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Unofficial Suede Info and Picture Page

I have gathered up a bit of helpful information so that you can get yourself updated on who the band Suede is!! Please feel free to copy the pictures! Which reminds me I should thank all those wonderful people who created Suede pages and had excellent pictures up (which of course I copied with permission!!)
The band started when Brett and Mat got together back in 1989. Soon Justine Frischmann and Bernard Butler would join the band and they would begin doing gigs with the aid of a drum machine. It was not long after that they met up with Simon who became their drummer. After a while the group started to change it's faces. Justine left to begin Elastica and Bernard Butler left not long after that to begin a solo career. It was time to find another guitar player, Richard was there man. Not long after that, Neil came to the band.

Suede today are Brett Anderson, Richard Oakes, Mat Osman, Simon Gilbert and Neil Codling.

Introducing the Band

Brett Anderson - (Vocal)

Brett was born in Haywards, Heath in the year 1967.
"There's no meaning with my life but to be in Suede, none at all. I would stop exsisting; there is absolutely nothing else I care about. I'm definitely not interested in getting up in the morning if it hasn't got to do with music. That's the only thing I know I can do really well, so I put my soul and all my time in it. There is nothing else..."

Neil Codling - (Keyboards)

Neil is the cousin of Simon Gilbert and actually joined the band by accident. Neil has written songs for the band such as "Starcrazy" and "The chemistry between us".
"His entrance was very filmic - it was like the Doors movie. We heard beautiful music trickling from a far room....(like the opening bars to 'Light My Fire') Who is this? He must join our band. He came in to borrow a suit from Simon (his cousin) and just sort of....stayed." -Brett

Simon Gilbert - (Drums)

Simon Gilbert was picked up from the band when they saw him selling tickets at ULU in june 1991. Simon is the oldest member of Suede, born in 1965.

Richard Oakes - (guitar)

Richard joined the band as a replacement for Bernard Butler. When Suede advertised they needed a guitarist, Richard sent them a tape along with a written letter. In the letter he did not say he would love to play for them, but he said he could really do something for them. It was this that got him the audition. Once Richard started playing with the band, everyone knew he was the one. Richard was not only amazing but he became one of Suede's principal writers.

Mat Osman - (Bass)

Mat, born in 1967, was the one who started the band with Brett. Mat has only written one song for the band, Europe is our Playground, and claims he will never write again. Even though the song was so great???

There you have it, the band! For all of you who know everything about Suede, don't worry I know this page isn't that great!

Pictures of the Band
Pictures of Brett Anderson
Pictures of Neil Codling
Pictures of Richard Oakes
Pictures of Mat Osman
Pictures of Simon Gilbert

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