D-Power Pages Newsletter 5 ***Season finale*** May 30, 1998 "See ya' next fall" ---------------------- Table of Contents ---------------------- 1. NEW MEMBERS ---Cool New Members 2. INFO --The info you need to know 3. POLLS --The final results 4. PRIS INFO --From the foxkids website 5. SEINFELD'S SPOT --Zordon's rescue 6. FANFIC CORNER --Another cool fic! 7. QUESTION COLUMN --the stuff you wanna know 8. PROFILES --HANAKO98's profile 9. VICE PRESIDENT CORNER --Jeremy's column 10. MESSAGE BOARD --What do you want? 11. CHECK IT OUT! --Cool sites to see 12. EPISODE SUMMARYS --The last 8 eps 13. TRIVIA --Answers 14. SUMMER CHAT DATES --scheduled chats this summer 15. SEE YA' IN AUGUST --see ya' soon ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW MEMBERS --------------------- No new members this time. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INFO ------ Welcome to the new Assistant VP ??? (I guess you'll just have to read on to find out!) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- POLLS -------- The final results! -Best New Ranger Ashley-4 Andros-2 Carlos -1 Cassie-1 T.J. -1 -Best New Villian Astronema-5 Ecliptor-3 Quantrons-1 Dark Specter-0 -Best New Powers Lightstar Red-6 Lightstar Black-1 Lightstar Blue-1 Lightstar Yellow-1 Lightstar Pink-0 -Best PR series MMPR-2 PriS-2 PRZ-2 MMAR-1 PRT-1 -Best Leader ommy-2 Jason-1 T.J.-1 Andros-0 ------------ Responses ------------ I'd like to respond to that message about funny bad guys. I kinda liked the humop in PRT where elgar always screwes up and Divatox gets mad at him all the time. It really adds to the overall fun of the whole show. ----Jseinfeld ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRIS INFO ------------- -----From the FOXKIDS Website The Rangers are back, and they're out of this world! The Power Rangers saga continues as the Power Rangers are sent into space in their new Astro Megaship to conquer their evil nemesis, Divatox, and regain their powers. Docking with a mysterious space ship, they meet Avtar, a Red Ranger from a distant space colony, who renders new powers to the Power Rangers in the form of Astro Morphers -- and a new call, "Let's Rocket!" The five Power Rangers are then transformed into POWER RANGERS IN SPACE! This time the Rangers power into never-before-explored planets and distant galaxies, as the Power Ranger's mission is to rescue Zordon while battling the Princess of Evil, Astronema and her henchmen Ecliptor and Darkonda. The new Red Ranger, Andros, will lead the Power Rangers in defending the galaxy against evil while continuing his search for his long-lost sister. She was kidnapped by the evil forces when she and Andros were young children. Earth remains the headquarters for T.J., Carlos, Ashley, Cassie, and Andros when they are not in outer space. Their new earthly hangout is The Surf Spot where Bulk and Skull, Angel Grove's own resident Laurel and Hardy, team up with the eccentric Professor Phenomenus in search of aliens. POWER RANGERS IN SPACE features spectacular new action elements. The Power Rangers travel in the newly created, Astro Megaship. There are also new Megazords and state-of-the-art Galaxy Gliders, space vehicles that are ridden like surfboards. The Power Rangers use the gliders to defend themselves from Astronema's fleet of Velocifighters. And all this is just the beginning. POWER RANGERS IN SPACE has the most exciting stories, action, and adventures ever to do battle against evil. So tune in and take off with the new SPACE RANGERS! The Good Guys Carlos/Black Ranger Carlos is a kind, handsome and outgoing student who can sometimes be stubborn. At 17, he is the youngest of four children. His family is very strict, but he appreciates their rules and good values, even if he does not always agree with them. Carols is a good student and is Angel Grove's star soccer player. He also happens to be every girl's idea of a dream date. T.J./Blue Ranger T.J. is a motivated, intelligent, and athletic 17 year old. He leads by example not by force. He is the cool and calm balance to Carlos' hot-blooded character. T.J. is always assessing the situation, making sure that everyone is working together. His kind-hearted, altruistic nature and charming smile draw people to him. Cassie/Pink Ranger Cassie, at 17, is a bit of a rebel. Her taste in clothing is bold and she plays guitar in an all-girl rock band. Her somewhat defiant attitude often gets her into trouble, because she's not afraid to speak her mind. She is also a good person who will do anything for her friends. Cassie knows what she wants out of life and is