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She's mostly known as Daya, but her daddies also call her "Day Day" and "Piglet."

Daya was born on November 4, 1998. She joined us from Russia on February 23, 1999.

Daya is full of smiles. Even when she's sick, her gummy smiles never fail to show off her happy spirit. She loves to cuddle, snuggle her head into Abah and Daddy's shoulder. She also likes to be sung to and tickled on her thighs.

Daya loves her big brother! When Yossi is in the room, she ignores everyone else. She can spend hours watching him and giggling at him.

After some trouble with reflux, she's finally taken on a new hobbie, EATING! She loves to eat! When she sucks from her bottle she makes little snorting sounds, thus her new nickname "Piglet."

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