D-Power Pages Newsletter 2 March 10, 1998 ------- Contents ---- 1. Introduction 1. Information 1. Polls 1. Essay responses 1. Info on Power Rangers in space 1. Fanfic Corner 1. Question Column 1. Profile 1. Message Board 1. New Poll 1. The Design a Club Logo Contest 1. See Ya' Next Time ---- 1.Introduction Welcome, Fellow Power Ranger Fans to the 2nd edition of the D-Power Pages Newsletter! There is sooo much new stuff to do today! That includes New members to introduce, Responses to last issue's polls and a Power Rangers in space Info, A new fanfic in the fanfic corner, Our First member profile :) A New Poll, and our very first contest!! So sit back, relax, and as the red Lightstar Ranger would say..."Let's Rocket!!" ------ 2.Information As you all know by know, this is an _Interactive_ Newsletter. So, I expect responses and suggestions and comments and complaints from all of you. Is there something you like? I wanna know! Is there something you dislike? I wanna know! :) --- Let's welcome the new members: ShadowBSB - She was recommended by BRAT428 Spooon - a great power ranger fan! hyper_ranger2 /Robert fhaffke /Cory-The Orange Astro Ranger and andrewwiggin /Andrew - Hope you enjoy the club!! --- I made a mistake last issue-Jeremy Hutchins,not Hutchkins. --- Real names anako98 - Lauren Kasimer Ranma Ro1- Rogelio Morales --- As you all probably know, I have been on a constant search for a vice President. I plan to have one by issue 3 at least :) Hopefully sooner,though If you want the job of vice-President of my newsletter send a 50 word report On "Why I should be vice-president" to: dontef@hotmail.com Please send your reports in soon! You can also send your "Why I should be vice president" letters Via my jobs page at my website www.angelfire.com/de/Donte Have them in by March 20th! I have not decided how often these newsletters should come out, yet. Any ideas? E-mail me!! Guess what?! My website won an award! The bunny award! Thanks guys!For making this site one of the best! Check out my site's new episode reviews page by me and CybervrJ3! Everybody should recieve two of these newsletters! That's just my new newsletter sender. (yes,I'm canceling another one) If you didn't recieve two, then I need to know.(unless you're one of the new members listed above. Then you may just recieve one,and there is nothing wrong) Does anyone know if Mighty Raw scores Power Rangers in space? The theme song is really cool, as all of his songs are. If you know, E-mail me!! By the way, if anyone has been wondering, the message board isn't just a bulliten board, it really is a message board! From Valentine messages, to speaking out about an episode, it is for all types of messages. Of course, you can also sell, buy, or ask for different items. Especially since I'm interested in buying! To post a message on the board send an e-mail with Message Board as the subject to dontef@hotmail.com :b Well, that's all the info so far. Keep tuning in for more! Nanananananananananananananananaaaa..Batman!! No, wait! This is a Power Rangers Newsletter! Enjoy! -------------------------- 3. Polls I need more feedback on all of these polls from everybody.Just send Me an e-mail with Poll as the subject and choose your answer. Really! It's that Simple!!! :) -Who is the best new Ranger? a. T.J. - 1 -Vote(s) b. Carlos- 0 Vote(s) c. Ashley- 1 Vote(s) d. Cassie- 0 Vote(s) e. Andros- 2 Vote(s) -Who is the best new villian? a. Astronema- 3 Vote(s) b. Dark Specter-0 Vote(s) c. The Quantrons- 1 Vote(s) -What are the best new Powers a. Lightstar red- 2 Vote(s) b. Lightstar blue- 1 Vote(s) c. Lightstar black- 0Vote(s) d. Lightstar yellow- 0 Vote(s) e. Lightstar pink- 0 Vote(s) Send in your answers today!! I need more!! ----- 4. Essay Responses -Here are the responses to the Questions That I asked last month. -What did you think of the priemere of Power Rangers in space? Power Rangers in Space is a much better packed action show then the Turbo or the Shogun ones they had about a year and a half ago. Go Power Rangers.