Rest well my brothers
For your end of watch is here
But rejoice now my brothers
For Heaven's gates are near
We've all feared that call
The one that might be our last
And on the 11th of September
Into that Hellish nightmare you were cast
Public Safety as a whole
Owes you all a great debt
Your courage and strength
We will never forget
Up until that day
Most people didn't understand
Why even in the depths of Hell
There we are, willing to lend a hand
It's not for the money
And it's not for the fame
For most people I know in this job
Would do it for free just the same
For we love what we are
And we love what we do
We do it for our families
And we do it for you
So rest well my brothers
You are no longer needed here
But you will be remembered always
With each and every single tear
Written in memory of the countless Public Safety Professionals who lost their lives September 11, 2001.
Thank God for men and women like these, willing to sacrifice their own lives in order to save a few.
though they didn't know the people they were sent to save, they selflessly put their lives on the line to reach
out to them.
Let's not let their memories vanish. Let's not let their murders be in vain. Pray for the ones who are left here that protect you every day.
Try not to have harsh words or thoughts about them when you see them doing their jobs. It could be that same Police Officer you cursed yesterday for writing you a traffic citation who works into the cold dark night to find your little girl who wandered off into the woods and couldn't find her way home. It could be that same Fire Fighter you got upset with for cutting you off in traffic yesterday who pulls you from a bomb torn building tomorrow. We don't look for handouts or even a "thank you" for what we do. We do it because we all believe in the same thing. A better tomorrow for our children free from crime and violence where they can grow up in freedom and security. Help us give it to them.
Written by CS Smith
Police Officer in Georgia