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> Written humor > The Fault









Contact DHZ


Welcome everyone to The Fault. I'm sure almost everyone remembers The Vault, where all the best of the best webmasters were interviewed about various topics like why they made their webpage. That was all very nice, but now it's time for The Fault, where all the best of the best humor webmsters are interviewed about various insane topics! This section is dedicated to the memory of The Vault. So on the the interviews!

Shrine O' Shorts Meer shares some of her deepist thoughts with all the DBZ humor fans.

Lizard Butt Kazoo An interview with Wal-Mart Shopper and Space Cadet.

Over-the-Shoulder-Boulder-Holder chan's Home Page An interview with the master artist herself.

Steve the King on Clinically Unacceptable Fanfiction The insane guy who brought you Frieza Beans!

RinseVegetables66 of RinseVegetables66's Choco-Ball Cooking Site! Very humerous! Vegeta soup.... bwahaha

Green Saiyan's Potpourii Fettuchini The site's still under construction but the owner is crazy!


(*Note* if I add a comment after the interview it's in italics)

The Question Sheet



Some material on this site may be considered offensive. You have been warned.

This site last updated 7-Dec-03.