D-Power Pages Newsletter 3 **Special Edition** April 20, 1998 "Woah!" ---------- Contents ---------- 0. Scoop!! 1. Intro 2. New members 3. Info 4. Polls 5. More Essay Responses 6. Info on Space Rangers 7. Fanfic Corner 8. Question Column 9. Profiles 10. Message Board 11. The Design a club logo contest update 12. Vice President Corner 13. Vote for Columns 14. Hyper Ranger's Story-Info- 15. Participation Needed! 16. Trivia **Win Prizes** 17. Seinfeld's spot 18. Check it out!! 19. PriS Q+A 20. Vote for Fanfic 21. The Meeting Place 22. MEETING/CHAT 23. See ya' next time! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------- The Scoop!! By: Donte Frazier (Skip ahead if you don't like spoilers!) THE SCOOPS ARE: Selwyn Ward HIMSELF has said that there will be a third PR movie, but it will be on home video only! ---- There will be EXACTLY 16 episodes of PriS this season. --- "WOW!!" Reported by Eric K. Lin An anonymous reliable source reported Tuesday that in the first PRiS episode of the Fall '98 season, another major overhaul of the Power Rangers cast will occur. Some details: Trini will be replacing Ashley as the yellow Space Ranger, Lenny will be replacing Andros as the red Space Ranger & leader of the Power Rangers, & Justin will be heading into space to assume the duties of the Blue Space Ranger. As before, Justin will be played by Blake Foster. In addition, the source allegedly stated that Saban will be engineering a modified version of "Stitch Witchery" which is expected to be very popular among Power Ranger fans. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------- INTRO ---- Welcome, everyone, to the first special edition of the D-Power Pages Newsletter.!! In this issue we will have an overload of stuff. Including-New members, New Fanfic, Scoops on the Movie, Questions, Info on on the Space Rangers, and much much more!! So sit back, enjoy, and ya' might learn somethin'. So, let's blast off into this issue of the D-Power Pages NL!!!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- New Members! --------- --Kingon918 --TIMO82 --willow Let's all welcome these cool new members!!! WELCOME TO THE CLUB YOU GUYS!! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INFO! ------- Mistakes --- I made a few mistakes last issue: --- No one should receive two copies of the NL --- I made a few spelling and grammar errors (nothing big, though) Real Names ----- -----jmontgom prefers to be called Monty. ------ Vice President ------ Let's all congratulate Jeremy Hutchins a.k.a. CybervrJ3 on becoming the New Vice-President of the D-Power Pages NL!!! If any of you have questions for him you can contact him at: CybervrJ3 He can give you episode Reviews if you missed any eps! Congratulations, Jeremy!!! ------ There are still other jobs available if you go to: Http://www.angelfire.com/de/Donte/jobs.html ------- I have decided to get these NL's out on the 15th and 30th of every month. Thanks to SKIDDRED for this awesome Idea!! So, the next NL will come out on May 15th!! Look For It!!! ------ If you didn't find out last time, my site won the bunny award. --- Check out the episode review page by me and CybervrJ3! ----- Well, that's all for now. Continue to be a member of the coolest Power Ranger Fanclub. The D-Power Ranger Fanclub!!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ POLLS --------- I still need more feedback!! So send 'em in.Just label the subject As polls and e-mail it to me. -Who is the best new Ranger? A) T.J.--- 1 vote(s) B) Carlos---1 vote(s) C) Ashley--- 2 vote(s) D) Cassie--- 0 vote(s) E) Andros--- 2 vote(s) -Who is the best new villian? A) Astronema--- 4 vote(s) B) Dark Specter---0 vote(s) C) The Quantrons--1- vote(s) D) (NEW) Ecliptor--- 0 votes -What are the best new powers? A) Lightstar Red--- 2vote(s) B) Lightstar Blue--- 1vote(s) C) Lightstar Black--- 0 vote(s) D) Lightstar yellow--- 1vote(s) E) Lightstar pink--- 0 vote(s) -Which PR series was the best? A) MMPR--- 2vote(s) B) MMAR--- 1vote(s) C) PRZ--- 0 vote(s) D) PRT--- 1 vote(s) E) PriS--- 0 vote(s) Well, I liked the Ninja Rangers (MMPR Season 3?) because they had cool outfits and powers, but PRiS looks VERY promising.