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Chapter Six


"So, Bulma finds the porn and dumps Yumcha." Goku recapped.


Piccolo rolled his eyes and sighed. Saiyans.


He focused his eyes back through the binoculars to Yumcha's apartment window. Since they were situated on the roof of the building across the road, Piccolo could only see in through the bathroom window. But Goku didn't need to know that.


"What if it doesn't work?" Goku asked. "And why is there stuff left over in the sack?"


"The stuff in the sack is for Plan E, our emergency plan." Piccolo explained.


"E for Emergency!" Goku chuckled.


"Very good, Elmo." Piccolo grumbled. "And if all else fails, I have a super-secret backup plan that can't fail!"


"Ooh! Super-secret?" Goku wiggled with glee. "What is it? What is it?"


"If I told you, then it wouldn't be super-secret then, would it?" Piccolo growled.


"Aww." Goku sank down to sit on the sack.


The pair sat in silence again.


Suddenly, Piccolo stood up.


"Dammit." Piccolo cursed. "Vegeta's coming."


"Vegeta?" Goku followed Piccolo's gaze.


Sure enough, the Saiyan Prince landed on the edge of the building and glared at the two.


"Well well!" He sneered. "What would you two be doing out here all by yourselves so late?"


"None of your business Vegeta." Piccolo snarled.


"Hey Vegeta, why are you only wearing your boxers? And what's that orange smear on your upper lip?" Goku asked, pointing.


Startled, Vegeta suddenly realised how much of a hurry he'd been in to make sure Kakarot was okay. Suddenly feeling very silly, the Prince felt a blush creep.


"It's orange juice." he growled. "It just so happened I was in the middle of something when your blasted wife called searching for you!"


"Just what were you doing at this time of night that required you to be half-naked with juice?" Goku asked.


"I do not want to know!" Piccolo snapped, horrified. "Why are you out here Vegeta?"


Vegeta hmphed. "To tell Kakarot he's well overdue for dinner! It's well past eleven-thirty!"


"What!? I missed dinner?!?" Goku cried out. "Oh no!"


"Since when were you ChiChi's messenger boy?" Piccolo asked mockingly.


"I missed dinner!!"


"Since I will be the one to destroy Kakarot, not some stupid virus!"


Goku began to hop from foot to foot.


"So you were worried?"


"No! Of course not!"


Goku grabbed Piccolo by his collar and shook him. "I MISSED DINNER!!"


Vegeta laughed at the stunned Namek.


"Well, Kakarot, if you really want that food, you're going to have to go home and get it!"


"Good idea, Vegeta!" Goku grinned, taking off into the air.


"Oh, and Kakarot?" Vegeta called. "Tell your loud-mouthed woman to never call me again!"


"Will do!" Goku yelled back.


Piccolo woke up and realised he was being dragged through the air by his shirt.


Growling and detaching himself, he glared up at Goku and snarled, "Instant Transmission."


Goku blinked a couple of times.


"Oh yeah!" He grinned, and raised two fingers to his forehead and disappeared.


Piccolo hovered, waiting.


"5... 4... 3... 2..."


Goku reappeared.


"Sorry, Piccolo." He grabbed Piccolo's arm, and disappeared again.





Bulma slammed the phone on the hook in anger.


"Well?" Yumcha prompted.


Bulma looked at him, clearly frustrated. "Yeah, Master Roshi admits the magazines and videos are his, but keeps insisting Goku took them, saying Piccolo needed them."


"Goku?" Yumcha laughed. "I don't think Goku even knows what porn is. And Piccolo, well, he's a Namek!"


"I know." Bulma sat down on Yumcha's lap, sighing. "It doesn't get us any closer to knowing who did this."


"It's okay, babe." Yumcha kissed Bulma's neck. "At least we caught them doing it."


Bulma turned her head and kissed Yumcha on the lips. "You're right." She giggled, and turned around on his lap to fully face him. "Now where were we?"


Yumcha smirked, picked Bulma up, and carried her into the bedroom.






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