D-Power Pages Newsletter 1 1. Introduction 2. Welcome! 3. Polls 4. What did you think of the priemere of Power Rangers in space? 5. What do you think of Dark Specter, Astronema, New Red Ranger,etc.? 6. Who discovered that the Red Lightstar Ranger was the imposter? 7. What do you think of the series Power Rangers in Space? 7a.What did you think of the ninja turtles/power rangers crossover? 8. Fanfic corner 9. Ask a Question 10. Send in your Profiles!! 11. Message Board 12. The End. --- 1.Introduction Hello. Welcome to the D-Power Pages Newsletter 1 This is a place to learn about Power Rangers and give your feedback on the show. --- 2. Welcome irst of all, I want you all to know that your e-mail addresses will not be given out.Now,Let's welcome the newest members of the D-Power Pages newsletter, ****** Welcome to the club!If I got any of your e-mail addresses or names wrong,or you want to give me your real name,e-mail me! And if anybody joined and dosen't see their name here e-mail me and I will put it in the next newsletter! --- P.S. Anybody who joined the newsletter using the get reminded system at my web page and didn't e-mail me will have to e-mail me with their address or you won't get the next newsletter,cause I'm canceling the get reminded system, So do it now! The second newsletter is coming out soon! --- Thanks everyone for all of your help with finding Maxmouze and everything! --- Let's give our new episode reviewer a hand!He is...Jeremy!!! --- If anyone wants a job apply at my website.Or go direct: http://www.angelfire.com/de/Donte/jobs.html --- 3. Polls need feedback on all of these polls from you all. Just send me e-mail with polls as the subject and choose a poll and put your answer down. 1. Who do you think is the best new Ranger? a. T.J. b. Carlos c. Ashley d. Cassie e. Andros 2. Who do you think is the best new villian? a. Astronema b. Dark Specter c. The Quantrons 3. What are the best new Powers a. lightstar red b. lightstar blue c. lightstar black d. lightstar yellow e. lightstar pink Send in your answers. --- 4. What did you think of the priemere of Power Rangers in space? I want essay responses people. They don't have to be long, just a paragraph or so. Responses will be printed in later newsletters, including mine! --- 5. What do you think of Dark Specter, Astronema, New Red Ranger,etc.? Once again, I want essay responses people! They don't have to be long, just a paragraph or so. Responses will be printed in later newsletters, including mine! Choose anything you want, like D.E.C.A. I think she's cool! --- 6.Who discovered that the Red lightstar Ranger was the imposter? Anyone who sends in their answer to this will get a special prize. --- 7.What do you think of the series Power Rangers in Space? Now that you've seen the show, tell me what you think of it. Answers will be printed in future newsletters. 7a.What did you think of the ninja turtles/power rangers crossover today? --- 8.Fanfic corner. This spot will be to show off anyone's fanfic. Send me a fanfic that you've made and pick a Part of it you like. I will print it in this newsletter and I will also give your e-mail so others can contact you if they want a copy of the entire fanfic. Send 'em in! --- 9.Ask a Question. This is the part of the newsletter where I answer your Power Ranger questions. Unfortunatley, we have none at the moment. Send in yours!!! --- 10.Send in your Profiles!! As a way of welcoming new members into the club we will put up your profiles. here's what I want 'em to contain: E-Mail Name: Real Name: Age: Reason for liking Power Rangers: Fave Ranger: Fave Episode: Fave Quote: Next month we will have gpo's profile. Don't forget to send in yours! --- 11.Message Board. This is for putting up messages. Send yours in soon. --- 12.The End. We'll that's all for now. p.s. anyone who wants to write their own D-Page newsletter or help me in writing one only needs to ask and it shall be done. (I need all the help I can get) Just send me an e-mail And don't forget to answer the polls, and questionaires, and other stuff! The next newsletter will be here around march 10th.So, don't forget to check your e-mail! ------------------------------President ------------------Donte Frazier (oh, that reminds me. Apply for Vice President! the posistion is still open!Jeremy applied,so can you!) Till next time POWER ON!! P.P.S. Power Rangers turbo was cool, but Power Rangers in space kicks!! (Check out that theme song again!!!) Check out the D-Power Pages website at www.angelfire.com/de/Donte