motivated about obtaining her goals. Andros/Red Ranger The new Red Power Ranger was born in a distant galaxy on the Space Station KO-35. He is dedicated to defending the galaxy from evil and finding his long lost sister. Andros is incredibly loyal, resourceful, disciplined and independent. He has single-handedly manned the Megaship since his best friend, Zhane, the Silver Ranger, was critically injured. Ashley/Yellow Ranger Ashley is a bubbly, upbeat person who always sees the glass as half-full. She comes from a fairly wealthy family. She's popular with the other kids, a cheerleader, and belongs to just about every club in school. There are times when her grades suffer because she gets "over involved" in her school activities, but she always manages to pull through. Her dream is to become a top fashion designer like Donna Karan. Bulk A loud boisterous practical joker, Bulk likes leather jackets and anything that makes at least as much noise as he does. He also holds the Youth Center's record for the most hot dogs eaten at a single sitting. Along with his trusty sidekick Skull, they have a knack for finding trouble. Both Bulk and Skull are Professor Phenomenus' loyal assistants. Together they assist the Professor in his hair-brained experiments to prove there are alien life forms on Earth. Skull Like his constant companion, Bulk, Skull is a practical joker who really means no harm. Unfortunately, the pair's Laurel and Hardy-like antics can, and often do, wreak havoc on the tranquil community of Angel Grove. Skull is the little brother Bulk never had. The duo have been inseparable since birth, where they were isolated from the other babies. Whenever Bulk would cry, Skull would cry as well. It was only natural they would continue this oddball relationship throughout their childhood, adolescence, and into adulthood. Skull and Bulk were selected by the eccentric and brilliant Professor Phenomenus as his new assistants. It is now their duty to help the Professor with his wacky alien life form experiments. Professor Phenomenus Professor Phenomenus is a brilliant eccentric whose energy is ceaseless. His sole scientific mission is to prove that there are alien life forms on Earth and elsewhere in the universe. Formerly a university professor renowned for his scientific prowess, Professor Phenomenus was dismissed for his crazy ideas which included accusing the government of conspiring with the martians. Now ensconced in Angel Grove with a new laboratory, Professor Phenomenus has also acquired two devoted new assistants, Bulk and Skull, who believe in alien life forms as much as he does. Alpha 6 Like those which have preceded him, Alpha 6 is a robot assigned to protect the forces of good. Alpha 6 is an invaluable friend and ally to the Power Rangers. His technological expertise is often the difference between winning and losing the battle against Astronema and her evil minions. The Bad Guys Astronema Astronema is the new villainess in this season's POWER RANGERS IN SPACE. She is headquartered in the ominous spacecraft, the Dark Fortress. Astronema is the cool and calculating witch of the Cosmos with a single mission - to destroy the Power Rangers. Aside from focusing nearly all of her energy to defeating the superheroes at every turn, she loyally serves the Dark Spectre and intends to conquer the Universe expanding her reign of terror. Ecliptor Ecliptor is Astronema's diabolical second-in-command. As her lieutenant, he facilitates all of her sinister schemes and evil wishes. Ecliptor is danger personified making even the bravest fighter quake. An excellent warrior, Ecliptor has special laser beams that fire from his eyes. Darkonda Darkonda is an intergallactic bounty hunter that Astronema has accepted as one of her inner circle. She knows that she must keep Darkonda at a distance because he is untrustworthy. Astronema also knows he is a powerful fighter who will help her win her battle against all that is good. Darkonda is loyal to no one and often disobeys Astronema's dark wishes. He has is own plans - to plot his own rise to power. Elgar Elgar is Divatox's tall, turnip-brained nephew. After his aunt's ship was destroyed, Elgar was luckily assigned to Astronema's ship. He is now a flunky for all of her diabolical plans. Elgar is incapable of the simplest evil task and usually botches Astronema's schemes, but somehow he remains in her pitiful employ. Ranger-speak Rangers walk the walk and talk the talk, so if you want to know what's going on in each show, you better know the talk too. The new Power Ranger adventures mean cool