----TIMO82 The best series has got to be MMPR. For most of us, it's what made us fall in love with the show! Tommy was my all time fav, and everyone loved the Kim/Tommy/Kat series! ----PinkGal:) Send in your votes!! :) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------- More Essay Responses ---------------------------- - Here are your responses - What did you think of the Power Rangers/Ninja Turtles crossover special? I thought it was kinda lame. I tried watching an episode of TMNT:NG (whatever it is), but there's only so much a person can watch of corny shows. It was different; in a way, it was kinda like when Dex came on PR. ---PinkGal:) -These Polls are now ended. Here are the new ones: -Who do you think was the better leader? Andros, Tommy, Jason, or T.J.? -What do you think of the villains? Answer either one, or both. Send them to me with the subject as-ESSAY RESPONSES- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------ Info on the Space Ranger ----------------------------- ----From the Power Rangers Online Archives Andros (Red Lighstar Ranger) "Earth isn't the only place where humans live." Andros is the leader and founder of the Power Rangers In Space. A human settler from the space colony KO-35 in the Kerova system, Andros has left his homeworld and travels around the universe in his Astro Megaship. Andros is the first human discovered who did not originate from Earth. Little is known about his origin but at some time in the past he became the Red Space Ranger. Andros is by nature a loner and does not like accepting help from others. It took a considerable amount of persuasion from Alpha 6 and D.E.C.A. to convince Andros that if he planned to rescue Zordon from Dark Specter's forces, he was going to need all the help he could get. As the Red Space Ranger, Andros is the main pilot for the Astro Megaship, N.A.S.A.D.A. Shuttle, and the Astro MegaZord. Andros has spent years developing the mental power of telekinesis, the ability to move objects with his mind. Andros is played by Christopher Khayman Lee Ashley (Yellow Lightstar Ranger, former Yellow Turbo Ranger) Ashley is a member of the newest generation of Power Rangers. She is a charismatic young woman with a cheerful personality who loves fashion, mechanics, cheerleading, and above all dancing. Ashley is a natural leader among her peers and has won great respect on the Angel Grove High School cheerleading team. Ashley was chosen by Tanya for her compassion and integrity to assume her position on the Power Rangers Turbo team as the Yellow Turbo Ranger. When Divatox destroyed the Power Chamber and the Turbo powers, Ashley along with her fellow Rangers blasted off for outer space in a N.A.S.A.D.A. Space Shuttle to try and rescue Zordon. Along the way they encountered Andros who granted Ashley new powers making her the Yellow Lightstar Ranger. As the Yellow Turbo Ranger Ashley controlled the Dune Star Turbo Zord and the Star Racer Rescue Zord. Ashley owns a car. Ashley is left handed. Ashley has a knack for automotive mechanics and has even repaired Storm Blaster. Ashley's father is skilled at automotive mechanics. Ashley is played by Tracy Lynn Cruz Carlos (Black Lightstar Ranger, former Green Turbo Ranger) Carlos was chosen by Adam Park to take on the powers of the Green Turbo Ranger and join the new generation of Power Rangers Turbo. Carlos is an outstanding soccer player whose skills make him alone a match for an entire team. These outstanding skills led to his promotion as team captain for the Angel Grove High School's soccer team. Carlos is an easy going teenager who has a bit of a problem working in a team rather than individually. However under Adam's tutelage he was able to learn the importance of team work. When Divatox destroyed the Power Chamber and the Turbo powers, Carlos along with his fellow Rangers blasted off for outer space in a N.A.S.A.D.A. Space Shuttle to try and rescue Zordon. Along the way they encountered Andros who granted Carlos new powers making him the Black Lightstar Ranger. As the Green Turbo Ranger, Carlos controlled the Desert Thunder Turbo Zord and the Thunder Loader Rescue Zord. Carlos has been playing soccer for over 10 years. Carlos often misses soccer practice. Carlos is played by Roger Velasco. Cassie Chan (Pink Lightstar Ranger, former Pink Turbo Ranger) "I just wanted to be like Tina