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Welcome to the Sabbat

Sabbat info

This means war.
War on the Antediluvians. War against Gehenna. War against the Camarilla, the Inconnu and the cagey independents. War against the witch-hunters, the werewolves, the cowardly anarchs and the herds of humanity. For some vampires, this means war on the very sect to which they belong.
Welcome to the Sabbat. Please keep your arms inside the vehicle, otherwise someone might rip them off and hand them back to you.
For the Sabbat, being a vampire means being a soldier in a holy war on the ancient, cannibalistic monsters who passed on the curse of Caine in the nights of old. The Antediluvians--and their mindless puppets, the vampires of the Camarilla--seek to bring the fiery bloodstorm of Gehenna on the world and devour their wayward childer. The Sabbat really doesn't want that to happen. As part of those selfsame wayward childer, they have better things to do than die at the fangs of their malignant progenitors. After all, they have a world to conquer.
To the Sabbat, the eternal struggle is a matter of "us against them", in which "them" means everyone who is not of the sect. Although they aren't above a bit of Borgia-esque intrigue or an alliance of convenience, ultimately, the sect comes first. Fanatics to the last, Sabbat vampires gladly throw themselves into the fire for their sect, falling on their foes in legions, tearing their enemies apart just as a pack of wolves brings down its prey.
At least, this is how the vampires of the Sabbat seem to others. In truth, the matter is much more complex--isn't it always? Neither the mindless barbarians nor the infernal zealots others who know of them portray them to be, vampires of the Sabbat run dangerously close to becoming so. Having turned their back on humanity, Sabbat vampires understand that they are Damned, creatures of the Beast. Rather than bemoan the loss of what they once were, Sabbat vampire revel in their monstrosity--they are more than human, cursed in nature for moving beyond the limits of humankind. And, as is always the case with the Damned, Sabbat are vampires first and sect-members second.
Of course, this means the sect is as rife with treachery, rivalry and outright hostility as any other group of "Kindred"--a term of weakness among the sons and daughters of Caine. The sect is sick, rotting from within, yet rebelling against its own collapse with a ferocity unmatched by other vampires anywhere.
It's not a great time to be alive, and its a hellish time to be undead. But what choice do you have?
(GS pg 11)
