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Chapter Seven


Gohan yawned as he walked into the kitchen, blinking the sleep from his eyes. He sat down at the table which was straining under the weight of breakfast. Grabbing a plate and serving himself a stack of pancakes, the young demi-Saiyan turned to his father.


"Are you okay Dad?" He asked.


Goku had his head bowed guiltily, and was staring at his cereal with a depressed look. He pushed the flakes around with his spoon, not eating. He looked up at his son, then back down to the bowl.


Gohan turned to his mother, who was busying herself with a large stack of dishes. Unfortunately, she was breaking every one.


"I knew he was a bad influence. I told you two to stay away from him!" ChiChi scolded, dropping more china into the wastebasket.


"I'm sorry ChiChi." Goku weakly apologised.


"I don't know how he gets away with it. Kidnapping Gohan, getting him into fights, and now he's keeping you out past eleven-thirty!" ChiChi threw another plate away, and turned around. "Why would you want to hang out with Piccolo anyway?"


Goku looked up with pleading eyes. "We had to, ChiChi! For the future!"


"That's what you keep saying! For the future! Gohan has to train all the time, for the future! Piccolo has to stay with us, for the future! You can't go get a job or a driver's license, because you're too busy training for the future!" ChiChi took a breath.


There was a knock at the door.


"Gohan, honey, go answer that please." ChiChi turned back to the dishes.


Gohan hopped up from the table and went to the door. He opened it, and Piccolo looked down and smiled.


"Ready for training, kid?" He asked.


"I don't think this is a good time, Mr Piccolo." Gohan whispered.


"Gohan!" ChiChi called sweetly from the kitchen. "Who is it? It wouldn't happen to be that green psychopathic long-fanged freak of a demon whose monstrous ways keep you and your daddy from leading full and happy lives, would it?"


Piccolo began to sweat. "I see what you mean, kid."


"Don't leave our villainous guest out in the cold, Gohan. Invite him in." ChiChi instructed.


"Sorry, Mr Piccolo." Gohan lowered his head, and closed the door behind his friend.


"Nice knowing you, kid." Piccolo whispered back.


"Take a seat please, slime-coloured ogre." ChiChi ordered Piccolo as he entered the kitchen.


Piccolo sat.


ChiChi turned to Gohan and smiled sweetly. "Gohan, why don't you go play outside? Your daddy, the monstrosity and I are going to have a little talk."


Gohan paled, nodded, and ran outside.


Piccolo was now bowing his head in the same fashion as Goku.


"Now, Goku and devil-incarnate, you two are going to tell me the truth. The whole truth."


"And nothing but the truth." Piccolo finished, without looking up.


Goku chuckled.


"DO YOU THINK THIS IS FUNNY?" ChiChi roared, and was met with silence.


"Now, what were you two doing last night that was so important?" She demanded.


"Well, you see Chi, Piccolo said Yumcha and Bulma are getting married." Goku began. "And well, you see, we were just-- I mean, we needed to-- what I really mean is, Piccolo and I were--"


"Out planning something." Piccolo finished. "For Yumcha. Since he's getting married and all."


"Yeah, something special." Goku added, catching on to Piccolo's idea.


"For tonight. It's not everyday a Z-warrior gets married!"


Goku nodded in agreement.


ChiChi frowned. "And why did this take you until eleven-thirty?"


"Because..." Piccolo looked at Goku. "Some of the places we were making arrangements at... don't open until eleven?"


ChiChi sighed, sat down, and rubbed her temples.


"Why didn't you just tell me this?" She asked.


"Well, we thought you'd probably tell Bulma, and Bulma might get mad at Yumcha spending a night out and about in clubs and stuff." Goku explained.


"Yeah, Bulma's that kind of woman. She might think he'd cheat or something." Piccolo added.


ChiChi thought for a moment. Bulma would freak like that, and it was nice to see Goku hadn't completely forgotten about life beyond his new training regime.


"I'm sorry I didn't call, ChiChi." Goku said softly.


"All this worrying is going to give me wrinkles." ChiChi said after a few moments. "All right, I forgive you Goku. You and Piccolo can go celebrate with Yumcha tonight, but from now on, you have to tell me where you're going and call at ten, okay?"


Goku grinned. "I can do that, ChiChi!"


"Do I get an apology for all the names?" Piccolo asked.


"Don't push it." ChiChi growled dangerously. "I'll go get Gohan, I'll bet he's really hungry."


ChiChi left the room humming.


"So when do we start plan E?" Goku whispered.


"Tonight." Piccolo whispered. "So, we can train or whatever today."


"I've got an idea." Goku smiled at ChiChi, who had just walked in the door with a very relieved Gohan.


"What idea would that be, Goku honey?" ChiChi asked.


"Well, maybe Gohan and Piccolo could spend the day training together?" Goku suggested.


"What? Gohan with-- with him?" ChiChi looked horrified.


"Well, I was planning something. You know, for just the two of us?" Goku gave a suggestive look.


"Oh!" ChiChi giggled. "Well, alright then."


"Yay!" Gohan cheered through his pancakes.


Piccolo rolled his eyes, spotting the little black book in Goku's back pocket.


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