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> Written Humor > Top Ten Lists, Page One









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I receive a lot of submissions for Top Ten, but not all of them make it to the front page. Some are only about three or five long, and I eventually use them as sugesstions. Some are pure gems that just don't make it, and so they have been added to the bottom of the page.

What Are The DBZ Characters Hoping For On Christmas?

10. Goku: "I want... Food! Can I have food, ChiChi?"
9. ChiChi: "A warm home and lots of food for every child... so they can study."
8. Trunks: "Nothing. I've already got what I want."
7. Gohan: "Study materials for Pan... what? What's my Mom got to do with this?"
6. Krillin: "A nose."
5. Goten: "I'll have whatever Trunks is having."
4. Videl: "A new house. Have you ever tried living next to ChiChi?"
3. Mr Popo: "I want my Kami back!"
2. Piccolo: "Bah, humbug. I dont celebrate Christmas."
1. Vegeta: "World Peace and Good Will to All Men........ Bwah ha ha! Yeah right. How about a Gravity Machine upgrade?"

Top Ten Similarities Between DBZ and Pokémon

10. The lead character is a simpleton
9. Chiout-zu - Small, with red cheeks; Pikachu - Small, with red cheeks
8. The throwing of small balls which let out a burst of light
7. Thirty-odd movies each, all with predictable plots
6. Loud yelling is a requirement for attacks
5. The number of Pokémon and the height of powerlevels are both becoming ridiculously high (351, 45 million)
4. More seasons than people are bothered to watch (SM too!)
3. It's all about the over-dramatic, extra-lengthy battle scenes with the bad music
2. None of the characters ever change their clothes
1. Parental horror, confusion and empty wallets

Top Ten Reasons Why Vegeta is Better than Goku ~ by Chipolata and DarkRain

1. Trunks had to get it all from somewhere..
2. Vegeta isn't so obsessed with food that he named his son after his favorite dish (Gohan...)
3. Vegeta kicks butt. Goku had to go to Anatomy 101 first.
4. Vegeta can wear spandex and get away with it
5. The cat hasn't died of starvation at Vegeta's house
6. Vegeta doesn't need to learn names. 'Woman', 'Brat', and 'Namek' all work well.
7. Vegeta's only been dead for a total of three hours. Goku's clocked up about eight years.
8. Table manners, 'nuff said.
9. Polite? Princes don't need to be polite. Especially if they're as feared thoughout the galaxy as Vegeta is.
10. Because he says so!

Top Ten Reasons Why Goku is Better than Vegeta by Chipolata

1. Gohan had to get it all from somewhere...
2. He'd be a great Dad - insists you stop that homework right now and go outside and play
3. Goku has beat Vegeta to every Super-Saiyan level.
4. Goku's not a child basher
5. Goku's taller
6. Goku can see all that violence, know he's the cause of all those deaths and still keep a happy face.
7. Goku cares.
8. Who needs brains to kick butt?
9. Goku isn't so twisted that named his children after underwear.
10. Would Vegeta get training from King Kai? His pride would get in the way of the first task.

Top Ten Techniques Piccolo Used to Get Gohan Out of Bed During Training by Chip

1. Alarm clock.
2. Hop in with him. Mrs Tenriyo proved this works.
3. Dump a bucket of cold water on him
4. Grab him by the ankles and drag him out
5. Overturn the bed so he can't get in again
6. Say "Aww, poor baby, all worn out. Keep sleeping." *smooch*!
7. Leftovers
8. Watch him, his face really really close to Gohan's.
9. Old, recently used tennis shoes.
10. Sing


Top Ten Things Chibi Trunks Learned His First Day of School by Nancy/Annie Mayhem

10. Students are only allowed through the lunch line ONCE.
9. Claiming "diplomatic immunity" doesn't work on the principal.
8. Classmates like to tell you their dad can beat up your dad, no
  matter HOW many blood vessels you burst laughing.
7. Parents care about grades, even if your family's so wealthy
  you'll never have to work if you don't want to.
6. People won't believe you when you tell them you've seen the
  dragon / met Kami / been in space / saved the world / etc.
5. Most humans don't have purple hair.
4. ...or ki
3. ...or other special powers.
2. A name like "Trunks Briefs" will bring out all the bullies!
1. ... but they'll leave you alone once you vaporize one of them

What the DBZ Characters Will Be Dressing As For Halloween by Annie Mayhem

10. 18 Wheeler
9. Wrestling Trunks
8. Count Gokula
7. Videl Castro
6. La Femme Vegeta
5. The Vampuar Lestat
4. Gohan Solo
3. Oolong John Silver ("Ahoy, matey, there be panties ahead!")
2. Chi-Chi Marin
1. notorious rapper P. Dende!

Funimation's Top Ten WORST Lines!!! by Sailor Celestial

10. "Bro." -Krillin and Gohan in the Garlic Jr. Saga.
9. "Mondo Cool!!!" -Krillin.
8. "I don't think your mom gave him enough spankings when he was a kid." -Piccolo, the fight with Radditz.
7. "Yeah, he never even took me to a ball-game!!!" -Goku, the fight with Radditz.
6. "My name's Recoom, it rhymes with doom, and you'll be hurting all-too-soon!!!" -Recoom, fighting with (And kicking his butt,) Vegeta.
5. "Now I lay me down to sleep..." -Krillin, hiding from Dodoria.
4. "Sleep well, my little friend." -Piccolo, on the FIRST NIGHT of Gohan's TRAINING!!!
3. "Would you like me to perform the dance of joy?" -Ginyu, after Freiza states how happy he is to have the Dragon Balls.
2. "Having...these balls...makes me want to...caress them..." -Freiza, who was already humiliated with an old woman's voice.
1. "YES YES YES!!! I CAN DO THIS!!!!! OH YEAH!!!!!!!" -Piccolo, having just fused with Nail

Top Ten Worst DBZ Web-Site Names by Sailor Celestial

10. You Can't Believe It's Not Burter!
9. Say Jheese!
8. Go Gohan
7. "Eh, what's up, doc?" A Goku Shrine
6. The Vegetable Market
5. King Kai's Kiddin' Kasa (Casa means house)
4. Ginyu's Stylin' Pad
3. Popolo Shrine!!!
2. Chi-chi Shaka Boom-boom!!!
1. Kami's!!!




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This site last updated 7-Dec-03.