El Amazing Steve'o of Clinically Forbidden Fanfics.
Answer the following questions. Try to be as creative
as possible.
Fill in the Blank. "I think....
1.) Anne’s Hallmark is Vegeta's favorite store. He’s a bad ass, but
underneath that tough Saiyan muscle is a heart of a grandma. Yeah,
laugh now, but Vegeta will be laughing last when he has a ‘Precious Moments’
ornament for every occassion and you dont! ‘Let’s be friends’, ‘I love you’,
‘I’m sorry’, oh yeah, he’s got ‘em all baby and you got jack squat! By the
way, it’s ANNE’S HALLMARK. Not to be confused with MARY’S HALLMARK, or
LUCY’S HALLMARK, he wouldn’t be caught DEAD in those kinds of Hallmarks. If
you DO go to Lucy or Mary’s Hallmark, you’re an emotion-product sissy ass
pansy! "
2.) Videl has a secret crush on that guy from ‘Different Strokes’. He
supposedly dissappeared off the face of the Earth... but I know what
really happened to him. Here are some clues... It involves Videl, hand-cuffs,
a gorilla named ‘Bubba’, and a camcorder... that’s all I’m saying... "
3.) Goku's favorite food is FRIEZA BEANS!!! C’mon now, how many canned
food byproducts can drive a man to start his own cult? Huh? HUH?! Not that
many, I can tell you!...Except Spam... there is something strangely hypnotic
about Spam that makes me want to overthrow the facist American government..."
4.) Pork n’ Senzu Beans is the best Dragonball Z humor site. It’s one
of the few GOOD DBZ humor sites. Visit this site NOW before it gets thrown
5.) The best scene in DB/Z/GT was when Goku saved everybody from the
bad guy!... Look, it’s late, I’m hungry, I’m tired, every thought in my
head is being simplified as of now. I need some coffee slushy..."
Multiple Guess. Explain if you want to
1.) The season 3 FUNimation voices....
B) Suck.
That about sums it up.
2.) Who would win in an eating contest?
E) Other, Scratches (Dr. Briefs small black cat that sits on his
shoulder)He looks cute and innocent, but you should see this little furry freak
of nature when they have those birthday give-away sundaes at Baskins
Robbins! Traumatized children grip their mothers tight as they watch this small
cat pile through the strawberry sundaes and happy-chip ice cream pies! Last
year he bit off a kid’s finger thinking it was banana split!
3.) Who would win in a catfight?
B) Bulma.
Damn, yo. She got them nails and gangsta-bitch personality. You wanna
f*** with Bulma you goin’ down, hoe!
4.) Who was the lamest movie villain?
D) Slug
He died of whistling... WHISTLING! HOW THE HELL DO YOU DIE OF
WHISTLING?!! He didn’t die of the Spirit Bomb, like Wheelo or Turles. He didnt die from an ultra-super fused character, like Janemba. No, WHISTLING!!! The only
one who comes really close is Bio-Brolly cause he died of rain, and not
neccesarily acid rain at that. But no... you die of whistling your reputation is
shot forever.
5.) FUNimation is...
B) Very evil
Eh, they’re only worthy of ‘Very Evil’. I AM the most evil on Earth! If
I was in charge I’d change Goku’s name ‘Viento’ and have Dennis Leary do
Vegeta’s voice. Lets see FUNimation beat that!
Short Answer:
1.) Where do you get your ideas for your fanfiction?
Not many things. Mainly it’s TV or movie basis ideas. As you can see,
Frieza Beans was inspired by ‘Soylent Green’, with a touch of ‘Blair Witch
Project’ and a dab of ‘The Exorcist’. My second FF, about Trunks being a pop
band leader, is based on ‘VH1 Behind the Music’. If all else fails, TV
commercials are good inspiration... not regular TV commercials, but the really
stupid ones that make no sense... you know, like the ones on at 1:00 AM on the
Spanish channel.
2.) Which are better, boxers or briefs, and why?
Boxers. One, they keep you swingin’ free. Two, briefs are so tight they
get lost up my ass. Three, if you were to get changed in a locker room
wearing boxers or briefs... 98% chance says you’ll get your ass kicked wearing
briefs. GO BOXERS!!! WOOOOOOOO!!!!!
3.) What were you on when you wrote Frieza Beans?
I wrote Frieza Beans around Halloween time. When I emptied out my candy
bag at home, I found this one small, gumdrop candy at the bottom. It was
strange, pink, dutch candy that smelled like cheap cologne. I dont know what
house I got it from, but after I while I ran out of other candy. After eating
the strange pink candy, my talking goldfish told me to “Eat more
cheese,”... I didnt know what he meant at the time, but it gave me the idea of
writing Frieza Beans. The more I wrote the more of this pink candy I was
eating. After a while my desert pudding pies started having conversation with
me and gave me more ideas... I dont know if I said something wrong or looked
at them a strange way, but the next thing I new they were trying to eat me in
my sleep! Desperately I tried to finish the story, being once I did the
basement monster AND the cannabalistic pudding pies would go away! They
eventually did... wait, what was the question again? Oh! Right. I was on pink
dutch candy... next question...
4.) If you were doing a live action DBZ movie, who would you have star who, right off the top of your head?
Goku= Keaneu Reeves [Speed, The Matrix]
Vegeta= Ben Stiller [Mystery Men, There’s Something about Mary]
Piccolo= Computer Animation, but the voice would be DMX [Ruff Ryder]
Android 18= Cameron Diaz [There’s Something about Mary, The Mask]
Krillan= Vern Treuer [Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me *MiniMe!]
Gohan= *Chibi* That kid from ‘Stir of Echoes’ *Adult* Stephen Dorf [Blade]
Trunks= Leonardo DiCaprio [What’s Eating Gilbert Grape, Titanic]
Master Roshi= Tom Green [Tom Green Show]
Bulma= Reese Witherspoon [Pleasantville, Cruel Intentions]
Mr. Satan= Will Ferrell [Saturday Night Live, Night At The Roxbury]
5.) If you could make one wish with the dragonballs,
what would it be?
Ooh, this is a good one! Let’s see... I’d wish for Android 18 to be
real. Then, uh, I’d take care of the rest, if ya get my drift. *wink, wink*