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> Written humor > Cat's Interviews









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Cat here, about to interview some of the famous Z warriors!

Here's another interview by Rajha - "An Unusual Interview"

First: Goku

Cat~ I'm here for an exclusive interview with the famous hero Goku! Now Son Goku, how do you feel about that fat runt Yajarobi always getting the credit?

Goku~ Hey little kitty, what are you doing here? Were you sent to give me some more senzu beans?

Cat~ No no, you have me confused with another cat. Now please answer the question.

Goku~ Are you sure? You look like my friend, only with eyes.

Cat~ Yes I'm sure! Now, please Son Goku, answer the question.

Goku~ Uhh, what was it again?

Cat~ I asked how you and the others feel about Yajarobi always getting the credit when you save Earth from some evil force.

Goku~ Ohhh, well I don't really mind, Chi-Chi says as long as we know who really did it, it doesn't matter who gets the credit.

Cat~ You don't mind him getting the credit? And all the food and money too?

Goku~ Food? Wait a minute!*Goku takes off, almost Super Sayjin, leaving reporter Cat in the dust*

Cat~ Well there you have it, obviously Yajarobi better watch out. Now I better hurry to cover the battle, don't want to miss this!

Next: Vegeta

Cat~ Now Mr. Vegeta, what do you see in Bulma? Seems odd that the prince of the saiyjins would marry such a whiny teenage girl?

Vegeta~ Because her father owns Capsule Corps.

Cat~ Ah, for the money?

Vegeta~ Oh course, how else could I stand being around her that long?

Cat~ Good point.

Vegeta~ Anyway, I have to stay with her for now so Trunks can use a time machine to come back, not that I couldn't handle Freeza and his dad without him.

Cat~ Of course, I know that.

Vegeta~ You don't believe me, do you?!

Cat~ Yes! I do! Now please stop charging up!

Vegeta~ Alright, just this once.

Cat~ Thank you! I promise next weeks top 10 list will be dedicated to you, and say good things!

Vegeta~ You better, or......

Cat~ Yes yes, I will, you'll be even more famous, now goodbye! *Races off*

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This site last updated 7-Dec-03.