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Hubert Le Roux came and settle in Montreal


Our ancestor arrived in Canada in between 1668 and 1672. Hubert’s name did not appear on the 1667 general census of the settlers in this new colony (Canada). Hubert is also not on the list of the census-taker; and as he married at the 1673 autumn, there are grounds to believe that Hubert had been in the colony at least a year and possibly four or five years. (Hubert did arrive after the census and before 1672).

The first notice where our ancestor can be traced is when he signed the act of his marriage contract before notary (barrister/solicitor) Bening Bassett on November 7th 1673.

One may read extract of this marriage contract : Hubert Le Roux born in 1646 who possesses a

farm land at the Sault St-Louis, parish of Lachine, baptized in Vitry-le-François in France, master furrier, peltry merchant, son of Hubert Le Roux and of Madeleine VERNIER

Spouse to be: Anne-Marie Fannexeke dit Phansèque
(real name is Van Zeigt) born in 1657,

daughter of Christian Vanzèque
(real name is Van Zeigt) and of Anne-Catherine Phananque.

The marriage is to take place on November 20th 1673 in Notre-Dame Parish in Montreal.

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