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Answer the following questions. Try to be as creative as possible. Fill in the Blank. "I think....

1.) Anne's Classy Langere is Vegeta's favorite store. (What, you think he just came up eith the name 'Bra' out of thin air???)"

2.) Videl has a secret crush on KAMESENNIN!!!!! BUM BUM BUM!!!!! (insert terminal nosebleed here)"

3.) Goku's favorite food is Kakarotto Cake (Hmmm.... could I have a side of Vegeta Soup with that? ^_~)"

4.) Pork n' Senzu Beans is the best Dragonball Z humor site. (Close call..... *yells* Sorry, Meri!)"

5.) Um.... hard one.... but I think that.... um.... er... I think, probably, the end of the last ep of GT... the flashback scenes? That would be so cool.... but., I'm not completely sure.... -_-;;;" NAME PUN: Master Ploy of Brolli on the Brain!!! (As in "Castor Troy of Vegeta Insane!!!")

Multiple Guess. Explain if you want to

1.) The season 3 FUNimation voices.... A) Stink. B) Suck. C) Stink worse than Nappa's breath. D) Suck even more than a super Hoover.
D. Vegeta's voice dang SUCKS ( ESPECIALLY after Brian Drummond-sama in seasons 1 and 2) Goku has NO expression (As in when he fights: hah. hoo. heh.. hoo. hah.) Freezer has that STUPID girly voice (can't WAIT for King Cold, ne?) and says ALL THAT STUPID STUFF! ("Whatever turns you on, Big Boy") They ruin the perfect villain!!!!! Next question, please!

2.) Who would win in an eating contest?
A) Goku. B) Lina Inverse from Slayers. C) Serena from Sailor Moon. D) Ranma from Ranma 1/2. E) Other (please explain)
Well, I've never seen Slayers, unfortunately, but.... let's see.... I think Ranma would challenge Goku to a match and they'd beat each other up while Serena keeps eating. So, C is my answer.

3.) Who would win in a catfight? A) Chi-Chi. B) Bulma. C) Akane from Ranma 1/2. D) Serena from Sailor Moon. E) Other (please explain)
C, Akane. She's easily better at martial arts than Chi Chi..... >_< could kick Serena's butt, but... of course... this is the great Bulma, Crab o' the Century and national catfighter... and she could use Hoi Poi Caps.... C is not my final answer!!!!!! My answer is B, Bulma!

4.) Who was the lamest movie villain? A) Garlic Jr. B) Dr. Wheelo C) Turles. D) Slug E) Kooler/Metal Kooler F) Jenemba G) Broli/Bio Broli H) Hildegarin I) All of them.
Okay, let's see...... DEFINITELY not Cooler, he's.... well..... cooler than all the rest -_-;;;;; Cooler (Movie five) is the only non-dub movie I saw (Well, it was Chinese dubbed)...... Garlic Jr is cool in my opinion, dispite dumb enough to get caught in his own trap..... I hear Slug just plain sucks. My answer is D, Slug.

5.) FUNimation is... A) Evil. B) Very evil C) Incredibly evil. D) So evil it makes Freezer look like Ghandi
Hmm......... I'm not saying it makes Freezer look like Ghandi, because they did some decent dub jobs on some things (And here I'm speaking of the movies.) C, incredibly evil

Short Answer:

1.) Why Vegeta? There are three thousand two million other variations of "Vegeta's Dragonball Page" out there. So having a name with Vegeta in it makes it harder to stand out from the crowd.
Well, this is a pretty short answer.... I think it's Vegeta since so many people find Vegeta easy to like. He has a personality that fits into this world. He would be excellent in congress, although not as mean, ruthless, merciless, etc. as the rest of them... but I'm off the subject. We like Veggie-sama because.... he just has that.... "cool" feeling around him.... you know what I mean? ^_~ Evil.... merciless.... powerful... a name with a "V"... what's not to like?

2.) What inspired you to make a page?
Well..... I don't really know.... it was a few things. First, there was EDR. In the VERY beginning, I was a member (and then I became a leader) of a DBZ guild, Eternal Dragon's Rage (It's just _fallen_ _apart_ now) and, from copying the main editor I learned basic HTML. Then, when my friend, Cell Jr 103, started his page, I thought, 'I can do that too!' So I started a page. After many ideas, I thought of a DB comedy site. (at the time, I thought it was the first, not counting MSTing of DBZ.... WRONG!) Actually, I found this site because Cell Jr 103 sent me a link. (Looks like you got compitition!) Go figure......

3.) What's your theory on how Vegeta keeps his hair standing up no matter what the conditions?
A freak accident involving the industrial strength hairspray aisle, a woolen carpet, and a shopping cart. (I KNOW he says that a full-blooded Saiya-jin's hair finds a shape and stays that way..... I think it's just a coverup ^_~)

4.) What would be the funniest crossover possible? (anime and non-anime)
Hmm..... how about..... Gundam Wing and Sesame Street? (Big Bird = Wing Gundam Oo;;;;)

5.) Which do you prefer, boxers or briefs? Why?
Um...... Oo;;;;;; I dunno.... can you buy DragonBall boxers? (ô_o) Yes, try Media Play. I got a pair on right now. Little tight in the hips but not too bad. (I love you Mr. Foxworthy!)

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