new things for the gang to fly in and use to battle evil. Just to be sure you know what's what, here's a list of the coolest stuff to hit space since zero gravity... Astro Delta Megazord The Astro Delta Megazord is the invincible combination of the Astro Megazord and the Delta Megazord. This powerful machine has two main weapons; the Gyro Blasters and the Flying Power Punch to destroy all monsters in its path. Astro Megaship The Astro Megaship is the Space Rangers new base of operations. It has several different sections including the Bridge, the Work Bay, the Engine Room, the Cargo Bay, the Simudeck, and a gym to keep the Rangers in top form. Astro Megazord The Astro Megazord is the first Megazord used by the Rangers. It is a combination of the Astro Megazord Shuttle (head) and the Astro Megaship (body). Together they create the Astro Megazord. It can also combine itself with the Delta Megazord to form the mighty Astro Delta Megazord. Astro Megazord Shuttle The Astro Megazord Shuttle is a special spacecraft that the Rangers took from NASDA to search for Zordon. The shuttle is the head/cockpit of the Astro Megazord. Astro Morpher The Astro Morpher is a wrist morpher/communicator. It is one of the ways the Rangers communicate with each other and their base, the Astro Megaship. Battilizer The Battilizer is the second morpher/communicator. It is one of the ways the Rangers communicate with each other and their base, the Astro Megaship. Delta Megaship The Delta Megaship is a spacecraft which transforms itself into the Delta Megazord. It is an unmanned spacecraft which can also be operated by the Space Rangers. Delta Megazord The Delta Megazord is the invincible combination of the Astro Megazord and the Delta Megaship. This powerful machine has two main weapons; the Gyro Blasters and the Flying Power Punch to destroy all monsters in its path. Galaxy Gliders The Galaxy Gliders are surfboard-looking vehicles which transport the Power Rangers through space. Mega Tank The Mega Tank is an indestructible ground vehicle the Space Rangers use when they encounter rough terrain. Morphing Transformation of teen to Space Ranger. Zords Vehicles used by the Space Rangers in battling monsters sent by Astronema. Cast & Crew Credits Starring: Christopher Khayman Lee Tracy Lynn Cruz Patricia Ja Lee Roger Velasco Selwyn Ward Melody Perkins Jason Narvy Paul Schrier Executive Producers: Haim Saban Shuki Levi Producer: Jonathan Tzachor ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SEINFELD'S SPOT ------------------------ Zordon's Rescue -------------------- It's getting closer and closer to Zordon's rescue and I've decided to get some info on the storyline of when they will rescue Zordon. So, just make something up like a guess. Here's mine. I think that the Power Rangers will go to Dark Spector's fortress and have to fight old creatures like putty patroler's and Piranhatron's and then when they get to the top they'll have to fight Dark Spectre when they save Zordon he will give them new Astro Ranger powers and then Divatox and General Havoc will come back and they'll have to fight the new metallisuarus ---Responses will be in the august issue ---Send to seinfeld@eatel.net -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FANFIC CORNER ----------------------- Since I got so many Fanfic responses, I'll just print them all!!! Here's the first one. "The Barillian Hicky" by: Monty *RATED MONTGOMERY-14* -- [Ecliptor is holding a remote control.] Ecliptor: This device is amazing. I can control my new toy and summon the Pink Ranger's attention. [Ecliptor plays with the controls. A remote controlled race car toy with Ecliptor's face on the front rides by on the grass.] Announcer: Coming this Fall! The Ecliptor RacerBot from Bandai! Ecliptor (faces the camera): Complete with exploding nuclear action for all you future Saddam Husseins! [Two little boys chase after the RacerBot. It halts just as the boys get near it.] Boy#1: The Ecliptor RacerBot is radical! Boy#2: Awesome, ma- [The RacerBot explodes, lopping off the boys' legs. They both fall and begin to bleed to death.] Ecliptor: In a few weeks, if they survive, they'll develop posable skin lesions! Boy#1: Mommy... Ecliptor: As an included bonus, their future children will be born with no arms or ears! [A crew man picks up Boy#2's arm and waves it from side to side.] Boy#2 (weak): Whoo-hoo... Announcer: Bandai-- Genocidal Action Satisfaction. [Darkonda teleports behind the Quantrons.] Ecliptor: Huh?! Darkonda, I told you never to darken my part of the galaxy again! Darkonda: Take it easy, Ecliptor. I