Turner." Cassie is a music loving and somewhat sarcastic teenager who has become one of the newest Power Rangers. Cassie moved to the Angel Grove/Stone Canyon area to pursue her dream of breaking into the music business. On her way she met T.J. whom she quickly befriended. Cassie and T.J. helped rescue Kat the former Pink Turbo Ranger and Tommy the former Red Turbo Ranger. Katherine, sensing a kindred spirit in Cassie chose her to take her place on the Power Rangers Turbo team as the Pink Ranger. Cassie can be skeptical of trying new things or rushing into danger but once she is committed to a course of action she follows it through all the way. When Divatox destroyed the Power Chamber and the Turbo powers, Cassie along with her fellow Rangers blasted off for outer space in a N.A.S.A.D.A. Space Shuttle to try and rescue Zordon. Along the way they encountered Andros who granted Cassie new powers making her the Pink Lightstar Ranger. As the Pink Turbo Ranger Cassie controlled the Wind Chaser Turbo Zord as well as the Wind Rescue Rescue Zord. Cassie has a pet labrador named Jetson. Cassie can play the guitar. The female members of Cassie's band once dyed their hair blue for weeks. Cassie is strongly attracted towards the Phantom Ranger. Cassie is played by Patricia Ja Lee. T.J. (Blue Lightstar Ranger, former Red Turbo Ranger) "What kid wouldn't want to be a Power Ranger?" T.J. is a charismatic teenager whose friendly personality aids him as leader of the Power Rangers Turbo. T.J. moved to Angel Grove on his father's recommendation to hone his baseball skills. Jake 'Orel' Rosetti, an old friend of T.J.'s father suggested that T.J. join the Angel Grove High School baseball team to build his skills. On his way to Angel Grove he befriended his soon to be teammate Cassie and with her help he was able to rescue Kat and Tommy from Divatox's Piranhatrons. T.J's bravery and strength caught Tommy's eye who decided to leave the role of the Red Turbo Ranger as well as leadership of the Power Rangers Turbo in T.J.'s capable hands. When Divatox destroyed the Power Chamber and the Turbo powers, T.J. along with his fellow Rangers blasted off for outer space in a N.A.S.A.D.A. Space Shuttle to try and rescue Zordon. Along the way they encountered Andros who granted T.J. new powers making him the Blue Lightstar Ranger. As the Red Turbo Ranger T.J. piloted the Red Lightning Turbo Zord and the Lightning Fire Tamer Rescue Zord. T.J. also piloted the sentient car known as the Lightning Cruiser. T.J.'s father was a baseball pitcher in the minor leagues. Ever since he was a kid, T.J. wanted to someday become a Power Ranger. T.J. dislikes math. Unlike former Red Rangers, T.J. likes Bulk and Skull. T.J. is left handed. T.J. is played by Selwyn Ward. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------- Fanfic Corner ------------- Here is our featured author: ------ ----Hanako98 ---Fanfic---"?" ------- My real name is of no concern to this story, or the name of this ship. You may refer to me as Hanako, or Hana if you prefer. It's the name I got when I landed in Japan 5 earth years ago. I landed on a beach near the moutains. I had read about Earth beaches in my geography book at my school on the planet Gemdel. Our people had explored your planet before. We look just like you so it was easy for us to be there. Well anyway, I was running my fingers through the sand when people came running toward me. I sensed them before I saw them and was ready with my bo at my side. I cloaked my ship and turned to face them. I have the ability to understand any language before me and was ready for this one. "Nan ka? Onamae wa nan desu ka?" "Wakerimasen." I replied. I don't know was my answer. The towns people took me in and named me Hanako meaning Flower Child. They raised me like one of their own for a couple of years but still I got the shout of Gaijin. Foreigneer. If they only knew. I loved this little town,but one day one of the elders came running back from the rice fields shouting the kings soliders were coming. Everybody was in a panic. Men were getting ready to fight and the women and children were hideing. What was going on? My host mother grabbed me by the arm. Hana-chan we must go hide. These men will kill us all if they have a desire