- Lauren Kasimer I thought the premiere of Power Rangers in Space was awesome! The episode started to show real teamwork, friendship, and laughter again.They actually have a belivable plot again! --Krissy The main good thing I noticed about the series is that the sets of the Astro Megaship were very sleek. The villain meeting on the Cimmerian planet was a hoot. I liked how Divatox and Rita fought for attention from Dark Spectre. I was disappointed with Melody Perkins(Astronema); she doesn't have the evil act down like Hilary Shephard Turner(Divatox). But the Quantrons are a step up from Pirahnatrons. Their weapons will allow more weapon-heavy combat. I discovered that I liked the new Rangers better than I thought(especially TJ and Ashley). Above all, the suspense, writing, and acting was done very well. It made me itchy waiting for the next episode. --Jmontgom ---- What do you think of Dark Specter, Astronema, New Red Ranger, etc.? I liked the new red ranger because of the developing storyline behind his past.Dark specter is the stupidest villian yet,you would've thought saban could have made a _NEW_ villian outfit instead of using an old Maligore costume! -Donte Dark Specter is cool, but woman villians are SO much better. Astronema's hair kicks butt. The new red ranger is the best thing the show has going. He looks like a younger version of Jason David Frank. -Lauren Kasimer I don't like that they got rid of he old bad guys. The old bad guys were the coolest bad guys but I'm glad they atleast kept Elgar. I also wish they had kept Justin he was my favorite ranger. But the new Ranger Andross is good but not as good as Justin. Also about D.E.K.A. I think they should have brought Zordon back he was better. -Jseinfeld Dark Spectre is nothing to speak of; he's just a smarter version of Maligore. Astronema is boring and Melody Perkins, the actress who plays her, can't act that well. She was good in the premiere until she started speaking. She pulls off her lines like she's constipated or something. I much prefer Divatox. I thought Andros was a bit snobby in the beginning, but there were reasons behind his distance. I loved the "Save Our Ship" scene where he first walks in the Surf Spot. It was a semi-realistic "fish out of water" scenario. He doesn't seem to be like Tommy, stealing all the glory from the other teammates. Tommy always said, "It's a team job," but Andros actually acts like the Rangers are a team. --Jmontgom ---- What do you think of the series power rangers in space? It kicks butt.- Lauren Kasimer I think PRiS has potential to be the best and most intriguing incarnation of Power Rangers. There is an purpose to the general plot of the series (to save Zordon), not just the Rangers fighting whatever a villain throws at them. It's also more interesting because the Rangers aren't just staying on Earth. In MMPR, traveling to other planets was a huge event. In PRiS, it's normal and necessary for the plot. --Jmontgom --- What did you think of the power rangers/ninja turtles crossover? C'mon people! You had to have thought something about this show!!Send 'em in! Pl-e-e-ese!!! --- Winners!! Here are the winners that answered last month's question correctly. Question: Who discovered that the red lightstar ranger was the imposter? Answer--Astronema Winners --- 1.Jmontgom .Krissy 3.Ranma Ro1 Nobody else even Tried!!! Oh well, nobody else gets the prizes! Ahhahahahahahaahahahaaaaa!!! To the winners-Expect your prizes in your e-mail by March 14Th! It'll either be a special edition fanfic Or a special edition pic! ------- Now that that question is answered I will discontinue it. I'll have a new prize worthy question ready for next time. Continue sending in your responses to the other questions. They will be printed in future newsletters. Send 'em in today! ---------------------------------------------------- 5. Info on Power Rangers in space. (Here's what you've all been waiting for!) From The Power Rangers online archives- Sentai Watch Tracking the future of Power Rangers Welcome to Sentai Watch, the Power Rangers Online Archives' section dedicated to monitoring the Japanese origins of Power Rangers. The footage we see in this year's Power Rangers series comes from the previous year's sentai series and so by monitoring the current sentai footage in Japan we can glimpse into what next year's Power Rangers will be like. What is 'Sentai?' In Japan the television series known as Sentai(translated in English means action team or task force) provides the basis for most of the concept behind Power Rangers. Action footage, costumes, plots, concepts, themes, and more are taken from Toei's Sentai series and edited by Saban Entertainment into Power Rangers. Recently Power Rangers has become increasingly more American, involving almost all American footage, but still the costumes, Zords and monsters come