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> Written Humor > Songs









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Here we show the musical side of our Z heroes.


Ray of Light

Sex and Senzu (parody of Sex and Candy)

12 days of Christmaz

Senzu Diet (Suit Zoot Riot)

Are you Strong Enough? (By Sheryl Crow)

Made to Last (By Semisonic)

Dragon World (Albuquerque by Weird Al)

The Pod Flyin' Song (The Truck Drivin' Song by Weird Al)

On the Road to Satan City (On the Road to Viridien City)

DBZ Horoscope (That's Your Horoscope For Today)

The DBZ (The BBC)

Go! Go! SSJ (Go! Go! Moldiver)

I'm A Saiyan (I'm a Pioneer)

The Real Z Shady (Parody of The Real Slim Shady)

Green (Parody of Blue)

Freiza's Song (Parody of Golum's Song)

Monkey (Parody of Lucky)

Stronger Than Kakarot (Parody of Stronger)



Please note: In the big move about, I've lost a couple of songs. Yeah, yeah. I still got the names up, just for the entertainment value.



Some material on this site may be considered offensive. You have been warned.

This site last updated 7-Dec-03.