see you still have that knack for humorous puns and innuendo. [Darkonda's short sword elongates magically.] Ecliptor: Humor? What humor? My words don't erect to any meaning other than their plain definitions. Darkonda: I just happened to be in the neighborhood. Ecliptor: Really? You're always engorging your head with bloody plans and thrusting them into action again and again. Director: Can we get a change on this episode's rating? Darkonda: I wanted to see Astronema's newest lackey. Ecliptor: What of it? Darkonda: That didn't offend you? Ecliptor: I rather relish the idea. It fills certain holes in me... Darkonda: Darn. Hey, your mother is ugly! Ecliptor: I can't disagree with your assessment. Darkonda: I've seen evil warriors _much_ more handsome than you! [Ecliptor yells and takes a swipe at Darkonda. Darkonda counters the attack. Their swords clang against each other.] Darkonda: Don't start what you can't finish! Ecliptor: You take that insult back! I'm the most handsome! And I have to awards to prove it! [Ecliptor takes out photographs of him from the Mister Villian Universe Pageant.] Darkonda: My... I take that back. I really do! You should wear that red speedo more often. Ecliptor (blushing): Oh, stop it. (looks at the picture) You think so? Darkonda: Aren't you worried that I might kill Astronema? Ecliptor: What was my line again? [A crew man whispers from behind the camera.] Crew Man: You stay away from... Ecliptor: Oh, yeah. (serious) You stay away from Astronema, or I shall have your hide for dinner! Darkonda: You really don't know what you're saying, do you? TJ: This way, guys. [Ecliptor remembers the Rangers and walks away.] Ecliptor: Excellent. Here they come. I hope they don't spew all over my plans. Darkonda: You are a dirty one, Ecliptor. Ecliptor: Quiet! They're about to get the hardest ravaging of their lives. Darkonda: As I said... TJ: The signal's getting stronger. We're close. I just hope Ecliptor up there doesn't interfere. Ecliptor: "Close" to the doom of your innocence... TJ: Ecliptor, I am not a virgin! So shutup! Ecliptor: I don't understand. I'm only stating violent threats. Darkonda: Oh, let me guess. You're going to ask that girl out. How predictable, Ecliptor. Ecliptor: Wha...? Darkonda: Why would a young girl like her go for you? [Ecliptor sucks in his gut.] Ecliptor: I haven't gained a pound since my modeling days. Darkonda: Pathetic. Ecliptor: You're right. What was I thinking? It's all the Pink Ranger's fault. Attack them! [Ecliptor and the Quantrons rush the Rangers.] Darkonda: You're so last season, Ecliptor. TJ: Oh no! An unmorphed fight! I just ate a pound of chili 15 minutes ago! Cassie: No one told me we had a fight scene! TJ: I guess we'll have to use what Alpha Stunts taught us. [TJ does a roundhouse.] TJ: Okay, I'm out of ideas. [TJ begins to just dodge the Quantrons. Carlos does a lame front kick.] Carlos: What else is there? [Cassie does a backfist.] Cassie: I don't know. Anyone know how to do something fancy, like a hurricane kick? [Silence.] Darkonda: I know a much faster way to finish off a Ranger! [Darkonda pulls out SAG card and contract and waves them at the Rangers.] Carlos: What's that? [Carlos goes up to Darkonda and starts to read the contract.] Saban: You're pressing your guest star staying power, Darkonda. [The contract and card suddenty burst into flames. Carlos drops them.] Director (nervous): The plot device. Fast. [Darkonda pulls out a hive, throws it up, and slices it in half with his sword. The hive falls to the ground and splits. A big, red bug flies out towards the Rangers.] Darkonda: Now show them your sucking action. Heh-heh-heh... Ecliptor: Why not, Pink Ranger? Cassie (fighting Quantrons): Because we're mortal enemies! [Ecliptor turns around, sees the bug, and ducks. The bug lands on Carlos' wrist and begins to suck on it. Carlos falls.] Carlos: Ah! Ah! Ah! [Carlos knocks the bug off as TJ and Cassie come to help him.] Cassie: Carlos, are you okay? Carlos: Something stung me! [Carlos shows them a red mark on his wrist.] Cassie: It looks like a hickey. Carlos: What's a hickey? [TJ and Cassie look knowingly at each other.] TJ: We better get you back to the ship. You're in for a good hour of lecture. Carlos: About what? Cassie: The birds and the bees. Carlos: Like that one that just stung me? Cassie: Even Justin wasn't this clueless... Ecliptor: Get them, now! [The Quantrons back off so the Rangers can teleport back to the Astro Megaship.] Ecliptor (turns around): Darkonda, you knocked this plan up. You- Huh? [Darkonda isn't there.] Ecliptor: He's