to. So So a bunch of boys with swords wanted to hurt people for no reason. The teachers had taught me martial arts and how to use the bo that I had brought with me to kill others. I stood with the men on the edge of town. 15 soldiers came down the dirt path towards us. "Leave us in peace" said one of the elders. He got a arrow through his heart. The men got off their horses. "My, my my what do we have here." they said walking towards me. "You're mine" said a soldier with buck teeth. I hit him in the face with my bo, and broke his nose. The fight didn't last very long. When I stood up to check out how everything was, I got a tingleing sensation and a feeling that I was flying. I landed and stood up. I was in some sort of center. I looked around. ----- It was dark with little lights everywhere. I turned around to find shadows. I got in my fighting stance. "Peace Hanako" said a voice. I looked up to see a face in a tube. I switched to the language called English. "Who are you?" "I am Zordon and this is Alpha 5. These are the Power Rangers." 6 people walked out from the shadows. Zordon said that I needed to help him. "How can I help you?" I asked. "You are the daughter of Sayvi?" "Yes" "There is a rainbow crystal on your ship is there not?" "Yes there is. My father gave it to me" "It has the power to make you a power ranger." I remember reading about the rangers. Ancient power that came from the dinosaurs. "Your planet already gave you some of the great power that you need and martial arts has taught you the rest. Teleport yourself to your ship please." said Alpha 5. I looked up at the heavens and closed my eyes. When I opened them I was standing in an open field. I chanted the words and my ship appeared before me. I entered it with one of the rangers called Tommy. I went straight to the case where I kept the crystal that my father gave me. Before it had looked dull. Now it was gleaming. I held it next to my heart. I don't know why I did it, it just felt right. "Now we are one." I said with my eyes closed. When I opened them I was dressed in a rainbow colored jumpsuit and a helmet. My side had a laser pistol and my morphier was equiped to me. Tommy was just watching me with wide eyes. Everything became clear to me. Why my ship had malfunctioned over Earth, why my parents had sent me to Earth, and why I was here. "Tommy, I'm the new leader of the Power Rangers." Alpha teleported us back inside the command center. I Hanako am the Rainbow Power Ranger and I control the Rainbow Dragonzord. --------- I HAD THE POWER AND CARRIED IT AROUND WITH ME FOR ALL THOSE YEARS. MY SHIP TURNED OUT TO BE MY ZORD, THE RAINBOW DRAGONZORD. I BEGAN MY NEW LIFE IN ANGEL GROVE. I WENT TO ANGEL GROVE HIGH SCHOOL, JOINED THE SWIM TEAM, AND PRACTICED MARTIAL ARTS IN THE GYM&JUICE BAR. IT WAS A GOOD LIFE SAVING THE WORLD FROM RITA REPULSA AND LIVING WITH FRIENDS. THEN ALONG CAME A MONSTER CALLED THE PEOPLE SWEEPER. HE WAS BASICALLY A VACUM THAT SUCKED PEOPLE INTO A ALTERNATE DEMENSION. I WAS IN SWIM PRACTICE. MY SWIM COACH JON WAS WATCHING MY COMMUNICATOR. HE KNEW IT HAD A SPECIAL PURPOSE, BUT HE DIDN'T KNOW WHAT. "500 FREE, EVERY 4TH FLY. HANAKO, YOUR PAGER WENT OFF." I JUMPED OUT OF THE POOL, AND HEADED TOWARD THE LOCKER ROOM. "HANAKO YOU ARE NEEDED. TH EPOWER RANGERS HAVE BEEN SUCKED IN BY THE PEOPLE SWEEPER INTO THE DIMENSION OF DOOM. YOU MUST GO GET THEM OUT." SAID ZORDON. " I WILL GO. IT'S MORPHIN TIME! RAINBOW DRAGONZORD." I TELEPORTED TO WHERE THE OTHER RANGERS WERE BEING HELD. PUTTIES WERE GUARDING THE CAVE. I SCANNED THEIR MINDS, AND GOT INTO THEIR OPTIC NERVES, AND PLACED AN OBJECT OFAN ARMY OF RAINBOW POWER. THE PUTTIES WERE TO BUSY TRYING TO FIGHT AN IMAGE THEY SHORTED OUT. I WALKED INTO THE CAVE AND FOUND THE OTHER RANGERS STILL KNOCKED OUT COLD. "ACTIVATING TELEPORTATION SEQUENCE" -------- I TELEPORTED EVERYONE BACK TO THE COMMAND CENTER, WHERE THEY STARTED TO COME BACK TO CONSCIOUS. THEN THE ALARM BEGAN TO SOUND. "THE PEOPLE SWEEPER HAS GROWN AND IS ATTACKING THE CITY." SAID ALPHA IN HIS ROBOTIC VOICE. "IT'S MORPHIN TIME." SAID JASON. WE MORPHED AND TELEPORTED TO WHERE THE PEOPLE SWEEPER WAS. WE CALLED ON OUR ZORDS AND BROUGHT THEM TOGETHER TO MAKE THE ULTRA DRAGONZORD, AND I STAYED BY MYSELF. IT DIDN'T TAKE LONG