D-Power Pages Newsletter 4 May 15, 1998 "This situation is very interesting" ---------------------------------------- Table of Contents --------------------------------------- 1. SCOOP!! -Get the info here first 2. NEW MEMBERS -Welcome to the club 3. INFO -The Info you need to know 4. POLLS -Results 5. PRIS INFO -The info on the show 6. FANFIC CORNER -Send in yours 7. QUESTION COLUMN -Send 'em in 8. PROFILES -Meet Jeremy and Jseinfeld 9. MESSAGE BOARD -What do you want? 10. VICE PRESIDENT CORNER -Jeremy's spot 11. CHECK IT OUT! -Cool sites to see 12. THE DESIGN A CLUB LOGO CONTEST ***CANCELLED*** -The failed contest 13. EPISODE SUMMARYS -What was that ep about? 14. CHAT/MEETING -Meet fellow members 15. TRIVIA -Win Prizes 16. SEE YA' NEXT TIME -Sneak peek! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCOOP!! ----------- Welcome to the scoop section. Where you'll get early info on the show and the upcoming movie. ------ IT'S NOT THE CRANE! ----------------------------- -----Reported by Donte Frazier (dontef@hotmail.com) Brent Crane, The actor rumored to portray Justin Next season on PriS has officially denounced these rumors: ---taken from the Power Core message board Hi All, I'd like to set the record straight about the "Brent Crane as Justin in PRiS" thing. See, I'm a regular on #alt-mmpr & I used to have a picture on the alt page that looked alot like Blake. So when Blake left, White Tiger & some of the others were joking around how I could take his place & have my name on the Power Rangers Online Archives Justin entry. Well, Tiger put it there anyway as a joke. So don't worry Justin haters & Blake fans, I'm not going to be really playing Justin, it was just a joke. But I think if I was REALLY playing Justin, you wouldn't think I was that annoying Thanks :) Brent Crane Brent's Home World --------------------------------------------- ZHANE GETS THE SILVER ------------------------------------ ----reported by Jeremy Hutchins (CybervrJ3@aol.com) Axe60 told me who the Silver Ranger is going to be. He is Andros's friend Zhane, who is frozen and hidden in the Astro Megaship. {Rumor} ------------------------------------- If you have any scoops, send them to dontef@hotmail.com with the subject as scoop. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW MEMBERS ------------------------ -hollywoodbuffdaddy@email.msn.com -BBbaggerlZ@aol.com -willms@miliserv.net/Jason -AXE60@aol.com -ZEOPOWER6@aol.com -Triforia@aol.com -mike_g@earthlink.net/Josh Let's welcome these new members to the club! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ INFO ------- Mistakes ---- -None that I know of. Job Hunt --------- I still need these jobs filled by May 20. If you can do Any of them, e-mail me at dontef@hotmail.com Chat manager---Plans the chats and other special club events. Web site manager---Runs the club site Assistant Vice-President-Email CybervrJ3@aol.com to apply ---------------- I'd like to thank andrew wiggin for getting me at least part of Mm's 100th NL. --------------- That's all for now. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- POLLS -------- If you haven't sent in your response yet, hurry up! These polls will all Be cancelled after the next NL. So, just label the subject as polls and e-mail it to me. --Who is the best new ranger? A)T.J.--1 vote B) Carlos-- 1 vote C) Ashley-- 4 votes D) Cassie-- 1 vote E) Andros--2 votes --Who is the best new villian? A) Astronema-- 5 votes B) Dark Specter-- 0 votes C) The Quantrons--1 vote D) Ecliptor-- 3 votes --What are the best new powers? A) Lightstar red-- 6 votes B) Lightstar blue-- 1 vote C) Lightstar black--1 vote D) Lightstar yellow--1 vote E) Lightstar pink -- 0 votes --Which PR series was the best? A) MMPR--2 votes B) MMAR--1 vote C) PRZ--2 votes D) PRT --1 votes E) PriS--2 votes The best serie's are PriS and Zeo because, so far, PriS has been a lot of fun to watch... And because I am tottally hooked on watching Andros(He's my god!) and Zeo because my fave ranger is Kat... And it's just really cool! -Krissy Fav PR series: Mine is the MMPR ( Thunderzord season) because thats when Lord Zed came and he was cool so where the zords and that is when they used new american footage for like the first time. ---Jeremy ------------- -Who was the best leader? A) Andros-0 votes B) Tommy- 2 vote C) Jason- 1 votes D) T.J.