from Sentai. In Japan, Sentai consists of a different series each year with it's own theme such as Ninja, Race Cars, or Alien Invasions and it's own cast. With Sentai changing every year, Power Rangers in turn has to change. Denji Sentai MegaRanger ElectroMagnetic Task Force MegaRanger February 1997 ushered in the newest Sentai series in Japan. Denji Sentai MegaRanger, or "ElectroMagnetic Task Force MegaRanger" translated in English, was the 1997 incarnation of the Japanese television series which provides much of the Power Rangers concept from year to year. Now that Power Rangers In Space has started we will be seeing these MegaRanger Zords, enemies, and costumes in Power Rangers In Space. As well as much MegaRanger footage, Power Rangers In Space will feature cutting edge computer graphics and special effects. The MegaRangers The MegaRanger team initially consists of 5 Rangers. A Red Ranger, a Black Ranger (the leader), a Blue Ranger, a Pink Ranger, and a Yellow Ranger. Approximately halfway into the series, the five Rangers are joined by a Silver Ranger. Each of the five Rangers have their own symbols. The Red Ranger's symbol is a desktop Personal Computer, the Blue Ranger's symbol is a High Definition Television, the Black Ranger's symbol is a satellite, the Pink Ranger's is a cellular telephone, the Yellow Ranger's symbol is a digital camera, and the Silver Ranger's symbol is a microchip. The Rangers Red Ranger Real Name: Andros Weapon: Spiral Saber, Astro Blaster. Individual Zord: Delta MegaZord, and a giant robot Zord. Black Ranger Real Name: Carlos Weapon: Lunar Lance, Astro Blaster. Individual Zord: Space Shuttle. Blue Ranger Real Name: T.J. Weapon: Astro Axe, Astro Blaster. Individual Zord: Rocket ship. Pink Ranger Real Name: Cassie Chan Weapon: Satellite Stunner, Astro Blaster. Individual Zord: Ground tank. Yellow Ranger Real Name: Ashley Weapon: Star Slinger, Astro Blaster. Individual Zord: Hover Tank. Silver(?) Ranger Real Name: Unknown Weapon: Sword/Gun combination. Individual Zord: MegaWinger (flying vehicle capable of transforming into a robot) An evil team of Power Rangers will be introduced. MegaRanger Weapons The MegaRanger all carry a handgun/bladed weapon similar to the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers' Blade Blasters. These Astro Blasters can be used to fight with in combat and can also be combined with their own individual weapons to form more powerful weapons. The Red Ranger has a drill sword which can spin at great speeds. The Black Ranger's Lunar Lance can fire shockwaves. The Blue Ranger has an axe that can shoot freezing gases. The Pink Ranger has a satellite dish. The Yellow Ranger has a high powered slingshot. Together their weapons can combine to form the Quadro Blaster. --------------------------------------------------------- Fanfic Corner Here is our featured author this time: --Montgomery (jmontgom@suffolk.lib.ny.us) --Fanfic-"Purple Ranger Without a Cause" -- [The five Rangers are talking over a snack in the lounge.] Cassie: It was totally weird. She came out of nowhere. And her suit loo- Ashley: Shutup, Cassie! I'm telling the story. It was totally weird. She came out of nowhere. And her suit looked like ours, except it was purple. Andros: I have no knowledge of a Purple Ranger. She must be a fake. Cassie: Duh! Her suit was so homemade. She looked like a motorcycle driver! Carlos: If you think about it, so do we. Ashley (ignoring Carlos): Anyway, what should we do? TJ: We have to talk to this girl. She could get hurt. Ashley: What do you say, Andros? Andros: We have to talk to this girl. She could get hurt. Ashley: Wow, you are SO smart, Andros! And a great leader! Cassie: Wait, Andros. You should be bending over while Ashley's puckering up like this. [Ashley flashes a wide smile at Andros. He squirms in his chair and blushes.] Ashley: I looked in the yearbook. It's called Meg Foley. TJ: "It"? Ashley: It, her, whatever. Andros: Okay, you and Cassie try to find Meg in school tomorrow. We don't want to scare her away. (looks directly at TJ) Our best hope is that she'll listen to reason. Carlos: Yeah, she doesn't want to _die_ young, does she? [Ominous Danny Elfman music plays.] Cassie: Cut it out, Carlos. TJ: What do me and Carlos do? Andros: Go to class. Be on alert. TJ: I almost forgot. Red Ranger commands, does nothing and gets all the credit. Female Rangers do everything and get no credit. Blue Ranger does nothing