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Email received 8/14/01

I read your webpage was surprized to see a reference to my dad, George T. Johnson from Wichita, Kansas. One small correction, however. My dad was never a Lieutenant nor was he in the Marines. He was a CWO-3 in the U.S.Army. He, too, received the Distinguished Flying Cross for the incident you described. General Westmoreland pinned it on him himself. My dad retired from the Army in 1968 and then 22 years later, retired from Beech Aircraft. He has had a lifelong interest in aviation and, this coming Friday, is being inducted into the Black Aviators Hall of Fame. I couldn't be more proud.

Thank you for the detailed description of what happened that day. My dad doesn't talk about Vietnam much and I don't think I really understood what happened until I read your webpage.

Victoria L. (Johnson) Beineke