- 1 vote Um..Tommy Ken T.J. was the best leader. As a first time Ranger, he was level-headed, secure, and didn't hog the action. -Monty Tommy was the best leader---??? Jason was the very best leader there ever was-HANAKO98 ------------ What do you think of the villians? Astronema's cool. Ecliptor vs. Andros always reminds me of the days of Tommy vs. Goldar, and it's really great. -Ken Astronema's getting much better. Her vague past and odd behavior makes for a very interesting character. When she started getting into the fights with the Rangers, my respect for her character increased. Ecliptor is just the kind of villian PR needed after Too long a time with "funny" villians: powerful, serious, and dangerous. - Monty The majority of the villians were always getting on my nerves like Rita and the machine empire including Divatox who I hate the most. Zed with Goldar and Astronama with Ecliptor are very serious and I like that.I always wonderd who was the most powerfull bad guy because all of them claimed to be untill the new villian came along. Putties,Cogs,Tengas, Quantrons they always loose. The show needs to create some bad goons who win more than the rangers sometimes. Some monsters I wish they never even showed on Power Rangers.---Jeremy ------------ Send in your responses. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PriS Info ----------- ---From the Power Rangers Online Archives Seiju Sentai Gingaman Star-Beast Task Force Milky Way-Man 1998 began a new series in the long line of Japanese Sentai. Seiju Sentai Gingaman, or "Star-Beast Task Force Milky Way-Man" translated in English, is the 1998 incarnation of the Japanese television series which provides much of the Power Rangers concept from year to year. After Power Rangers In Space is finished, in 1999 we should be seeing Gingaman Zords, enemies, and costumes in the next Power Rangers series. The Gingamen The Gingaman team consists of 5 Rangers. A Red Ranger, a Green Ranger, a Blue Ranger, a Pink Ranger, and a Yellow Ranger. Unlike the previous 3 sentai teams, there is only one female Ranger (the Pink Ranger). Each Gingaman comes equipped with a sword and their own personal weapon. GingaRed The Red Ranger is the leader of the group. His totem animal (as well as Zord) is the lion. He draws his energy from fire. GingaGreen The Green Ranger is the brains of the group. His totem animal and Zord is the Dragon. The source of his energies is the wind. GingaPink The Pink Ranger is the sole female Ranger of the group. Her animal symbol and Zord is a Mountain Lion. The source of her energies is flowers. GingaBlue The Blue Ranger possesses the strength of the Gorilla which is also his Zord. His elemental power comes from water. GingaYellow The Yellow Ranger is fast and agile. His animal symbol as well as Zord is the Wolf. The Yellow Ranger's elemental symbol is thunder. The morphers the Gingamen use to transform into Rangers. Villains From left to right: Sambasshu, Budo, Sherinda, Captain Zahab, Bucrates, Illiess, Battobass. The villains of Gingaman are space pirates led by the 8 foot tall Captain Zahab. Under his command are his henchmen Bucrates and Sherinda (Highly unlikely that we will see her in Power Rangers). Zahab controls a large body of followers, and four generals with armies of their own. Each of these armies is led by one of his generals, Sambasshu, Budo, Illiess, and Battobass. Zahab's common soldiers are pirates called Yaatotto. These pirates use swords and fight in groups against the Rangers. The Ditanic is the base of the villains. This magically floating chunk of earth houses a castle which Captain Zahab and his crew call home. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FANFIC CORNER ----------------------- No fanfic this issue from any members, so here's Mine! School Time Fun --------------------- By: Donte Frazier Carlos: Man, I'm not prepared for this test! T.J.: Tell me about it. We spent so much time yesterday fighting that stupid Mamamite That we didn't get a chance to study! Carlos: I can't believe it! I got an A! T.J.: Yeah, I got one, too. What a fluke. Plus, the awesome D-Power Pages Newsletter will be in our e-mail today, with scoops on the show and all other sorts of cool stuff! Ashley: Made by that absolutely dreamy hunk, Donte! Cassie: What a great day! ---End That's it! Great, huh?! Send a part of your fanfic or the whole thing if it Is small to get it in the fanfic corner. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION COLUMN ---------------------------- No questions this NL. Send yours to dontef@hotmail.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROFILES -------------- E-mail name: Jseinfeld Real Name: ??? Age: 12 Reason for liking Power Rangers: It's a grest show, but Zeo was baaad. But The rest was super good. I also like how they have zords and stuff like that. Fave Ranger: Justin Fave Episode: "Honey, I shrunk the Rangers" Parts 1 and 2 Fave Quote: Divatox- "Fire the Torpedoes!" E-mail: Cybervrj3@aol.com Real Name: Jeremy Hutchins Age:15 Reason For liking Power Rangers: Well I liked the show since it first came out and I got hooked.I got hooked because I liked the Idea of the show, the characters, the zords ,everything. Fave Ranger: All of them except Tanya Fave Episode: The Mutiny 1, 2 & 3 Fave Qoute: These are your most powerfull zords ever!!! Zordon always said that. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MESSAGE BOARD ------------------------- If you have anything that you want to buy, sell, or ask for send me an e-mail With message board as the subject. ----------------------- SKIDDRED@aol.com is looking for every episode in season 3 from Ninja Quest Pt.1 to Hogday afternoon pt.II ---------------------- Klingon918@aol.com is looking for any PR fonts ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VICE-PRESIDENT CORNER ------------------------------------ The winners of the last Power Question are: ManBat25@aol.com SKIDDRED@aol.com and p014482b@pb.seflin.org ---They will each receive a special pic Jeremy : Hey everyone I hope everybody been doing ok and of course I hoped you all enjoyed your Spring Break. For the past week I have been finding out some information on the Japanese versions of Power Rangers.The majority of people knew this info before I did but its about time I got to know.Here it is: MMPR- ZyuRangers Thunderzord season- Dairangers- Saban just used the zords and monsters not the rangers besides the white ranger. Power Rangers Zeo- Ohrangers. In Japan the Gold Ranger is a little boy over 6,000 years old. Alien Rangers-Ninja Sentai Kakuranger is actually Japans Ninja Rangers thats why saban had to use new kock-pits because they couldn't show the other rangers in the zords. The shogun zord was always the Kakurangers zords including there borgs. PRTurbo - Sentai Car Rangers Both had same Ideas only thing is that Divatox was not the main bad guy. There was also a white car ranger but was never shown on American TV. PRIS - Sentai Mega Rangers- We have Astronama they had Doctor Hinera. Based on the rangers who have to stop invaders from a virtual world. Donte's note---Virtual world. That's where the Rangers get the Craterite and "Training Center" Footage. ?????- Sentai Gingaman - In this show the rangers have to protect peace in space. They have the power of the five great animals of justice. Lion, Dragon, Gorilla, wolf, Wildcat. In this one the yellow one is a male. Ready here is my power question: In Japan which two rangers are kids? I gave one answer already who is the other one???? Allright time to teleport out....... Ready Later, Jeremy Hutchins WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry guys for not writing any reviews for a while and I am sorry. I have been tied up for a while. I will be sending in some reviews asap. Thanx everyone Teleporting out Jeremy Hutchins Vice President Cybervrj3@aol.com ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CHECK IT OUT!! --------------------- Check out these sites! http://www.geocities.com/TelevisionCity/7706/dairanger.html http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/Set/7025/Kat.html Ken's Kat Page -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE DESIGN A CLUB LOGO CONTEST ***CANCELLED*** ------------------------------------------- Well, I'm sorry to say that Due to no entries, (Well, one entry That didn't follow the contest rules) The Logo Contest is Cancelled. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EPISODE SUMMARYS ----------------------------- ----By: Donte Frazier (dontef@hotmail.com) Here's a rundown of eight of the sixteen episodes that have been on Power Rangers in Space this season. The other eight will be in the next newsletter. Episode 1 "From Out of Nowhere" Part 1 Plot:While a council of villians plot Zordon's downfall, A mysterious new Ranger Makes his entrance. Featured Villian-Astronema Featured Ranger-Andros Episode 2 "From Out of Nowhere" Part 2 Plot: While the new red ranger is found to be An human named Andros, Astronema sets out To destroy all of the Rangers. Featured Villian: Astronema Featured Ranger: Andros Episode 3 "Save Our Ship" Plot: As the Rangers return to Earth, Astronema Plots to make their stopover permenant! Featured Villian: Ecliptor Featured Ranger: Andros Episode 4 " Shell Shocked" Plot: Astronema summons the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles To destroy the Rangers. Can The Rangers win this fight? Featured Villian: TMNT Featured Ranger: All ( Mostly Andros) Episode 5 "Never Stop Searching" Plot: While Andros returns to his home Planet to Search for his missing sister, Carlos gets injured and Andros gets locked in a deadly fight with Ecliptor. --Who Will Win? eatured Villian: Ecliptor Featured Ranger: Andros Episode 6 "Satellite Search" Plot: Nasada loses a satellite and contacts the Rangers to Find it. The Rangers, who think the disk has info On Zordon's whereabouts, are captured while searching For it. Can they get free before Clawhammer devours Them? Featured Villian: Clawhammer Featured Ranger: All Episode 7 "A Ranger Among Theives" Plot: While Andros is caught among a gang of Car theives, Voltagehog, Astronema's newest Monster, sucks Angel Grove of it's power. Featured Villian: Voltagehog Featured Ranger: Andros Episode 8 "When Push Comes to Shove" Plot: When Cassie's diary gets stolen, she Must go on a date to get it back. Meanwhile, Astronema sends Elephantitan to push down The building they are in, so that a vile of Plutonium will spill that could destroy the City. Featured Villian: Elephantitan Featured Ranger: Cassie Next time will be the next 8 episodes. BTW: These are so good, I'm thinking about putting out An episode guide. What do you think? :) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHAT/MEETING --------------------- Wanna chat with other members of the D-Power Rangers Fanclub? Here's the date: Well guys 'n' gals, just because the last chat was a bust dosen't mean this one will be, too. Here is the date of the next chat: Chat Info ----------- Site: http://www.angelfire.com/de/Donte Time: Friday at 7:30 Eastern 6:30 central 5:30 mountain and 4:30 paciffic. Date: May 15, 1998 Friday Room: PR Chat Room (Not Non PR Chat) Remember, this is not a private room, Jeremy will be there to preside over it as before, and NO CURSING!! Have Fun! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TRIVIA! ----------- Here are the winners and trivia answers from the last NL. Winner: Monty Only Monty tried and he won. Geez, were the Quotes that hard? This time they will be easier. Monty got the special quote right and since the regular one didn't get answered, it will become the special quote. Answer -------- "you don't know _Me_?" The answer was Astronema from "From out of Nowhere" Part 1 It was the scene when the four rangers first met her on the alien planet. New Trivia ------------- "This situation is very interesting" (name and episode) Regular Prize "I'm certified turtlfied!" (name, scene and quote) Special Prize ----- --- Just for fun --- Answers --------- Once Again, Only Monty got this right. In "Shell Shocked" Each ranger was paired off with a turtle in the fight at the end. The pairings were: TJ/Donatello Carlos/Venus Cassie/Michealangelo Andros/Leonardo Ashley/Rapheal Here's the new one: BTW it's a hard one! Were the zords named after Zordon or was Zordon named after the Zords? Explain how. Send in your answers with the subject as trivia. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SEE YA' NEXT TIME! --------------------------- 5TH ISSUE: The Season finale like issue of the D-Power Pages Newsletter. The Final poll responses, Trivia answers, fanfic, Questions, etc. till the season Priemere in August! The Last eight episodes of PriS in the summary corner And a list of summer chat dates. Plus More! So, tune into the next issue of the D-Power pages NL and keep being a member of the best PR club! Don't forget to watch PriS Every Friday and Saturday On FOX Kids! ---------------------President --------------------Donte Frazier -------------------dontef@hotmail.com -----------------Vice-President -----------------Jeremy Hutchins -----------------CybervrJ3@aol.com Don't forget to check out the website at: http://www.angelfire.com/de/Donte