and gets nothing. Carlos: What about the Black Ranger? TJ: Look at the track record of the former Black Rangers, Carlos. [Carlos takes out an MMPR Episode Summary Guide and flips through it.] Carlos: Oh, man... -- E-mail him if you want the rest! (send me a copy! J) And don't forget to send in yours!) ------------------------------------ Question column (I changed the name.Ask a Question seemed so dull) here are your Questions. ----Why is the newsletter late? These darned chicago snowstorms knocked the power out. --- I was wondering are you gonna include gossip and stuff about the show? ---RANMA RO1 ---- Yes!Unfortunatnly, gossip won't be printed in every newsletter.But,if you have some, I'll print it! So, send it in. ---Will there be a new Power Ranger Movie? ---CybervrJ3 ----Many say that there will be a movie. But,it will be straight to video unlike previous PR movies. -----When will they find Zordon? ----jmontgom -----Sources say, not until the next movie. ----I missed a lot of Power Rangers when high school swim season started. What happened to the other Rangers. Kat, Tanya, Adam, and Tommy. Oh and why isn't Justin in P.R. in Space? --Lauren Kasimer ----Well, On the second episode of the second season of PRT, the rangers were given a special assingment, to find replacements, they eventually did, after a little interference from divatox, and those are the rangers we know and love now. The episode was titled, "Passing the Torch". As for Justin, he simply wanted to stay with his father when the rangers were leaving to go after Zordon. If anyone can give Lauren a more detailed explanation, please e-mail him at: HANAKO98@aol.com ----------------------- Profile -- As a way of welcoming New members I'm putting up profiles. Send 'em in! E-mail:gpo Real name:Ken Age:16 Reason for liking power rangers: Catherine Sutherland, need I say more? Okay, the fact that Jason returned as the Gold Ranger also sparked my interest, along with the Green Ranger series fave ranger: Kat fave episode: "From out of Nowhere" fave quote: "Yeah Jase, but you're not using your brain power..." - Tommy Thanks for sending in your profile, Ken. I liked from out of nowhere, too! Next time will be my profile and jmontgom's (2 4 the price of one, wow!!) -------------------------- Message Board -- If you have anything you'd like to say, buy, ask for, send an e-mail to me with the subject as message board. -- dontef@hotmail.com would like to buy any episodes with Billy as the star. If you're sellin' 'em cheap- he wants you!! Must have no blackouts or missing parts. E-mail him if you have these. ------------------ THE NEW POLL --- -Which power rangers series was the best? Send in your answers!! ---- THE DESIGN A CLUB LOGO CONTEST!! Here it is! The first contest of the d-power rangers fanclub. Design a .gif image that you think would make a perfect logo for my site! If you win, _THAT_ will be the picture link to my site! I hope you all will put it up as a link to my site. (but, perhaps we're getting a little ahead of ourselves here) Anyway, here are the Requirements: o it's 400 pixels wide by 40 pixels tall o it's in GIF format (no JPEGs please!) o it's non-transparent o it's less than 7k in file size o if it's animated, the animation must stop at 7 seconds and should not include loops; Well, those are the rules, let's get crankin! I will announce the winner in the no. 3 special edition newsletter! Contest ends march 27TH. Just attach it to your e-mail and label the subject LOGO CONTEST. It's as easy as that!! --------------------- See ya next time!!! COMING IN APRIL: The exclusive special edition issue of the d-power pages newsletter! As much information as I can pack in!! Send in your power rangers, sentai, saban Info, or gossip!! I'm gonna fit it all in!!! The new vice president will be announced, The Logo contest winner will be announced!! You can even have your own column!!! Just e-mail me and ask.. But, everything must be in by April 3rd, 1998!! Or there's no guarantee that It'll get in. Send your stuff in and expect the newsletter by April 18th-20Th !!!!! Don't forget to answer and participate in everything!!! And don't forget to watch Power Rangers in Space! Every Friday on Fox Kids!!! Bye!! ----------------------President ---------------Donte Frazier ------------dontef@hotmail.com Check out the new stuff on my website! http://www.angelfire.com/de/Donte Whatcha' lookin' for down here? :b J :9 8) L ;) ;(