FOR THE PEOPLE SWEEPER TO BE DESTROYED. WHEN WE GOT BACK TO THE COMMAND CENTER, ZORDON CONGRADULATED US ON OUR VICTORY, AND THEN HE SAID "HANAKO, I HAVE A SUPRISE FOR YOU. WE HAVE YOUR FATHER ON THE IMAGE VIEWING SCREE." THEN THEY BROUGHT HIM UP. WE JUST STOOD AND STARED AT EACH OTHER. MY FATHER TALKED FIRST. OUR NATIVE LANGUAGE ON GEMDEL SOUNDS ALOT LIKE GERMAN FOR SOME ODDREASON. WE THINK IT'S BECAUSE OUR PEOPLE WERE THERE AT THE BEGINNING OF THE GERMAN LANGUAGE. "DAUGHTER, I'M SORRY." "FOR WHAT?" "NOT TELLING YOU ABOUT THE GIFT I HAD GIVEN YOU." I SHRUGGED. "YOUR MOTHER AND I HAVE DISCUSSED IT TO DEEP DEATH, AND IF YOU WANT TO COME HOME, YOU CAN." "NO, THIS IS MY HOME. I LIVE IN ANGEL GROVE, AND AM HAPPY HERE." "IF THAT IS WHAT YOU WANT DAUGHTER, THEN THAT IS WHAT YOU WILL HAVE" SO I STAYED. THE END ---- TELL ME WHAT YOU THOUGHT----HANAKO98 ------------ don't forget to send in your fanfic! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Question Column -------- How long were you a fan of the Rangers? ----CybervrJ3 Well, I've been a fan since the First episode,the only reason you all haven't seen me on the net is because I just got the Internet on my computer a little while ago, then I had to go through the trials of setting up a web site and such. But, so far I've seen every episode and taped about half of 'em. I'm confused about Andros. Is his real name Khayman or Hhayman? -------PinkGirl:) Andros is played by Christopher Khayman Lee. (as seen above in the profile) ---------------------------------------------------------------- Profiles -------- E-mail: jmontgom Real name: John Montgomery ( but my PR net name is Red Samurai Ranger) Age: 19 Reason for liking Power Rangers: Action Boys, Action Girls, and a light escape from Everyday pressures. Fave Ranger: Current Ranger, Ashley Former Ranger, Kimberly Fave Episode: " A Different Shade of Pink" Fave Quote: Kimberly-"You guys make me sick, sick, sick!!" E-Mail: dontef@hotmail.com Real Name: Donte Frazier Age: 14 Reason for liking Power Rangers: The story lines, the plots, the characters, the villians,Etc. Fave Ranger: Billy and T.J. Fave Episode: "Blue Ranger Gone Bad" Fave Quote: Billy- "You Ooze, you lose!" Next time will be Jseinfeld's profile and CybervrJ3's. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MESSAGE BOARD ------------------ If you have anything that you want to say, buy, sell, or ask for, send me an e-mail with message board as the subject. --------------- dontef@hotmail.com would like to buy any episodes with Billy as the main character. If you're sellin' 'em cheap, I want you! Must have no blackouts, or missing parts. E-mail me if you have these. ----- --- dontef@hotmail.com would like to know if anyone who has it could e-mail him a copy of MAXMOUZE's 100Th Newsletter. ------- ---- SKIDDRED@aol.com is looking for every episode in Season 3 from Ninja Quest Pt. I to Hogday Afternoon Pt. II. --- ------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE DESIGN A CLUB LOGO CONTEST ***UPDATE*** -------------------- UPDATE: --Only one member so far has participated! In order for this to be a true CONTEST I must have more entries and more participation! And in case you're just now joining us, here are the rules: THE DESIGN A CLUB LOGO CONTEST!! Here it is! The first contest of the d-power rangers fanclub. Design a .gif image that you think would make a perfect logo for my site! If you win, _THAT_ will be the picture link to my site! I hope you all will put it up as a link to my site. (but, perhaps we're getting a little ahead of ourselves here) Anyway, here are the Requirements: o it's 400 pixels wide by 40 pixels tall o it's in GIF format (no JPEGs please!) o it's non-transparent o it's less than 7k in file size o if it's animated, the animation must stop at 7 seconds and should not include loops; Well, those are the rules, let's get crankin! I will announce the winner in the no. 3 special edition newsletter! Contest ends May 10th. Just attach it to your e-mail and label the subject LOGO CONTEST. It's as easy as that!! ------------------------------------------- VICE PRESIDENT CORNER---By: dontef and CybervrJ3 ---Let's all welcome the new VP of the club: CybervrJ3: Hi Power Ranger Fans I am Jeremy the new Vice-President