gone. (looks at the Quantrons) Am I talking to dead air or are any of you processing at least _some_ of my orders? [They all tilt their heads to the side and mumble in their Quantron-babble.] Ecliptor: I should have expected that. Back to the fortress! [Ecliptor and the Quantrons teleport away.] ------------------------- "?" by: Krissy/Kat Luck...Or Fate? Tommy Oliver stood next to his 4x4, watching as Rocky DeSantos, Adam Park, and Jason Lee Scott threw their things into the back. "This was a great idea," Tommy remarked. "I really think we needed this trip away from the girls and everything that's distracting in life." "Yeah." Jason agreed. "And it worked out perfectly how Kat was invited to go Australia to visit her aunt." Katherine Hillard's aunt, Paula, was studying a new breed of monkeys and invited Kat up for spring break. Tanya Sloan, Kat's best friend, was also invited. Tanya had agreed hurriedly, because she loved animals. And because the guys had no plans, they decided to go up to the Mountains in Colorado. In fact the lodge is called Snow Bunny Lodge. "Ready to go?" Tommy asked them a few minutes later as they tied a tarp over the back of the truck. "Yes!" Rocky said. "And I call shot-gun!" Rolling their eyes, they split up into two groups. Jason and Rocky headed to Jason's van, while Adam hopped up into the truck with Tommy. -------------------------------- "WE NEED HELP" By: Jeremy Hutchins On a hot sunny day in Angel Grove everything was going just perfect untill an eclipse came about. On Astronamas Dark Fortress Ecliptor was using a machine to control the moon so he could move it in front of the sun. He was showing off to Astronama becasuse Dark Konda said to Ecliptor " You are a week loser!!! and you are useless for Astronama. After all I would of been her protector as a child because I kidnapped her. Dark Spector just felt if I stood with her she would of hated me for what I did to her. So he picked the next best soul You......". Ecliptors plan was to darken the earth and send Quantrons all over the world not just Angel Grove . Its a great Plan but will it work?? Mean while on the Astromega Ship the rangers are stuned with whats been going on. They are so fustrated. They still have not found Zordon and now this. D.E.C.A. said to Andros that the rangers would not be able to stop the Quantrons alone and that they would need help very quickly. Ashley thought of a idea that might just work. In the mean time Ashley is working with Alpha as the other rangers go to Angel Grove first. While the rangers are fighting Ashley calls Andros telling him to return back to the ship. On the Dark Fortress Astronama is very happy with Ecliptor. He got his honor back. Ashley was talking with Andros telling him the first part of the plan. It was to send Andros to the Dark Fortress and destroy Ecliptors machine and the second plan was to go back into time of the earlier rangers and ask them to send all of the zords starting with the original DinoZords then they could destroy all of the Quantrons alot easier. Andros snuck onto the Fortress and found Ecliptors machine. Dark Konda was walking to the machine and he was about to destroy so he could make Ecliptor look bad again but Andros came out and attacked him with his power punch by using his battlelizer. The fight was on. Back in Angel Grove Ecliptor was fighting the 4 rangers which were losing very badly and needed help fast. On the AstroMega Ship Alpha was able to send the message in the past. They got a response. Within a couple of minutes there were all the zords, ready for battle. Under remote controls D.E.C.A. was operating all of them. Ashley morphed using #s 335. Enter. She was ready. She said "It's time for Astro megazord power"!!! Now all the zords were on Earth in downtown Angel Grove. As soon as Ecliptor saw them his mouth opened for the first time.( Joke ) He was in total shock. All the zords started to fly around the world collecting Quantrons for scrap metal. Still on the Dark Fortress Andros was able to destroy the machine and humiliate Dark konda. Ecliptor was so angry he just left and returned back to the Dark Fortress. Dark Konda was trying to explain to Astronama that the red Power Ranger destroyed the machine and attacked him. Astronama told him " If there was a ranger on the ship why didn't an alarm go off?? HUH?? " Dark Konda replied they were turned off". Astronama said please you hated Ecliptor and was trying to make me get angry at him. Get out of here or I will destroy you just like what I did to Elgar"!!!!!!. Astronama aplogized to Ecliptor for