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Chapter Nine


Goku went home.


Yumcha and Piccolo were left to tend to the complete wasteland that was once Yumcha's apartment. They started by getting out a garbage bag and picking up all the bottles, cans and broken glasses.


"What a night." Yumcha groaned, picking up Goku's soiled pants with a pair of tongs.


"I wouldn't know," Piccolo joked, holding out the garbag. "Can't remember. Got that drunk."


"I didn't. Well, almost. I remember most of the night, though some of the details are fuzzy." Yumcha stuffed the pants in the bag. "Under the couch?"


Piccolo lifted up his end of the sofa, and they moved it back. They found more empty liquor bottles, and a video Yumcha had missed.


"Don't leave me in suspense." Piccolo began scooping bottles.


"Well, as I remember it..." Yumcha began.





(Cue "The Entertainer", fade to street side. Enter Yumcha, Piccolo and Goku stride pompously from stage right)


Goku: I do say, old chap. This quaint tavern seems appropriate.


Piccolo: I do agree. Let us join in the festivities, and celebrate our chum's engagement to the fair lady.





Piccolo stared at Yumcha.


"Seriously!" Yumcha defended. "I mean, you two had already had five beers!"





(Cue loud dance beat, fade to hip nightclub. Lights flash, couples dance. Enter Yumcha, Piccolo and Goku from front door)


Piccolo: Rather loud.


Goku: I agree.  If it pleases you, let us find a table to ourselves and order some refreshments.


Yumcha: (pointing) Over there looks good.


(Piccolo leads the way. Crowd parts. They find a (now) empty table and sit)





"Okay. So we went to a nightclub and ordered drinks." Piccolo recapped.


"We didn't just order drinks. Chicks kept coming over, and men too. And we weren't getting just beer, or even wine. They were serving us the so-strong-its-near-pure-alcohol stuff." Yumcha shook his head. "You wouldn't believe the attention we were getting. I kept having to remind myself I was engaged, and taken. Bedroom next?"


Piccolo nodded, and they moved into Yumcha's bedroom.


"What happened with all the girls?" He asked.





(Cue dance beat, fade to nightclub. Yumcha, Piccolo and Goku are sitting at the table. A blonde is hanging over Yumcha's chair; a brunette is sitting on Goku's lap.)


Yumcha: Let’s have another drink.


Piccolo: Beer! Beer is foamy. Beeeeeerr. (Drops head to table)


Goku: ...and then I saved the world from aliens.


Brunette: I think you've had too much to drink.


Piccolo: Smoooooooth.... foameeeeeeee.....


Blonde: C'mon, let's dance! I'm sure your fiancée won't find out.


Goku: Wanna see my tail?


Piccolo: Warm... and very... beer.


Yumcha: No dance, thanks. I wouldn't have proposed if I was interested in other women.


Piccolo: Beeeeeerrrrr.......... foameeeeeeeeee..........





"I think that's all the rubbish." Piccolo shook the bag, and tied it at the top. "Now to clean your carpet. Where do you keep the mop?"


"Laundry Lady for the building has one. I don't think she'd be too impressed with vomit, so we'd better volunteer the job." Yumcha picked up the phone. "I'll call and ask if we can borrow the cleaning stuff. But you're doing the lounge room; that's your vomit in there."


Piccolo sighed and sat down on the bed. "Fair's fair, I guess."





Bulma was on the phone to ChiChi.


"Urgh! It's unbelievable, Chi. Do you know what I heard? One of Dad's employees down in Accounting told me that she saw Yumcha in a nightclub last night, getting as drunk as a lord with girls all over him!" Bulma raged. "I thought we were getting married! Obviously, he's still interested in other women."


ChiChi chuckled. "Don't worry about it, Bulma. Yumcha wasn't cruising for chicks."


"Oh? And how do you know?" Bulma asked, still angry.


"Because Goku and Piccolo were with him. I'm certain about that; Goku got home just half an hour ago with a horrible hangover! They were just taking Yumcha out for a night on the town to celebrate. I'm sure Yumcha didn't even think about cheating." ChiChi reassured her.


"You're right, ChiChi." Bulma laughed weakly. "I've been so stressed. I've got to have more faith in Yumcha, otherwise this marriage won't work."


"Since you two got together, you've both had problems. But you've always sorted them out, haven't you?" ChiChi reminded her.


"Yeah." Bulma giggled. "He's such a cutie-pie. I think I got a real catch, Chi."


"We both did." ChiChi agreed warmly.




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