Peach Faced
Black Cheeked
Red Faced
Black Collared
Peachfaced Lovebirds come in a wide variety of colors. Color does not reflect on the pet quality, so pick your bird for there personality. Lovebirds that where hand feed make excellent pets. Parent raised lovebirds can be tamed if gotten early and worked with. As with any Parrot you should work with your bird on a daily basis.
The biggest misconception with lovebirds are that most people think that you must have two. When kept in pairs they will bond with there mate. If kept alone and handled on a regular basis they will bond with you for life.
Lovebirds are extremely playful and a blast to watch. They have never ending energy. They will go from toy to toy never seeming to tier. When tame they love sitting on your shoulder or like mine playing in my hair, and sitting on my head. Lovebirds are affectionate and very smart. They can be taught to step up give kisses. I have one that we taught how to whistle. Lovebirds can also become nippy at times. So when considering getting a lovebird you should take into account that they are a endless bundle of energy, and can be quite noisy with there chattering and shrill scream's. But they are no way as loud as my Conure.
Lovebirds who recieve proper care can live many years with there companion. They are a very popular first time pet. When purchase's one you should get the largest cage you can afford and give it many toys. They love cow bells. All toys should be checked regularly to make sure they are safe.
When caring for your bird. If it is allowed out allot you should consider clipping there wings. They are excelent flyer's. Also you should keep an eye on there nails. All parrots should be checked by a vet. They are great at hiding any signs of illness. So at the sign of anything out of the ordinary such as labored breathing, weight loss, or sitting puffy consult a vet.
Written by Donna Donato