Mostly people call him Yossi, but his daddies also call him "Yossi Avi" and "Tigg."
Yossi was born on February 14, 1994. That makes him 5!
He really enjoys skiing,
swimming, and talking. He also practices Hatha Yoga on a regular basis.
His first language is Hebrew, but he also speaks English and a "bisle" Yiddish.
Like the rest of his family, Yossi is a vegetarian - eating no meat or fish. His favorite food
is pasta with tamato sauce, but he also really enjoys spicey foods - especially Indian.
He's crazy about his new baby sister! Whenever she's upset, he's usually the first one to the
scene, giving her kisses and soft pats.
After bathtime and before reading
time and bedtime, Yossi is allowed to watch one video, he usually picks teletubbies, but
lately his favorite movie is Prince of Eygpt (hopefully it will be on video soon). He also loves
music and insists on "Enya" to fall asleep to.
At the seder, during Pesach, Yossi said the four questions in Hebrew, Yiddish, and English! Then
cousin Dovy said them in Hebrew... boy! it was a loooong seder this year!
Next year in a rebuilt Jerusalem! Chag Semach!
This coming Fall, Yossi will be entering Kindergarten! He's very excitied! We are currently
looking for the perfect Jewish Day School for him. Any ideas?
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