful enough without her tempting me even more like that. If my Saiyan pride wasn't getting in the way, I'd---" Piccolo paused. "Well, you can imagine."


"Imagine what? What?" Goku grabbed the book and read. "Eew... ick... urgh... oh... hmm, I must try that with ChiChi..."


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