never beleiving him and told him to show Dark Konda the Door." My pleasure" said Ecliptor. "What goes around comes around" and oh yeah my big brother Andros better not mess with me for a while said Astronama. Back on the Astro Megaship everyone was so happy. The rangers thanked Ashley for thinking of such a great plan. The rangers still need to save Zordon and Andros is still beging for his sister to come with him. Andros said to himself There will always be a place in my heart for you. ------------------------------------ ********************** *Season 1 ; Episode 1* ********************** Power Rangers: The Next Adventure By: SKIDDRED@aol.com "The Welcoming Party" The giant ball of fire was soaring through Earth's atmosphere, and it was heading straight for Angel Grove Park. A few seconds later in Angel Grove, people spotted the fire ball heading straight for them and everyone was frantic. "Oh my God!" one man said. "Everyone, get away!" said another. People were running in every direction including Evan and Jennifer whose families had just moved to Angel Grove. "What's going on?" asked Jennifer. "I don't know, let's ask someone," Evan replied. They went to the next person they saw. It was an African-American boy named Michael. "Hey, I'm Evan and this is Jennifer, and we were wondering if you could tell us what is going on?" Evan said to Michael. "I'm Mike and are you two blind? Look!" Mike said pointing to the sky. "Oh no! What are we going to do?" Jennifer and Evan said. "Come on," said Mike, "We'll take shelter back here." So Jennifer and Evan followed Mike behind a building where two other kids their age were also hiding. "Looks like you had the same idea we did," said the boy, "I'm Daniel and this is Stacy." "Hi!" Mike, Jennifer, and Evan said. "I'm Mike, this is Jennifer, and this is Evan," said Mike. "Nice to meet you, but we'd better get ready for the impact of that meteor because it's getting ready to crash!" said Stacy frantically. Within ten seconds of that statement, Angel Grove Park went from a peaceful tourist attraction to an empty, firery nothingness. "Oh man! What a mess!" Evan said to the others. "Yeah, I can't beleive my eyes!" said Stacy. Meanwhile, some unexpected visitors had returned to Earth. They appeared at the ruins of the Power Base. It was Zordon and the new Alpha 7! "Alpha, begin the rebuilding process. Earth is in grave danger!" Zordon said. --------------------- Season 2 is now in progress and I hope to begin posting it in July or August on My web site. --------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION COLUMN ----------------------------- No Questions. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROFILES ------------- E-Mail: HANAKO98@aol.com Real Name: Lauren Kasimer Age: 17 and 3/4 Reason for liking PR: "fights" and Austin St. John (Jason) Fave Ranger: Cassie Fave Episodes: 7/8th's of the original season. Hey, I like antiques. Fave Quote: "It's morphin' time!" I can get at least 5 preschool kids in a class Of 115 to turn around. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VICE-PRESIDENT CORNER ------------------------------------ Hey everybody it's me Jeremy your Vice-President and starting on May 27th I will be the acting club President. If you may have not heard Donte will be off line probably untill August untill he gets his new computer at home. So if any of use have club problems or questions please e-mail me starting on May 27th and please don't hesitate to. I will also be making a monthly Vice-President Newsletter in which I will tell you about any up coming chats, any info that I found out on the show. I will ask a power question and one thing I would like from you is just a little coment about the season finale episode and how you liked it. I will post some of the results on my Vice President Newsletter. Best thing is I will make it as fun as possible!!!!!!!!! Lady's and Gentlemen Boy's and Girl's children of all ages I would like to introduce to you the new Assistant Vice President>>>>>>> Andrew Wiggen I wish him good luck even though I'm sure he will do fine on his job in assisting me and helping me out with the club and evreryone once again Congradulations!!!!!!!!!!! to Andrew . If you want to e-mail him his e-mail is andrewwiggin@juno.com Here are our winners from the Power Question which was: Which two rangers in Japan are kids? The Winners: Timo82 and Ranmaro1 both at AOL They are the Gold and White Ranger's even though the gold ranger was over 1,000 years old he still had the body of a little kid. The white ranger was just a little kid. Thanx