of the Power Rangers Fan Club. I would like to thank Donte again for another job.I was kind of suprised to find out I got the job of the reviewer and twice as surprised for finding out I am the new Vice-President. Donte explained in the last newsletter that he wasn't getting that much info from the members about what the Rangers are doing now and not enough respones for certain polls.If you don't know what the old Rangers are doing now its o.k. but if you find some info on them even if its a little send it in. If you want this club to be great spread the word to your other Power Ranger fans who have computers so we can get more members.The more the better.Just like Donte I will ask a Power Question from the original shows and from the new ones. Power Question:Who Did the Voice for Rita Ripulsa? Thanks Again, Jeremy NYC E-mail me at cybervrj3 so I can inform Donte of the winner. First 3 correct ones win. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ VOTE FOR COLUMNS ------------------ This is a very important section and all members should participate in it . _YOU_ get to vote for which columns you want to stay in the NL and if I get enough votes against a section. It will be deleted. So, just send me an E-Mail with the subject as Column vote and just tell me Which columns you like and don't like. Send it in soon!! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- HYPER RANGER'S STORY INFO ---------------------------- Hyper Ranger is writing a series of new PR stories about, you guessed it, Hyper Rangers. But he needs more ideas. So, if anyone has _any_ Ideas at all, Send them to hyper_ranger2 Or e-mail him for more story info. He would appreciate the input, thanks!! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PARTICIPATION NEEDED ------------------------------ Well, if I've said it once, I've said it a lot. To make this NL the best it can be I need participation from all of the members. Just reminding you. THANX!! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TRIVIA ***WIN PRIZES**** ------------------------------ Well, just as I promised, the Trivia part Of the NL is back! This time, however, we will Have quotes. There will be two quotes. No. 1 is worth a regular prize and No. 2 is Worth a special Prize. Good Luck! (By the way, you can only do one, so choose the best one) "I'm certified turtlfied"---(name and episode) Regular Prize "You don't know _ME_"---(name, episode, and scene) Special Prize Winners will be announced in the next NL. ---And just for fun--- In "shell shocked" each ranger was paired off with a turtle in the fight at the End. Which Ranger was with which turtle? ---Send all of these in with the subject as Trivia ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Seinfeld's Spot ----------- Here is Jseinfeld's column: THE CHANGING OF POWER RANGERS! ------------------------------------------------------ Over time the Power Rangers have had many forms and many enemies. In the begginng there was Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. With Alpha and Zordon they had to battle the evil Rita Repulsa. They fought bravely to protect Angel Grove while Bulk and Skull constantly couldn't do anything right. Then with Power Rangers Zeo, however I didn't like this series as much as the others, the Power Rangers got their new Zeo powers and met the Alien Rangers I can't remember their name but they were from another planet. They helped in the fight against the evil King Mondo and his robot army. After the destruction of them they met one of the best new rangers Justin. As the new blue ranger he helped in the fight with the coolest bad guys yet Divatox Elgar Rygog and Porto. They started in a subcraft and they fought against the Phantom Ranger and the Blue Centurion as well as the Power Rangers. Then Divatox got her new space base. Then Power Rangers in space came and along with the alien ranger the Power Rangers once again fought with new bad guys Astronema Dark Spectre and Elgar. