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> Written Humor > Keepers of the Flames









Contact DHZ



Almost everyone hates getting a flame. You spend hours working on a page only to have some dork with AOL 3.0 e-mail you to insult your sexual prefference and criticize your page. However, I'm not almost everyone. I love flames! I really do! I feel honored that someone who couldn't find their ass with both hands has taken the time and mental strain to figure out how to send e-mail so they can say they don't like me. So on with the monuments to inbreeding!



Date: Sun, 28 May 2000 18:18:09 EDT

Subject: (no subject)


if you watched the japanese dragon ball z episodes, then you would know that freeza's voice is doesn't sound like a girl. second theirs nothing wrong with wearing a earring because alot of kids,and movie stars wear them. so get it straight please. last nothing wrong with purple

I know Freezer, Frieza, Freeza, however you want to spell his freakin' name, sounds male in the Japanese version. I don't care. He sounds like my grandma in the English version, so I make fun of that. It's my job. Did I ever say anything was wrong with earrings? Of course a lot of people wear them! I have 4, my mom has 2, my mom's sister wears 4, my dad's sisters in law both have 2. I know lots of people wear them! "last nothing wrong with purple" Hmm, translater please! "Nothing with purple lasts wrong?" maybe, I dunno.

what kind of a fuckin name is catdragon anyway, and your site really stinks you got wack pics and what the hell is the deal with yhis stupid looking cat curser if i were you i would destroy this site right away.

What kind of name is newt-on? You're not a cookie, though you are a slimy bottom dwelling pest. Thank you for telling me my site stinks, I'll be sure to take this oh so constructive critism into consideration. Ha! Now run along and bother someone who cares.

p> Hey could you please not make fun of dbz any more thats my favorite show so lay off.

thank you

Aww, too scared to put down your name? Well since you weren't too bad, I'll go easy on you. This is called humor. H...U...M...O...R ::speaks slowly and loudly:: that means even though you like something, you make fun of it. Take high school Freshmen, there's nothing wrong with most of them, but it's tradition to poke fun at them. As long as it's not harmful, everyone gets a good laugh, then when the Freshman becomes Sophmores, they turn right around and poke fun at the new Freshmen. Heck, I made fun of Freshmen when I was a Freshman. It's fun. And pokeing fun of DBZ and FUNimation is a lot of fun. You want to find a site singing the praises off how dBZ is the most perfect form of art ever, look somewhere else. Want to be amused, and laugh at its idiosyncrasies, you're in the right place.

Ron Smith think your a big wuss. Your jokes are Soooooooo gay. This means your gay and a big harry bastard. So suck my dick

Lets see, thanks for the compliment, I'm glad all my jokes are lighthearted, they're ment to be! So I'm lighthearted too, cool. Thanks. Harry bastard? My name is NOT Harry, it's Cat. C. A. T. Cat. Ohhhh, maybe you mean "hairy"? Ehh, not really, I just shaved my legs yesterday. As for the bastard part, I was born in wedlock thankyouverymuch. I doubt you can claim the same. Suck your dick? How? You obviously don't have one, and if you did I wouldn't touch it with a 10 foot pole. I have something called standards. So shoo, go bother someone who cares.

Tenshi Achinu ok, first of all, if u love flames soooo much, why on earth do u keep bashing all the people who send u flames? jeez, learn to take a little critisism. i mean, (and you're probably gonna come up with some stupid remark to this) some of the flames were pretty rude, but you could have just told them to back off and if they didn't like the site to go find another one. jeez, get a life, praise isn't the only thing worth living for. (another stupid remark will be coming my way) some of you're stuff was pretty funny, so why don't u set up a praise page instead of just a flames page?! then maybe you won't have something to gripe about! and no i am not afraid to give my name, but why should i, you cant make me :P


Oh dear, how mean and horrible of me. People send me e-mails telling me my site "sux" and I'm supposed to send them kind and well typed out e-mails asking them to politely back off? Sorry, they don't deserve that much respect. Bah, I'm too tired to pick this apart the way I should. I'll come back to it later. Nope, I can't make you give out your name and frankly I don't care. A praise page? Wouldn't that be..... FanMale? Which has been sadly neglected, like the rest of the site. Ah well.

"On the "Infrequently Asked Questions" you called Gohan a "whiny momma's boy"... well I have a comment about that... YOU SHOULDN'T TALK... YOUR ON CAFFEINE SO AS LONG AS YOU ARE, YOUR WORD DOESNT COUNT, BAKA!!! OH, AND BY THE WAY... VEGETA'S UGLY!!!

I believe you are mistaken about "being on caffeine" you see, caffeine causes feeling of elation and energy, as well as accelerating the thinking process, so anything I'm going to say will be very fast and very smart. Something I'm sure you've never experianced. Yes, he's a whiny little momma's boy. He's also probably having "relations" with Mr. Piccolo. As for Vegeta being ugly, you're just intimidated by his sexy buttocks. Spend some time working your own flabby buns and then maybe you won't feel so inclined to strike out at his sculpted body.

I also have a question. Its... Why do I not understand half of the stuff you right? Do you not use spell check?

First of all, it's "write" not "right" so I would guess that my writing is correct and you just expect it to be spelled wrongly, so you don't understand it. As for spellcheck, no, Angelfire has no built in spellcheck. Go whine at them.

Oh ya, and Trunks is born with a tail... I have a pic as proof...

If you're speaking of the common pic of Baby Trunks with a tail and an apple, there is no proof whatsoever that it is a true to the series DBZ picture. If you can find proof, then you can argue.

Your website, DBZ humor sucks dick (just like me!) How dare you make Vegeta a Faggot in that Chijita picture. How stupid. And if that wasn't you who did that picture, tell that Wendy girl to lick pussy.

So... your only problem with this entire site is the Chijita picture? I could say a lot, and most of it would come from my psychology class. But as it is, I'm going to say one thing... get a sense of perspective. Freedom of speech, girl. And believe it or not, most Vegeta-lovers find that pic funny. wrote: 1.dbz sucks

I don't even know why this is here. I love a good argument, especially when I'm defending Dragonball Z, but usually I'm provided a reason why. Oh well, at least you didn't attempt to estimate my sexuality or I.Q.




Some material on this site may be considered offensive. You have been warned.

This site last updated 7-Dec-03.