alot everybody and I hope I get some e-mail responses. Teleporting Out. Jeremy Hutchins Vice-President of D-Power Rangers Fanclub CybervrJ3@aol.com -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MESSAGE BOARD ------------------------ SKIDDRED@aol.com is looking for every episode in season 3 from Ninja Quest pt 1 to Hogday Afternoon pt. II -------------------------- Klingon918@aol.com is looking for any PR fonts -------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHECK IT OUT! -------------------- -------cool sites to see during the summer! http://northpole.simplenet.com http://prc.simplenet.com http://www.angelfire.com/de/Donte http://members.aol.com/Trekster81 http://aereps.com/PRMania http://ic.www.media.mit.edu/Personal/manny/power ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EPISODE SUMMARYS part 2 ------------------------------------- ----------------By: Donte Frazier (dontef@hotmail.com) Here are summarys of the last eight episodes From Power Rangers in Space's first season. Episode 9 "The Craterite Invasion" Plot: When the computer generated Craterites get loose, the rangers must Stop them. One Problem-They're disguised As humans! Featured Villian: Craterites Featured Ranger: All Episode 10 "The Wasp with a heart" Plot: Cassie discovers a monster with a heart. Can she save him before the evil Waspicable gets ahold Of him? Featured Villian: Waspicable Featured Ranger: Cassie Episode 11 "The Delta Discovery" Plot: When the Phantom Ranger shows up to save Zordon, he Gets injured and Contacts the Rangers. Meanwhile Astronema Sends her new monster down to terrorize the earth. Can the Rangers hold off this new foe While Andros searches for A new zord. Featured Villian: Unnamed lizard monster Featured Ranger: Andros Episode 12 "The Great Evilyzer" Plot: When Astronema turns the Delta Megazord evil, It attacks the Rangers. Can they stop it in time to save the city? Featured Villian: Evil Delta Megazord Featured Ranger: Andros Episode 13 "Grandma Matchmaker" Plot: While Ashley's visiting Grandma is trying to find a husband for her, Astronema llets loose Mamamite and her hungry children. Who eat anything, even the Ranger's weapons! Featured Villian: Mamamite and children Featured Ranger: Ashley Episode 14 "The Barillian Sting" Plot: When Darkonda, the dark bounty hunter, arrives, he brings with him the Barillian bug, which stings Carlos. Can the Rangers find the antidote? Featured Villian: Darkonda and Barillian bug Featured Ranger: T.J. and Andros Episode 15 "T.J.'s Identity Crisis" Plot: When Darkonda and Ecliptor join, creating Darkliptor, T.J. gets amnesia from a blow to the head and Carlos, Cassie and Ashley get captured. Can T.J. regain his memory in time to help Andros stop Darkliptor? Featured Villian: Darkliptor Featured Ranger: Andros and T.J. Episode 16 "Flashes of Darkonda" Plot: When Darkonda offers Andros's sister for Zordon's key cards, can Andros Resist? Featured Villian: Darkonda Featured Ranger: Andros Prepare to see these in an episode guide soon! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TRIVIA ---------- Here are the winners and answers. Winner: The prize is a space ranger pic Answers --------- "this situation is very interesting" Andros from "Grandma Matchmaker" "I'm certified turtlfied!" D.E.C.A. from "Shell Shocked" when the turtles Reprogrammed her. ------- ----Just for fun---- Answer -------- Q: Were the Zords named after zordon or was zordon named after The zords? A: In the very first episode of Power rangers Zordon was Named Zoltron and the zords were zords. Later, Zordon's name got Changed. So, you can say that he was named after the Zords. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUMMER CHAT DATES ------------------------------- Jeremy will post the times in his NL, but Here are some dates. Remember, Jeremy could change them. So, look in his NL. Dates ----- Friday June 12 Wensday June 24 Friday July 3 Sunday July 12 Friday July 22 Thursday August 6 And Sunday August 16 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SEE YA' IN AUGUST --------------------------- COMING IN AUGUST: The 2nd Season Priemere issue! Coming late August early September! See ya soon! And don't forget To watch PR In Reruns 6 days A week on FOXKIDS! --------------President --------------Donte Frazier --------------dontef@hotmail.com --------------Vice-President --------------Jeremy Hutchins ---------------CybervrJ3@aol.com --------------Andrew Wiggin ---------------andrewwiggin@juno.com Don't forget to check out the website at: http://www.angelfire.com/de/Donte/index.html