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HJJJ The children of Hubert Le Roux

We have seen in the preceding pages that Hubert Le Roux (the son) died in 1681 and left his widow with three very young children and also that his children were brought up in the house of their adoptive father Gabriel Cardinal who was the second husband of their mother, and later on by a man known as Lory.

One may find a contract drawn up by a notary (solicitor) seventeen years after the death of their father; this document show us many interesting details about our ancestor and his family. It is a deed of retrocedence by a man named Jean Paré towards the heirs of Hubert Le Roux of a grant of a piece of land of four acres of frontage and of twenty acres long. Gabriel Cardinal the stepfather had sold this land for an amount of 50 pounds. This land came to Gabriel Cardinal through his wife, the widow of Hubert Le Roux.

In 1698, the children were aging and becoming more knowledgeable of this whole deal. (one has to be informed that Anne-Marie Vanzègue was at the time separated from Gabriel Cardinal and had to give away her children to a man named Lory who received them as his own as she was sentenced to jail for having operated an illegal and supposedly immoral kind of tavern who which alcohol to Indians) and the oldest daughter, Charlotte, was now married for many years. They scrutinized the deeds and realized that the land belonged to their father way before the marriage agreement contract with their mother and never belonged to their step-father Gabriel Cardinal who was never entitled to dispose of this land. They made these facts known to the buyer Jean Paré and summoned him to give back this land, except for the appeal of Jean Paré against his seller Cardinal to be reimbursed.

Jean Paré immediately recognized the merits of the heirs’ claim and voluntarily conceded and officially remitted the land.

This deed tells us that our ancestor at the time of his marriage was already in Canada and had the time and leisure to acquire a piece of land, furthermore, this deed gives us the information that this land was located at Sault-Louis (now known to be located in Lachine (Québec) Canada) the summons and the retrocession were to the name of Claude Leblond (who was married to the eldest daughter Charlotte Le Roux). Claude Leblond was acting for and in the name of his under age sister-in-law Jeanne eighteen years old and also his brother-in-law Jean who was twenty years old. Claude Leblond took upon himself the task to have both his under age brother-in-law and sister-in-law approve the retrocession deed when they came to the age of majority. Jean(also called Jean-Baptiste elsewhere) also appears himself and takes upon himself to approve the deed when he will come to the age of majority. Legally, this pledging of Jean was not worth more then as of today, but it worth morally and the morality worth so much more then compared as to-day.