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHECK OUT THIS SITE! ------------------------- Here are some cool PR sites to check out! The last Horizon: http://members.aol.com/kibarenjaa@aol.com PRFFA: http:members.tripod.com/~skytiger/prffa/prffa1.html If you want a site posted here, send me an e-mail with The subject as ADDSITE It'll be posted here in the NL as soon as I get it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRIS Q&A By: Dontef and TIMO82 ------------------------ As you all know, power rangers in space got its footage from A japanese sentai show called Megarangers. In Japan this show has Already ended. So, since our member TIMO82 has most of the Episodes on tape, he knows a lot of what will basically happen In PriS. Here are a selection of Questions I asked him: where does the traditional 5 part megazord make it's first appearence? It makes its appearance in episode 32, I believe. How many episodes into the series does it take till the silver ranger makes his first appearence? He makes his first appearance about ... twenty episodes into the series. At first, he has a 2.5 minute time limit, but he fixes that later. Where does the silver ranger get his powers from? Well, each ranger has a "hit tech" power. Red has the computer, Yellow has a camera.... Silver has a computer chip. What powers does he have? Well, I'm not entirely sure what you mean, but his "finishing move" is when he runs at the monster while shooting, then swings with his sword and kills it. it's real cool. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOTE FOR FANFIC ------------------------ Our Member T.H. Brooks, has something to say: I was wondering if you could help me out a little. If you could send your favorite fan-fic links it would be most appreciated. And just one more thing: I have an ongoing fan-fic project called "Tides of Destiny." What makes this story different is that this will feature several battles pitting the MMPR against the PRZ. If you could vote on these battles, I could finally finish this thing: Kim, Pink Ranger vs. Kat, Zeo Ranger 1 Trini, Yellow Ranger vs. Tanya, Zeo Ranger 2 Billy, Blue Ranger vs. Rocky, Zeo Ranger 3 Zack, Black Ranger vs. Adam, Zeo Ranger 4 Jason, Red Ranger vs. Jason, Gold Ranger Tommy, Green Ranger vs. Tommy, Zeo Ranger 5 Main Event(s): Tommy, Green Ranger vs. Jason, Gold Ranger Dino MegaZord vs. Zeo MegaZord If you could, vote on these and send them to Corlathsol@aol.com. Thanks, T.H. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE MEETING PLACE! ------------------- Have any of you ever met the Rangers? Personally or impersonally?We'll Print your stories here. Just send 'em under the subject: TMP. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Meeting/Chat --------------- Hello, Everybody. I just got a new PR chat room at my website and there is going to be a Meeting on Friday, April 17Th, at 5:30p.m. PST/ 8:30p.m. EST/ 7:30p.m. CST/ 6:30p.m. MST.This is not a private room. But, since my site isn't that Popular yet, there probably won't be any bashers there. Vice-President CybervrJ3 will Be there to preside over the meeting because I won't be able to make it.REMEMBER-No Cursing!! The youngest person there will be around 12 years old. And if there is a fan That just happens to be there who is not in the club, encourage them to sign up. Hope you All can make it there. Have Fun!! :) CHAT INFO ------- SITE- http://www.angelfire.com/de/Donte -- TIME: 5:30PM PST/ 8:30PM EST/ 7:30p.m. CST/ 6:30p.m. MST --- DATE: APRIL 17, 1998 Friday --- Room: PR CHAT ROOM (NOT NoN PR CHAT) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- See ya' Next Time!! ----- NEXT ISSUE: The 4th issue of the D-Power Pages NL. Find out which columns made it And which ones didn't. Hopefully some new Poll updates, an update on the Logo contest, More PriS info, a new fanfic in the fanfic corner, and more participation. Also, a listing And brief description of each episode that we've seen so far. Coming between April 30 And May 15!! So, keep tuning in to the best PR club, the D-POWER RANGERS FANCLUB!!! See ya!! Don't forget to watch PriS Every Friday on fox kids!! ---------------------------President --------------------------Donte Frazier -------------------------dontef@hotmail.com --------------------------Vice-President ------------------------Jeremy Hutchins ----------------------CybervrJ3@aol.com Don't forget to check out the new, updated, club website at: http://www.angelfire.com/de/Donte ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------